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Everything posted by Landomatic

  1. Trip booked for mid June. First travel for me since December 2019...and NYC it is. @PenelopeWitherspoon we should meet for a drink or something. We’re at the Mark hotel.
  2. Gov. Abbott Ends Extra $300 in Federal Unemployment Payments for Texans https://www.fox4news.com/news/gov-abbott-ends-extra-300-in-federal-unemployment-payments-for-texans
  3. Looks like it's in the old El Bolero spot. Wonder why El Bolero didn't make it there, but this place thinks it can?
  4. Woke up on the boat this morning. I’ve heard people say that the difference between a boat and a yacht is when you step onto it, if it moves, it’s a boat, if it doesn’t, it’s a yacht. If that’s the case...woke up in the yacht this morning. Damn she’s a solid ass bitch. One of the best night’s sleep of my life. Hot wife laying next to me. Life is good. Actually, life is fucking great!
  5. This ^ I find it hard to believe that anyone could. Especially to the level at which they all do. Is there a group of people on earth who support/celebrate so much for so little actually accomplished?
  6. I like spicy as much as anyone, but Tabasco coffee seems a little aggressive
  7. Pics? Because you didn’t say “no pics”
  8. Landomatic

    Dallas | BBQ

    Hahaha I almost busted your balls for that. Probably should have
  9. This might just be my new motto on shaggvy
  10. Anywhoooooooo...all i know is i dont want them to have me be the deciding factor
  11. I know right? buncha HPISD housefifes and shit
  12. Landomatic

    Dallas | BBQ

    Definitely kid friendly
  13. Yeah I agree. I was just feeling extra lazy last night and wanted to watch the draft. I think I will at some point. Like I said, they had the potential to be in the conversation for best in town.
  14. Got these last night for the draft. Probably pretty good under normal circumstances, but ended up being very meh overall. Had them delivered by GrubHub or Favor or some shit. Driver took forever and as I was following him on the app, he must have seriously taken 5 wrong turns between there and my house. So, by the time they showed up, which was 45 minutes after he picked them up and should have been 15 tops, they were cold and I was pissed. Driver looked really fucked up when he got here...or there was something seriously wrong with him. Either way, he had no business being behind the wheel. Also, the app had a woman's name as our driver and this dude was clearly not a woman, so something shady was up. Can't really blame any of that on Wing Bucket though. Back to the wings. The ones that were good were great. Probably some of the best I've had in town. However, about 1/3 of them were really tiny and those sucked pretty hard. Also missing about 1/4 of our order altogether. Maybe fucked up driver got the munchies on the way, but I think they just forgot part of it. Only side we tried was the collard greens, which were very average, although there were probably better sides we could have chosen so I don't really hold that against them. Overall about a 5 out of 10 though, which is too bad because with just a little bit of quality control, it wouldn't have taken much to raise that score substantially. Guessing some/all of this is Covid related. I know restaurants and delivery companies are having a hard time finding good help these days. Probably also having a hard time finding quality, consistent ingredients. tl;dr fuck covid
  15. I thought the two things all New Yorkers agreed on were that New Jersey and DeBlasio both suck?
  16. Landomatic

    Dallas | BBQ

    Can confirm this is a really great event. At least the one I went to year before last was.
  17. Her sign game is strong to quite strong, though. HPISD Trustee talk on the ticket thread not going away
  18. So when is the optimal time to come visit? Sometime between when Bemelmans opens and July 1? So from May 11 to July 1?
  19. This almost made my head explode upon first skim. Read like "I'm going to be in the Snows area. Any good BBQ around there?"
  20. What's going on in your first two pics there? Please explain.
  21. Who said that?
  22. Landomatic

    Dallas | BBQ

    Other than for the nostalgia, which I get, Peggy Sue’s food was shit. At least it was the last few years. So unless the new spot is somehow able to capture that nostalgia, which doesn’t seem very likely, but who knows, I can’t imagine it’s very good. Agree on NY Subs though. Love that place. Second best sub I’ve had in town. Well...now that Jimmy’s isn’t doing them, I guess they’re #1
  23. Seemed fine when my kid was there but no real opinion either way. But the real question is...Woodward or Macatee?
  24. Cool. Guessing it won't be the last time 2 people have differing opinions on here. But, hey...we can both be not seen dead at park house together because I won't be joining there either.
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