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Everything posted by Landomatic

  1. Because Charlie Strong and Tom Herman (the two coaches I was "campaigning" for Kelly to replace/be hired instead of) were so much better?
  2. Yeah I get that. It’s just poorly executed no matter how we try to spin it. Again, somehow every single stadium in the country managed to figure out how to sell premium seats and club access without the end result being huge sections of prime real estate seating left empty on national television. If aggy had done this, we’d all be laughing our asses off at them…even more than we already do (if that’s possible).
  3. How would end zone seats that close to the field not sell? I don't know of another stadium in the country, college or pro, that has an entire end zone full of empty seats. They may have sold at the cost of some other shittier seats not selling, but that would be a lot better look than what they ended up with.
  4. This^ Just looks like a really shoddy patch job on TV as most of the shots are too tight to show the full state of Texas. Not a huge deal, but not very well thought out. Should be an easy fix though. This^ And this^ That was just a REALLY bad look all game long. Overall, some prime real estate that just translates to empty seats on TV, which is what is most important. There are a lot more eyeballs on TV sets than in person. CDC can try to downplay it all he wants, but this is a pretty epic design fail. Not sure what, if anything can be done about it now. But it's bad. And it's not just the game itself. Because it's in the end zone, and where the players come out, it shows up on a ton of the highlights. Not to mention the noise level advantage that having those seats full would normally provide. Having screaming home fans on top of opposing offenses in the red zone should provide at least a slight home field advantage. Instead, we have empty fucking seats. Pretty giant shit stain on what should be the shiny new toy.
  5. I mean, who could have possibly known...that one of the best college coaches in the last 15 years would be able to put together a well coached team in college, despite sucking in the NFL.
  6. Yep hit my local whataburger this morning. Plain white in all sizes that I saw lined up. Seems more like an ink shortage than a styrofoam cup shortage 🤷‍♂️
  7. What a horrible list. Must be pay for play...otherwise they have no business reviewing restaurants. Although, if I remember right, that's par for the course with D Magazine.
  8. Yeah, I've heard good things about this place. From a competing restaurant owner who doesn't throw around compliments toward other restaurants very often. Been meaning to try it.
  9. Chick in the light blue top at the end is doing it right.
  10. Landomatic

    Dallas | BBQ

    And Ferris Wheeler’s. I’ve never been but given that I never hear it mentioned for good DFW BBQ spots, I assume it can’t be all that great.
  11. And of course by “entertaining” you mean “car jacking”
  12. If you have to ask, you obviously haven’t had them. Whataburger’s are fine, CFA’s superior. Basically mini bottles that can either be opened one way for dipping or another way for squeezing. And they’re bigger than the whataburger ones. Just better that’s all
  13. Spot on. The food is just okay at best. It’s every other little detail that they nail. Service, cleanliness, speed, packaging, etc. Hell their employees are trained so well they won’t even say “no problem” when you thank them. They say “my pleasure”. They even have the best ketchup packets. Just goes to show there is a lot more to a good restaurant than good food.
  14. Landomatic

    Dallas | BBQ

    I don’t have my panties in a twist…you’re just wrong, that’s all. I mean, I’m trying to see your point of view here, but I just can’t seem to get my head that far up my own ass.
  15. Landomatic

    Dallas | BBQ

    Whose is?
  16. They're both right. He's not 100% and won't be until he gets surgery, which he won't get until next offseason. So, they'll protect him the best they can while limping him through this season.
  17. Sunday morning post is very Sunday morning
  18. You should go with something along these lines (looks like it's on sale right now)... https://www.bbqguys.com/chicago-brick-oven/cbo-1000-built-in-wood-fired-commercial-outdoor-pizza-oven-kit-cbo-o-kit-1000
  19. Sounds like Harvey fucked around and found out
  20. Ask and you shall receive I guess... Bravo pulls the plug on ‘Real Housewives of Dallas’
  21. So everyone laid out on him? Old bit
  22. Same thing at the one on Lemmon in Dallas. Looks like they've taken it to the studs. Apparently doing some companywide remodeling. Went to the next closest one and it was disgusting. Whataburger...she just ain't what she used to be.
  23. Chocolate or cinnamon?
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