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NorLa Horns

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  1. All we need is Ketch confirming the Texas commit for a proper kiss of death
  2. Aint nobody got time to watch all that tape!!
  3. Snidely Whiplash is Texas new mascot.
  4. Talent/ culture combo is the difference with Texas focusing on them? Committing NIL to them as opposed to others?
  5. Ive got a solution. Kana has to eat the same thing Sydir eats. Sydir still might eat himself out of a scholarship. But, akana will be 300 plus, easy.
  6. This sir, is base slander. Louisiana folks can read just fine. They move their lips as they read. But they do get it done. Now this voodoo of the intranet and indoor plumbing is a whole different thing.
  7. Ketch hasnt put his 2 cents in yet. Ketch is to recruiting what Louisiana is to roads.
  8. The peanut hullabaloo has blown over, and they gonna slide him in on the quiet. Are we sure he hasn't kicked any crippled kids down the steps or anything lately?
  9. Louisiana can fuck up anything
  10. No sir. I-10 around Lafayette is smooth as a babies bottom. I think the guy in charge of Louisiana roads lives there. Only explanation for why the rest of the state is the public roads version of dysentery, and that one little stretch is a real honest to God driveable road.
  11. Geez. Can we get a chicken fried steak derail in here, stat
  12. Mom! There's a horse head at the door
  13. Then? It's a toss up on which was shittier. Now? Pine street is closed and whats not torn down is falling down. And I havent been past westlawn in a coons age to even know whats going on over there. And T High has the ( for an old) new middle school, so I guess it dont matter.
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