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Everything posted by Landomatic

  1. More of a tear-down than a rebuild. Demo takes time
  2. But, every team we’ve lost to is literally loaded with more talent than us, at every single position (except running back)
  3. Meh
  4. If true, all signs point to Dykes. Which will be an incredibly lame, boring, overly safe and undoubtedly failed choice. That dude is Tom Herman 2.0 plus a failed stop at a P5 with an NFL level quarterback. But hey, old stiff white guy with by gawd Texas ties. Good luck with that.
  5. The entire city of Berkeley should be pissed at the City of Berkeley (per having visited my in-laws there)
  6. You're missing a pretty big gap in there between top 10ish classes and top 20ish-top 40ish classes. TCU recruiting has averaged ranked around 25th the last 5 years without him. I think Deion immediately improves that number and maybe fairly substantially. I think he could consistently recruit around the bottom of the elite/bluebloods and the top of the next tier, so somewhere in the top 20ish range, in pretty short order. Which, let's be honest, is probably about all TCU could ever hope for. Now, that doesn't change your overall premise, which I think you're spot on about. But it does make it less of a factor for sure. If he could recruit at a top 20ish level and assemble a good to great staff at TCU, he'd win enough in the Big 12 to keep a job for quite a while. Plus add a ton of other intangibles that would excite the fanbase/boosters/etc (assuming he ran a clean program). Hell, the more I think about it, he could be right in TCU's wheelhouse. Won't happen, but it would be fun to watch.
  7. I think you're diminishing him with thinking his recruiting edge would be all about how famous he is. Sure, his fame is great and all, and it would get him in just about every door in the country (including elite recruits who are considering Texas, Alabama, tOSU, etc), not just in the state of Texas. But, his true recruiting advantages would be much bigger than that. First, there's the whole NIL thing. There's nobody in all of football who's better at marking himself than Deion. He's as good as it gets at self-promotion, endorsements, etc. He pretty much wrote the book on all that shit. Like it or not, getting to "the league" (hell he played in the NFL and MLB) and having success after that, all of it largely through endorsement deals, will become the name of the game in college football going forward. He would sell the shit outa' that when it comes to recruiting. Then there's his personality. That dude's energy and confidence are infectious. He may rub some people wrong, but I think on the whole, most people who are around him for even a little bit, find him really hard not to like. Some of his antics in the past may have come off as a bit of a clown show, but as mentioned earlier, I think he knows his audience. He's worked in stiff white corporate America (at least the sports version of it) when he was on air and with various endorsements, so he can undoubtedly turn it off and on when he needs to. Plus he's 54 years old now, so he's probably outgrown some of that. He seems like the kind of guy guy who can own the room regardless of whatever room he's in. He would sell the shit outa' that when it comes to recruiting. Then there's the parents. Deion is a huge mentoring kids guy and has dedicated a lot of his life to it. He's really big on family and family values. He's had great success after his playing career ended. He's a huge Jesus guy. He's never been in any kind of real trouble off the field that I can remember. A lot of parents would eat that shit up, particularly parents in a large portion of the market he'd be recruiting. He would sell the shit outa' that when it comes to recruiting. Then there's the DFW market. Deion has chosen to make his life here. He's raised his family here, he's made connections here, he knows high schools here, he's made a ton of local media appearances here, he's done charity work here. He didn't chose to go back to Florida where he's from. Even through all of his TV years, he lived here. Plus he's a Dallas Cowboy (he doesn't identify as a Falcon, a 49er, a Redskin or a Raven) and he doesn't call any of those places home, despite playing at all of them before or after Dallas. And whether you're a fan of the Dallas Cowboys or not, they are the #1 franchise in the WORLD in all of sports when it comes to brand value and marketability. There's a reason damn near every national sports broadcast has a heavy emphasis on the Cowboys and a large portion of the on-air talent are former Cowboys. He and the Jones family still have a great relationship and he'd have unprecedented access, at least to a certain extent, to all of it, including several famous former Cowboy players. He would sell the shit outa' that when it comes to recruiting. Again, I don't think there's any way in hell this happens, but if you think Deion's recruiting edge at TCU would simply be because he's famous, I think you're selling him incredibly short. He isn't a Gruden (cringe) type situation where people said, "oh all the kids will recognize him because he's on TV so I bet he could recruit." He's got a ton more going for him, especially for TCU, than that. That said, you're 100% right on the rest of it. Having to actually develop players, scheme, put a great staff together (although by all accounts he's done great at this at JSU), game day coach, etc. are all things that are huge question marks, which is exactly why I don't think there's any way in hell this even comes close to happening. I know we were busting each other's balls earlier, but coaching at TCU is a whole other level than the coaching resume he's got so far.
