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Everything posted by Landomatic

  1. The guy who cleans my pool is ex military. Heard all about all the different vaxx he had to take when he was active. But now he will not, under any circumstances, get the covid vaxx for whatever reason. Weird
  2. So your current employee source is a more credible source than my former employee source. That argument could cut both ways too, but you seem to give a lot more fucks about this than me, so I won’t waste more time arguing with you. But my dad can still beat up your dad.
  3. My source who’s saying this does indirectly have to do with vaxx mandates is just as insider as your source. Convenient of you to ignore that part of my post I guess. Kinda seems like you’re the one pushing the agenda.
  4. Yeah, ummmm...so...I'm gonna have to sort of...here's the thing that doesn't really jibe with that narrative. What, there have never been weather issues before? I'd bet there are weather issues somewhere damn near every week, if not daily. So, what was it about this particular weather that suddenly created the huge cluster fuck? And of course, none of the other airlines having any issues does seem pretty suspect...hub and spoke system or not.
  5. Take this for what it's worth. Friend of mine, whose dad is a retired SW pilot, is saying it's a combination of a bunch of the little things that are being reported (some slight weather, some slight ATC issues, some slight overbooking as you mentioned, some SW operational problems as you also mentioned). But, the big bubble burst happened when a bunch of employees who know they won't be there after the vaxx mandates go into effect (either because they'll quit or know they'll be fired) decided to take their remaining vacation time as kind of a 'use it or lose it' type deal. Hence, not really "a concerted effort to fuck things up" or anything really official to report like a strike or anything. Just poor timing and as you mentioned in the bold above, hardly takes anything to wreak havoc right now. 🤷‍♂️
  6. Forgot all about this thread. Apparently @PorscheGuy did too
  7. How do you tell us your sister makes bad life choices and married poor without telling us?
  8. Everyone always wants to use this once-in-a-lifetime, lightning in a bottle example when discussions like this come up. Meanwhile, there are hundreds, literally thousands of examples that go the other way.
  9. In fairness, I think whoever started the fire Sark threads got perma-banned, or were told they would be. So, this may have been OP's best/only option.
  10. I don't think Texas has had that for some time.
  11. Complete institutional buy-in and commitment to the football program matters. The winners in college football these days (last decade or so) have that, with few exceptions.
  12. Lol well fuck facebook "news". But yeah, something smells fishy here. If it were weather and related air traffic control issues, wouldn't that impact all other airlines? Guessing there's more to this.
  13. Is this true/confirmed? Local news last night said it was all due to weather on the east coast. It was also local news...on a Saturday, which is about as B-level as it gets. ETA: Just googled. Looks like rumors on the walk out part. Southwest still sticking with ATC issues due to weather in Florida. Also saw something that said over 1,000 more canceled today. 😬
  14. I think eskimos are smug.
  15. That's one way of putting it. Another way... He got booted for doing Vegas shit that everyone was doing back in the day and the place has never been the same since.
  16. Maybe. Maybe not. But I'd definitely hit you for thinking it needed its own thread.
  17. Not sure about the brand, but that ceramic has a ton of cracks in it. The lid and the cooking chamber. Hard pass.
  18. Hahaha, beat me to it. True tho
  19. Funny thing is, this Ked Woodley dude is at least as good as Jub and Jub doesn't even know it.
  20. Bret Bielema would like a word.
  21. Nothing to see here… https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/32337895/urban-meyer-apologizes-jacksonville-jaguars-family-viral-video
  22. Well, maybe we need to define "fingering" or "finger banging," but given that chick is wearing jeans and they are pulled up and cinched with a belt, by my definition, he is definitely not "fingering" or "banging" anything. Rubbing her hooha through her jeans at most?
  23. All of this ^ Anyone brings an aggy sign should get their fan card pulled. Some of you seem a little aggy
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