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Everything posted by Landomatic

  1. First Saturday of the month. Looks like you missed that. Why not do Terry Black's? If you're "near downtown" Dallas, you'll be damn near walking distance to TB's and you're a good 30 mins to those other places. Although I haven't been to Hurtado or Zavala, I think the general consensus is that TB's is next behind Cattleack and Goldee's in DFW. Might as well just do Goldee's which is probably about 45 minutes if you don't want TB's. Hell, the way you roll on BBQ, you can hit Pecan Lodge and Terry Black's and still come out ahead. Had TB's last week and it was pretty damn good. Looked like this...
  2. Starting to sound all too familiar.
  3. Ehh, starting to think CDC put more weight on Sark being well dressed than anything else.
  4. No shit. Only winning 2 conference titles in 16 years, given the resources at his disposal, made Mack one of the most under-achieving coaches of his time. Which one(s) had Mack's resources? 2 conference titles in 16 years is not a selling point for his success.
  5. Paper cuts do hurt tho
  6. This is how everyone outside of UT perceives UT, which is a lot closer to reality than I want to admit. Only difference is, that HS hot girl will never be hot again, no matter what. UT can still be HS hot if we can figure out how to fix shit.
  7. You serious Clark? Motivating players is a huge part of a coach’s job. Hell, it’s one of the biggest.
  8. Yeah and again, I think you’re missing the point. Are their players better? Sure hence why they beat us. But why? Option 1) Baylor, OSU, Arkansas and Iowa St all just got incredibly lucky and hit on their 2-3 star guys and we’ve just been horribly unlucky missing with our 4-5 stars? Option 2) Their coaches have been able to do more with their players than our coaches have, not to mention scheme, manage games, adjust better than our coaches? Which is the more likely scenario? Here’s a hint, it ain’t option A
  9. With better coaching. Duh.
  10. Cross posting as fits better for this thread… I think some of y’all are missing the point on this whole talent thing. We should have better talent than the last 3 teams we played and lost to. Key word…should. We have better recruiting classes aka incoming talent. Don’t want to use recruiting rankings? Fine, what other metric should we use that fairly evaluates incoming talent across all teams? If we’re getting beat player to player, aka it looks like we don’t have the better talent (also known as just getting beat), then what’s the reason? Development? Conditioning? Scheme? Culture? Teaching? Mentality? Oh right…that’s ALL fucking coaching. We seem to have better talent at enough positions to beat those teams for a half a game. Or does Texas just get unlucky with our recruits being horribly overrated and the Baylors and ISUs get unbelievably lucky and land a ton of recruits who are all a bunch of underrated sleepers. Or…or…or…by process of elimination, if we should have the talent, could it just be that they’re better coached?
  11. None of our coaches would, that’s for damn sure
  12. I think y’all are missing the point on this whole talent thing. We should have better talent than the last 3 teams we played and lost to. Key word…should. We have better recruiting classes aka incoming talent. Don’t want to use recruiting rankings? Fine, what other metric should we use that fairly evaluates incoming talent across all teams? If we’re getting beat player to player, aka it looks like we don’t have the better talent (also known as just getting beat), then what’s the reason? Development? Conditioning? Scheme? Culture? Teaching? Mentality? Oh right…that’s ALL fucking coaching. We seem to have better talent at enough positions to beat those teams for a half a game. Or does Texas just get unlucky with our recruits being horribly overrated and the Baylors and ISUs get unbelievably lucky and land a ton of recruits who are all a bunch of underrated sleepers. Or…or…or…by process of elimination, if we should have the talent, could it just be that they’re better coached?
  13. Oh, I'll give you that we need to upgrade talent. But we shouldn't have to just to get by 3 of the teams we've lost to so far.
  14. Alabama and Georgia? Jesus dude, we can't even beat Iowa State and Baylor. How the fuck you gonna even bring the likes of Alabamas and Georgias into the conversation? And we don't need NFL talent to beat the Iowa States and Baylors.
  15. So it's coaching then, not talent. Got it.
  16. So explain why we have better talent for the first half against every single team we line up against. And have better recruiting classes. I’ll hang up and listen
  17. It’s almost like we’re not developing them and coaching them and other schools are. Weird
  18. Tried one today. Hadn't had one since I was a kid. And there's apparently a reason. Gross.
  19. Landomatic

    Dallas | BBQ

    All this Texas Monthly Top 50 talk got me thinking about just DFW ratings. I think BBQ (at least in the DFW area where, admittedly we are just starting to catch up with some elite offerings and a wider range of options overall) generally falls into 6 categories... Elite - Cattleack is in there no doubt. Haven't been yet but obviously Goldee's. I wouldn't put Panther City in there based on the one time I had it, but maybe Upper Tier - Terry Black's would be in here for sure for me. Probably Hutchins and others in the TM Top 50, but not TM Top 10. Panther City for me Above Average - Pecan Lodge and I'm sure several others I've never been to Slightly Above Average - Rudy's gets it's own category (yeah I know it's a chain but I'd still take it over Lockhart, Heim and a lot of other places) Average - Lockhart, Heim, and a ton of others Below Average - Mostly crappy chains like Sonny Bryan’s, Spring Creek, etc. They might do in a pinch, but I'd never seek them out. Shit - Dicky's (who are laughing all the way to the bank BTW) Whatcha got DFW Surly?
  20. Looks exactly like what I had the other day. And like the one other time I tried TB's. Maybe you just caught a bad batch? It was all very solid. Yeah, I agree on the ribs overall. They weren't the best ribs I've ever had, but not because they were cooked poorly. I think mine were prepared exactly as TB's intended. Which is to say, their ribs may not be for you, but that doesn't make them bad. Bad ribs to me are just poorly made. There's a big difference. I thought their sausage was a couple notches above "pedestrian". Again, not elite tier, but in line with the next tier and better than most places.
  21. That steakhouse at the Aria (Jean George's joint...I think) was solid the one time I stayed there. No need to go off campus for what will pretty assuredly be a lateral move from that.
  22. Landomatic

    Dallas | Steak

    I think uptown in general has fallen off. There's been what, like 4 shootings down there in the last couple months?
  23. Tell us you live in far north dallas / plano without telling us
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