  8. I think Deion knows how and when to turn things off and on with his persona. He could be like the Drake of college football. Is Drake the best rapper ever? No, probably not even close. But he can switch from being the whitest Jew in a room full of stiff executives to the most thug brother on the streets with his music, seemingly fairly effortlessly...and damn that dude's successful across a ton of different platforms. Deion, best actual football coach ever? No, probably not even close. But I think he could kill it at a ton of other coaching shit necessary to be really successful.
  9. He's got Jackson State at 8-1 which is nice and all, but his relatively limited body of work in actual coaching would be the main concern there. He's only been coaching at any level since 2017, so he's on year 5 total, but he was Offensive Coordinator at a Texas HS for 3 of those years (excluding whatever joke of a shit show that whole Prime Prep Academy thing was - he did that for 5 years). So, he's been a college coach for a total of not even 2 whole years. So, yeah...the actual "coaching" part of the job of Head Coach at TCU is definitely his biggest question mark. That said, he'd score good to great in just about every other conceivable category when it comes to wearing the many hats of a Head Coach at that level (recruiting, marketing, fund raising, energy, relating to kids these days, Texas/DFW connections, media relations, glad-handing boosters, skins on the wall, etc). And some of it would be off the charts great. Hell, in this transfer portal, NIL world we're living in now, hiring a guy like him and what he'd bring to the table in those regards, may be really progressive thinking. Doubtful it will really even come close to happening, but I can see why TCU would at least give him a look. Hiring Deion would kind of be like going for 2 to win the Super Bowl when kicking an extra point would tie it and take you to overtime. If it works and you win, it look like the ballsiest, most genius call ever. If it doesn't work, it looks like the dumbest call on earth.
  10. Yeah and 2 of those five (40 % of them) are currently G5, so you'll fit right in.
  11. I don't think he'd be a fit at Texas or is really ready for any team of that level. But he'd actually check a shit ton of boxes for TCU.
  12. No shit, some players are motivators. So, what...the coaches don't or shouldn't? Or what kind of argument are you trying to make here?
  13. He just signed the highest rated FCS class in history at Grambling Mississippi Christian State or whatever. And has them 8-1 right now (they were 3-8, 5-5 and 4-8 the 3 years before he got there). So, yeah, he may have some chops.
  14. Yeah well, the fact that Dion is even in those commercials with Saban pretty much tells us everything we need to know about why he's a candidate.
  15. No offense, but once Texas and OU leave, TCU and the rest of the new Big 12 are pretty much G-5 schools. So, not that big of a leap honestly.
  16. Deion Sanders squarely in the mix for TCU football job, source says
  17. You were surprised a guy named Joey McGuire is white?
  18. One well deserved ass chewing, by one coach, at this point in the season, answers that question decisively...but they might not be the right coaching staff...but the players need to get their shit in gear...
  19. Ah, yeah I get that...makes sense. Bummer about Cattleack not being open when you're here. I haven't been to Hurtado, but from everything I know, you chose wisely (assuming you just don't want to fuck with Goldee's).
  20. You seem like a real pussy, you know that? You can get your ass in the portal too.
  21. If Bo Davis is reprimanded for this in any way, shape or form for some horse shit verbal abuse, self-confidence, mental health bullshit, I'll have seen all I need to see. Sadly, with this administration/society/generation, it wouldn't surprise me in the least.
  22. I'll let it slide this once. Although, your apology wasn't directed at me, so maybe not.
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