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Everything posted by Landomatic

  1. No shit? That's pretty much the exact same process I went through. I was under the impression for some reason that the government themselves didn't have a mail in option (no CR). I was also under the impression that they were a lot slower. So, in a nutshell, I paid around $200 in expedited fees total, some of which covered the government's expedited processing and shipping fees. And you paid somewhere around $100 total for the exact same thing and got yours a few days faster. About the only thing I can see that rushmypassport.com did for me for the extra $100 was possibly check my application before it went to the government for anything I missed or did wrong. I think they literally just had me do exactly what you did, and the extra couple days was probably the 2 days express shipping to get it to the expediting service, which then turned around and sent it to the government. tl:dr - For those of you following at home, use travel.state.gov and not rushmypassport.com. Exact same process, but save yourself the extra $100 and get your passport a little quicker by cutting out the expediting service which appears to do very little, if anything. And turn-around times look to be right around 4 weeks for expedited service right now.
  2. Oh right...so, my math was jacked. You actually gained a couple days. So, if anything, you actually saved time on yours. What all did you have to do to get it?
  3. Got mine today too. Submitted on 10/18. So, yep...gained a whole day by using the service.
  4. But, we're Tex... Ah fuck I can't even type that sarcastically these days.
  5. Landomatic

    CDC letter

    Are you fucking serious? Maybe I'm misreading your post, but we have better fucking players than fucking Kansas. Period. End of story. We also have more poorly coached players than Kansas too. Excuse making, no accountability, point the finger, entitled mentality like that is part of the problem. Gee wiz, these poor kids might be more athletically gifted across the board than Kansas, but you can't expect them to have more desire and be smarter than Kansas. We've just had too much attrition for that, which isn't anybody's fault. GTFO of here with that shit.
  6. Landomatic

    CDC letter

    Eh, if it were geared toward recruits, it would have been a tweetable/gramable screenshot meme graphic type thing, as was the case with the Herman "endorsement". Recruits don't read letters.
  7. Landomatic

    CDC letter

    Well, it may have been partly geared toward that. More to try to talk donors off the ledge though in my opinion.
  8. Landomatic

    CDC letter

    Do you even damage control, bro?
  9. Fuckin a man. I love it.
  10. Landomatic

    CDC letter

    5:30 of this video made me cringe when I watched it live and it makes me cringe even more today...
  11. This article makes it sound a little more definitive... Too bad...would have been fun to watch.
  12. Fake account. Truck’s not burgundy and not a single SECSECSEC or aggy sticker or piece of clothing in sight
  13. Yeah, so far, from what I can tell, the $200ish I spent for the expediting service was probably a waste of money from an actual time standpoint. Not sure what the exact process would have been without it. When I went to do check into doing it, all I was hearing/reading is A) what a beating the process is, and B) how long everything was taking. So, in a nutshell, I used them mostly just to eliminate some of the beating factor and to be sure I'd dotted every i and crossed every t, which they did a pretty good job of helping ensure. I'd been hearing that getting an appointment at the local county courthouse/government agency/whatever was a nightmare...can never get through to make the appointment, once you do get someone on the phone, appointments are weeks out, etc jut for the application. Had also heard that you can just go down to the courthouse (or whatever) and wait in line if you don't have an appointment, but that you have to get there at like 6:00AM to stand in line outside before they open and put your name in, which leads to a full day of waiting at said government building, to then hopefully get you in sometime late afternoon to start the application process. Fuck that. I was feeling panicked and that money was probably for peace of mind if nothing else. With so many unknowns surrounding it all due to covid and what looked to be a constantly moving goalpost, I just wanted to be sure I'd covered my ass as much as possible. And the process was pretty easy, so no regerts I guess.
  14. Aaaaand…I just got confirmation that my passport has been shipped and is on its way back to me. I think (fingers crossed) that means I’ll have it on Thursday 11/18. So just over 4 weeks.
  15. Yeah, he (and Charlie) weren’t hard for people to get behind, or at least make sense of. Sark always felt like a much bigger reach than either one of them.
  16. Hadn't heard that. Reliable source? I'd have thought Fachini would be the first to go of his concepts. Nothing ever lasts in that space.
  17. So, just over 5 weeks? Is my math right on that? Did you use a service or anything? Yesterday was 4 weeks for mine (using rushmypassport.com) and I still don't have it. Shitty thing is, even though my trip isn't until 12/7 (which is right at 7 weeks from when I submitted it), I only have until 11/22 (5 weeks) to cancel hotel or I lose half the total. Cutting it close.
  18. That, or could be that the best restaurants in Dallas are naturally located where the largest population combined with the highest discretionary income happen to reside?
  19. Huh, I just heard similar talk over the weekend from a buddy of mine who works at Amazon corporate and was around Sark in Seattle circles when he was at UW. He was going off about how Sark is a classless loser with no moral compass and is a shitty human being. I thought he was just talking about the booze at first, and he said, "Dude, that was the least of his problems. He's a scumbag." I know the drinking was common knowledge, but I'd never heard questionable things about his character before. My buddy acted like it was just common knowledge. 🤷‍♂️
  20. What? You can't be serious. Rhule walked into the aftermath of one of the biggest scandals in college football, in the shit hole town of Waco, with a roster that was all allowed out of their commitments/scholarships because of the rapes, at fucking Baylor, which had been the perennial doormat of the Big 12 before Briles got there and started cheating his ass off. Sark came into Texas, the richest program in football, a blueblood with consistent top 10 recruiting talent, who had just gotten rid of their 2nd failed coach to follow a legend who won a National Championship. If you think the two situations, outside of they were both new coaches in Texas, are even remotely comparable, you need to find a new drug dealer.
  21. Oh, I know...I voted for 3 years. It's just mind-bottling if you step back and think about it in the context of the real world outside of college football coaching.
  22. Imagine having a job that pays you millions of dollars regardless of how good or shitty you are at it, and the majority of people thinking you should get at least 3 years to show you can do a decent job at it.
  23. Well, that part's working.
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