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Everything posted by Landomatic

  1. Sark looks to have about as much fire in his belly as the team is playing with. Maybe he needs to start drinking again. He’s no Saban 2.0 that’s for damn sure.
  2. Remind me again why we think we’re gonna be able to compete in the SEC fml
  3. To a game that has absolutely nothing to do with the school it does mention
  4. Friends just got back from a 3 week stay. Found out whole island curfew was gonna be 10:00 the day before they left. Bumped to 9:00 after they were there for a few days. Then bumped to 8:00 for the last week or so. They still enjoyed it, but they admitted that did put a bit of a damper on a lot of things. Fuck covid.
  5. It was a penis joke, but thanks all the same. What's your "blackened seasoning of choice" (not a penis joke).
  6. My wife’s always hinting that mines not black enough. Must be what she’s referring to. Thanks
  7. Yeah, I shoulda sent them back.
  8. Yeah, I think you must be. I had them yesterday. I didn't order them, but in a rare Chick-fil-A order fuckup, they ended up in my bag, which technically should probably be considered a fuckup in my favor since they didn't charge me for them and everything else in the order was spot on. Anyway, I tried a couple trying to be completely objective, solely to see if this thread is being too hard on them. They suck. They're mushy, they're unbelievably bland, they weren't all that warm, they were horrendous. I guess they're not overly greasy, so they have that going for them...I guess.
  9. How did you do your "blackened" part? Looks damn near perfect.
  10. If he doesn't say Saffron...double fail.
  11. Don't sleep on Braum's for being pretty much the opposite of Chic-fil-A in every category. Good god they could put on a clinic for slow/shitty service, fucked up orders, sloppy presentation, uncleanliness, at al. But damn if their food isn't always pretty great despite all that.
  12. I think we can pretty much condense this thread down to damn near anything at damn near any time. I’m floored by the random shit that comes and goes these days. Including any and all products and services. Fuck covid
  13. Looks great. Will record. Thanks!
  14. Yeah and UT had better talent on the roster than UCLA and the Big 12 isn’t exactly murderers row and sometimes you gotta tear shit down to build it back up with your guys and there’s a huge recruiting advantage at UT and blah blah blah, yada yada yada. You’re cherry picking, you’re moving the goal posts, I thought you were being obtuse, but maybe you’re just dumb? I think we both know you’re not. So, you’re really just arguing to argue, which is cool I guess. Chip Kelly had a MUCH better resume than Cholly or Mensa. Period. He also had a better college resume than any realistic coach available…both rounds. I think that would have translated into success. I think he’ll be good at UCLA. We’ll see on the latter. We’ll never know on the former. Cheers
  15. Why are you being obtuse and acting like it's an apples to apples comparison? Two completely different programs with completely different circumstances. None of us knows what he would have done at UT. I'd have taken my chances with him over the two mid-major prospects UT went with.
  16. Yeah, no...I'm just identifying problems, not solutions. It's the Surly way. In all seriousness, with nobody seeming to know what the actual problem is, I'm not sure what the solution is. Whatever happened, it was a problem. If it's a temporary problem (first game, first few games, whatever), that's a little unfortunate, but not that big of a deal. If it's a long-term problem (the whole season or beyond), that really fucking sucks. Anyway, let's hope Bellmont has some kind of big-picture plan here that makes all of it a moot point (hard to type with a straight face).
  17. I imagine it's a combination of piss and shit
  18. Exactly. And again, everyone else seemed to figure that out.
  19. Yet somehow, every other stadium in the country, with as good or better club amenities, manages to figure out how to do it.
  20. Swordfish is underrated. It’s kinda like a cow and a fish had a baby. Like a cross between a ribeye and a Chilean sea bass. And it’s pretty hard to fuck up when cooking
  21. Huckleberry doesn’t have me dead to shit. His opinion was/is that Kelly wouldn’t have done well at UT. Mine was/is that he would have. At least better than Strong and Herman as he should have been able to recruit better at UT than he did at UCLA and he was a hell of a lot more proven than either of those choices and blah blah blah. It’s all supposition and rhetoric by both of us because it didn’t happen. But it is surly so we can argue about anything…including apparently even arguing about arguing 😁
  22. Yeah imagine what Kelly could have done at a blue blood, resource packed place like Texas instead of a place that isn’t even the best program in their town, let alone the conference or the country. Imagine what Texas could have looked like under a proven BCS winning, conference winning, heisman winning, consistent too 5 placing coach like Kelly instead of an assistant with one decent year at a mid-major.
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