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Everything posted by Landomatic

  1. He doesn't? But I thought he has ranches? And hunts there and stuff? No?
  2. Landomatic

    Dallas | Steak

    Go check out Dee’s steak place in Frisco. At the star. Top notch. Not worth driving all the way to Frisco for, but the best option if you’re ever out that way
  3. And when they expand to 8 teams, it will be more of the same from 9 through whatever, "wait we're in a P5 and we only had 2 losses" or "we only had 1 loss and some other teams got in with 2." Rinse and repeat and it won't fucking matter.
  4. Well like I said earlier, different strokes I guess. PL used to be amazing, but I feel like they’ve steadily slipped the last few years. Maybe they’ve stepped their game back up with TB moving in down the street? Competition is usually good for the consumer in that regard. I haven’t been to PL in over a year, so could be different now.
  5. Complete opposite experience for me. As is the case with apparently all the TM folks, given they dropped PL out of the top 50 and put TB in there. And pretty much everyone else I've heard weigh in on the topic.
  6. Haven't tried Goldees yet, but I'd bet this is 100% accurate. It was on par with Panther the one time I tried Panther and better than everything else except Cattleack. And, as many have mentioned, the model for Cattleack and Goldees is just way different than Terry Blacks which makes it hard to compare them. Sure they're both better BBQ, but long lines, limited days, limited quantities has to be taken into account when choosing where you want to go. Most days, I'll take the ease and convenience of 8.5 BBQ over the beating "experience" of 9.5 BBQ.
  7. This ^ People always want to put certain aspects in a vacuum when arguing this topic. The fact of the matter is, unless we had perfectly balanced conferences that are all structured exactly the same, there simply is no perfect playoff solution for college football. You can expand it and change it all you want, but there will always remain a need for opinions to select teams, some team with a similar resume will always be left out and that will always leave the door open for arguments about why "this is bullshit" or "that doesn't make sense" or "our team got robbed" or "this is a fucked up system" or whatever. And, at the end of the day, it always seems to work itself out and the right team is named National Champion.
  8. Which location? Had the Dallas one yesterday and everything was very solid. See post in Texas BBQ thread.
  9. Huh, different strokes I guess. What'd you order?
  10. Sorry, thought it was pretty self-explanatory. Top tray left to right: pork ribs, 2 sausage links (one plain, one jap and cheese), turkey (mrs landomatic likes to order turkey at BBQ joints for whatever reason - I think it's a waste of money and stomach space) and a medium side of mac n cheese Bottom tray: Beef rib, brisket (moist) and some more of the pork ribs Outside the tray left to right: Plastic silverware, bloody marry (I was hanging so needed some hair from the dog), japs and pickles, medium side of beans Underneath: Wooden outdoor table on top of a concrete patio It was all excellent. Not the very top tier in the entire state level, but easily #2 behind Cattleack for Dallas area BBQ and not far behind it, honestly. If Cattleack is a 9, this is 8.5 imo. Pic makes bottom tray look a little dry, but it wasn't (pics will do that to brisket sometimes - lighting and whatnot). Open every day for lunch and dinner and, at least when we were there (admittedly kind of a chilly drizzly Tuesday at about 1:00), no line at all. Huge spot with tons of inside and outside (covered and uncovered) pet-friendly seating. Cattleack is only open Thursday and Friday for lunch until they run out with long lines every time, so it's really a completely different model. In my opinion, they're hard to compare to one another because their models are so vastly different. I had no problem with the salt level at all. In fact, I almost went and got some salt for the brisket because it was a little under salted if anything. But I was hungover and really didn't feel like fucking with it. The beef rib was about perfect for salt. I mean, if you just ate the bark as a stand-alone bite, it might have been a little salty, but as a whole bite with the meat, it was great. This is in the Deep Ellum neighborhood in Dallas (near Fair Park for reference). That's probably my only complaint, I don't go to Deep Ellum much. Nothing wrong with it, just not my usual stomping grounds. Not a big fan of going down there at night, but it's fine during the day (obligatory - get off my lawn). If you want really good BBQ in Dallas any day of the week with a full bar and don't feel like fucking with a long line, this place is hard to beat. Quite a bit better than Pecan Lodge now as it has slipped considerably over the years (same neighborhood), way better than Heim (a lot closer to my house) and several notches above anywhere else I've tried in town. I haven't tried Smokey Joes (really far south Dallas, which I never go to) and haven't been to Slow Bone in several years (I think @C-Man went back recently and said it was really good). Those were the other 2 from Dallas on the TM Top 50, but I'd have a hard time believing they're any better than Terry Black's, otherwise they would have been in the top 10 with Cattleack. Huge pit room was impressive. I kind of think, seen one pit room...seen them all, but their pit worker (guy named Craig I think) was a really nice guy and gave my dog and me a nice little tour. tl;dr - About as good as it gets for high volume, open every day BBQ. Just a tick below the handful of elite places in Texas, but I'd think it's very deserving of its top 11-50 ranking.
  11. Looks just like all his other restaurants. His schtick has gotten pretty stale.
  12. Insert obligatory "plus no state income tax"
  13. Really? Who called the fake punt?
  14. I'm not saying he should be fired. But I also don't think he's "without blame" here (which is what you said). Not sure how that's me being ridiculous.
  15. Show me a single job in the fucking world, especially one that pays the kind of scratch Sark is making, where you get more than 10 months to do the basics of your job. You know, simple shit like develop players, instill culture, conditioning, shit like that. 10 months isn't enough to be better with the superior talent you are dealt? Is this a real statement? I didn't say we clearly do, not sure why you quoted that. I said we should. Based on the, admittedly not 100% accurate, recruiting rankings and any objective measurement you can think of, yes, we should have better talent than at least Baylor and OSU. We don't, so yeah, I question the basic things I listed above...player development, program culture, conditioning, etc...and yeah, 10 months should be enough to see better than we we've seen this year. No shit, which is why I said at least 2. I wasn't including OU and I'll even give them Arkansas. Your expectations for this staff seem too low to me. I expect better. Only 10 months? Give me a fucking break.
  16. Landomatic

    Great news!

  17. How do you not blame the staff? Are you completely throwing away player development as part of the staff's responsibility? I mean, you can discount recruiting rankings to some extent, (although, for some reason, it seems to hold pretty true for most other teams), but we should have better talent across the board than at least 2 of the teams we lost to. If that doesn't say coaching problems, I don't know what does.
  18. Might there be some sugar in it? Sure, I guess but a ton of stuff has sugar as an ingredient and isn't what I'd classify as "sweet." Several salad dressings for example. Never thought of Sriracha as a "sweet" sauce. Plus once you consider the source, pretty easy to side with @T’Boo Ted Marshall on this one. Point deducted.
  19. I know man. I was looking through all the pics and they all have too many people in them. I’ll see what I can do
  20. Apparently some of you poors have never owned your own yacht.
  21. When was that? I has optimism.
  22. You'll take the blowjob from Mickey Mantle in Vegas and the round of golf with Jennifer Lawrence in Oklahoma and you'll like it.
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