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Everything posted by Landomatic

  1. Whataburger thread got me thinking. I honestly can’t remember the last time I’ve gotten an order where at least something wasn’t messed up from anywhere below a sit-down restaurant with a waiter. Pizza, fast food, fast casual, chinese, tacos, pretty much everywhere that level, apparently the new bar is mediocrity. And sometimes that’s a stretch. I’ve had them remake my order a couple times, when it’s really egregious. But, usually I just let the screw-ups slide because it’s not worth going back for or waiting longer for or messing with. Clearly seems to be a new thing, at least to this extreme, since Covid. So, how’s that getting fixed? Or has all of America just settled on mediocrity being acceptable?
  2. This ^ And pick up a new liver or kidney too while you’re at it.
  3. Good to hear. Hoping the rest of the country gets that memo soon...because, most everyone else, at least where I live, still seems to be good with the bolded part.
  4. Stoopid sip
  5. Bigger than Dallas? Not even close. DFW metro population is 7.76 million...San Antonio metro is 2.56 million. Austin, maybe but I'd assume they have their own sub because, you know, that's where UT is located and stuff. That said, give em their own sub. It'll be neat.
  6. That Javier’s (and the OG in Laguna) is the best Mexican I’ve ever had. It’s not cheap though, it’s actually kinda swanky as Mexican joints go. I’d put it up against any Mexican place in the country.
  7. We met some people our first trip there who were staying at our hotel who brought their 4 year old son. Kid seemed bored and miserable every time we saw them and they were bitching that they wish they’d brought their nanny from home. Hotel was able to get them a babysitter so they could go out a few nights. Again, not saying it can’t be done, it just isn’t a place that really caters to kids much. That said, I’m with you that if I’m y’all, and go every year several times a year, I’m bringing the kid too, at least on one of the trips. Having it grow up with St Barth a part of its life, etc. Congrats on the pregnancy BTW. When’s she due?
  8. I wouldn’t think of Villa Marie as necessarily being “kid friendly”. In fact, I wouldn’t really think of anywhere in St Barth being all that kid friendly. Not saying you can’t do kids there (lots of people do), it just doesn’t seem to be a place that really caters to them. It’s pretty grown up across the board
  9. Landomatic

    Dallas | BBQ

    I just saw this. Please tell me the "on point" brisket is not pictured. Or is that front middle thing the brisket? What the hell am I seeing here? Does not compute. Either my sarcasm meter is broken or your definition of "on point/really good" and mine are two very different things. Not one thing in that picture looks "on point or really good" to me.
  10. Landomatic

    Dallas | BBQ

    Yeah it’s “elevated” I guess. Steakhouse by night, BBQ during the day.
  11. Landomatic

    Dallas | BBQ

    You don't want to go to The Douglas then (which actually is in Snider Plaza). Their brisket is $44/lb...pulled pork $36/lb...sausage $32/lb
  12. Half should be fine. Or at least close. Proof around 10-12 hours minimum. Most pizzas I've made, I put the dough out the morning of the cook and it turned out just fine. But that's mostly just because I hadn't thought about it until the day of. The couple times I've planned a little more ahead, I put it out the day before and it was better. So, I'd say 12-24 hours-ish. And best results were to put it in a bowl and cover with a damp towel while it sits on the counter. From my experience, the times and amounts won't be what you struggle with. Hardest parts are 1) forming the crust and 2) transferring from peel to oven. Good luck.
  13. Or pole. I mean…errr wait
  14. LMAO at people flying commercial looking down their nose at other "poors" flying commercial #teamprivate
  15. I mean, we can keep going...
  16. I’ve said it many times before and I’ll say it again. Having lived in KC for several years and trying them all, KC’s best BBQ is barely Rudy’s level. Barely. Any other opinion is either a Kansas City homer trying to play big boy BBQ or someone who has never actually had good BBQ.
  17. Just re-read the whole thread for nostalgia sake and realized I never posted updates from our trips. Went in December and April and had an amazing time both trips. Stayed at Carl Gustaf in December for 8 days, which I would highly recommend for first-timers. It's right in town and we really felt it helped us get a lay of the land not knowing anything. Stayed in a villa in Colombier for 2 weeks second trip, which was great. I think I'm team villa from here on, but there are pros and cons to both for sure. I've spent way too much time researching villas and hotels (and pretty much everything St Barth related). Plus I feel like we've crammed a lot into our short time there as pretty much every day consisted of some kind of beach club with lunch out during the day and some kind of restaurant at night, so hopefully I can provide some decent info. We never did the picnic on the beach thing, although we always talk about it and I really want to try that sometime. We also cooked very few meals at the villa. Way too many to list, but here are some of our favorites... Restaurant - L'Isola Hotel - Eden Rock (Cheval Blanc close second) Beach Club - Gyp Sea Day Party - Nikki Beach on a Sunday (but that's kind of an outlier as there's really nothing else like it on island) Night Party - La Guerite on a Wednesday (but we've had great times at a lot of them - also, there are definitely certain nights that are better than others at certain places) Rented a car the first trip and never drove it. It literally sat the entire time without us ever getting it out of the hotel's valet. So, we didn't get one next trip. Had a driver take us everywhere, which we prefer, but I can see how some would prefer having a car. As others have stated, if you get a car, Mini Cooper seems to be the way to go. We go through San Juan and fly in on Tradewind and they are amazing. I doubt we'll ever do it any other way. It's a bitch to get to St Barth, but worth it in my opinion. Honestly, I don't have a negative review of anywhere we've been at all. Sometimes you get some snobby "French asshole" attitude on service, but it's pretty rare and you just have to kind of learn to deal with that being part of the culture. It can happen anywhere (except L'Isola because they're all Italian) but for the most part, everyone is lovely. We have definitely fallen in love with St Barth. We've made lifelong friends with people who live there and all over the world. And, although I was busting his balls in my last post, @wild_turkey showed us noobs a great time our first trip, so big props to him and his wife for showing us the way. And thanks to everyone else on this thread who got us to go. Can't wait to go back.
  18. Love seeing this thread bumped. Was supposed to be there right now, but had to cancel because the wife had back surgery. So, not going back until December, which is far too long. I'll have to live vicariously through you to get my fix. Enjoy and post updates. BTW I blame all you assholes for getting me hooked on SBH...especially @wild_turkey and Mrs Wild Turkey.
  19. Am I the only one who didn't realize someone could die from a nut from 30 feet away?
  20. Ummmmm...
  21. If Gordo leaves they’re pretty clearly going out of business. That’s text book sinking ship stuff right there, for any company. Some start seeing the writing on the wall and jump ship, others ride it out a while hoping it’s not going to happen, and a handful stay until the bitter end and are the last ones there to turn out the lights on the way out.
  22. It's almost like there's a whole other world of people out there who aren't all just like us. Who knew?
  23. Carbone's... Carbone...
  24. Landomatic

    Dallas | Pizza

    Wonder if it’s changed some? I’d never been but have heard how great it is over the years. Finally gave it a shot a few months back and we were pretty whelmed. It wasn’t bad, it just wasn’t anything worth the greatness that we’d heard it was from several people.
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