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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by justhookit

  1. Thanks everyone. We did a shaggy trip back when I had the old boat in Port A so hopefully some of y’all can make it down to do one in Costa Rica soon.
  2. Tree fiddy. Boat prices have gone bonkers the last few years as you know, but I feel like I got a really good deal on this one.
  3. Y’all still have the invite.
  4. Viking. As much as I wanted to pull the trigger on a custom I just couldn’t justify it so went with another Viking. My experience with their boats has been excellent.
  5. Good meeting your wife and you again too. And meeting for the 3rd time in the club. See y’all at one of the next ones. Thanks @immamac as always and @MissingInAction and @Nicole44 pleasure as always.
  6. Offer accepted yesterday, surveys scheduled over the next few weeks. If all checks out this is the new PortAfino in about a month.
  7. That’s the best time of year for redfish. October is the best month of the year here. Weekends will be a little crowded but you should find plenty of room the further south you go on the beach.
  8. I can’t always remember people I met last week, plus I was likely drunk.
  9. You and Sydney going to the Wyoming game? Need to put a face to you 2 asshats. I’ll hit the tailgate and then I’m pretty sure my seats are right near y’alls. 39B
  10. Well, that’s something. That was a Stripes - and a small one - so it will be interesting to see what they do with the space. They are keeping the existing building and remodeling the interior. It’s 3 blocks from my house so I’ll definitely be aware of its progresss and will check it out when it opens.
  11. I’m not a fan but yeah it’s a sports bar with food. Personally I’d eat before and then watch the game wherever, Bernie’s actually has pretty decent food and good TV’s. I’d invite you over but I’m watching the game at a friends house.
  12. Any idea where it’s going to be? Good Food would be a major plus otherwise it’s going to be really tough to make it here. 4 or 5 bars have opened on the last year or 2 and 2 have already gone out of business.
  13. Yeah this storm is way stronger than what I was expecting. Very strong wind gusts here in Port A and currently 5 tornado warnings inland north and northwest of us.
  14. Great. That’s exactly what we fucking need here.
  15. I don’t think some of y’all understand how the Port A economy works. Nobody can afford to open a restaurant on the water for fine dining anymore and even if they could you can’t staff it with quality people. Thus, you end up with places like Virginia’s, Grumbles, and FINS (which is way underrated by the way). You would not believe the sales numbers of those places. Also it did have the best seafood restaurant on the water for years - Pelican Club. Sadly, dining options here in town aren’t what they were 10 years ago with the loss of that restaurant and Marcel’s. For fine dining, Venetian Hot Plate is in a class by itself here. Lisabella’s is probably second but way overpriced. Same problem with Phoenix. Roosevelt’s is hit and miss. I really enjoy the dining at Black Marlin but it’s a little more casual than those places. Their new building will be interesting to see what they do with. edit- when the new marina gets built at Charlie’s pasture we hopefully will see a wharf style shop/restaurant venue out there.
  16. 55 hours on a 10 year old boat always means that the engines have been rebuilt, at least in the diesel world. Might apply in this case.
  17. http://4costaricafishing.com This is the best outfit down there. The head guy Bobby McGuinness is kind of a prick, but he can fish. He runs their big boats though and it sounds like you’d be fine with their smaller boats.
  18. Ha, that’s one of the boats I looked at. Doesn’t come with the girl though. it’s got too many hours on it for me. The boat not the girl.
  19. Ended up postponing the trip until the 2nd week of August. If things work out there I’ll be spending quite a bit of time in August and September there.
  20. In CR now taking stuff off the boat looks like it will finally sell. This is first choice for the upgrade. Sticking with a Viking. Talked myself out of a custom even though it’s always been a dream.
  21. I mean, it’s still dark but they’ve really fixed it up. I might even call it nice.
  22. And the new one still isn’t open dammit. I heard the other day it will be soon though. That empty lot where Shorty’s was should soon be an outdoor area for the people that bought the Flats building. The new bar is looking good on the inside.
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