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Everything posted by Landomatic

  1. How many James Beard winning BBQ cooks are there in Kansas or Memphis? Name me 10 places outside of Texas that are better than our top 10. Never mind from one state, I’ll give you the whole damn world. I’ll save you some time...they don’t exist. Facts son
  2. Hahaha fuck you both. This pool will be the death of me.
  3. Somewhat of a backhanded compliment I guess? It may look like a "self made myth, or just an unwillingness to be objective about your home" but it is not. What I posted earlier is just a fact. On the whole, Texas has better BBQ than anywhere else and it's not even close. And no, Kansas City doesn't come close. I ate at every single BBQ joint in town when I lived there for 2+ years and their best wouldn't even crack Texas' top 25. I am very objective. I don't own a BBQ place. I don't even smoke my own meat often. I just know a better product when I eat it. And Texas has it across the board. This is 100% correct ^ No it isn't. Again, these are facts we're talking about here. It's like Sushi in Japan. Sure, there may be sushi other places as good, but it's an exception to their rule. And I'm sure there are shitty sushi places in Japan, but not nearly as many as there are other places. And it isn't just Texas style that's the best, our BBQ is simply a superior product all the way around.
  4. Well, day 322 and we finally have water. I can see the finish line...
  5. It's not illegal, it's frowned upon. Like masterbating on an airplane.
  6. I know you and I have been round and round about this. I'm sure there are a handful of "places making great BBQ" outside of Texas (none of them are in Kansas City BTW). But that's not really the point. There are exceptions to everything in the bell curve of BBQ...both in those one-off great places that exist outside of Texas, and in those one-off shitty places that exist in Texas. On the whole though, Texas just has more great BBQ places than anywhere else. In fact, I'd be willing to bet that we have more great BBQ places in Texas than everywhere else in the world combined. And also on the whole, our average places are very much in line with what most other states would consider their best places.
  7. Hahaha no doubt. OP would have had better luck with a "who's your favorite team other than UT" thread in the football board. Wrong.
  8. Sorry you find that deep
  9. No. If you find yourself outside of Texas and you think BBQ is your best bet for a choice in cuisine, or if you're ever basing your travel outside of Texas on getting BBQ...you're doing it wrong. This thread sucks.
  10. I’ve spent waaaaaaay too much time researching these things over the last few days and this definitely appears to be the case. Weber clearly has a much stronger hold on the market (particularly the US market), but Napoleon is a better product for the money.
  11. Haha was just about to ask the same. Haven't had one in about 30 years, but back in the day, Casey’s made a pretty damn good pizza, despite the gas station part.
  12. Damn that water looks blue.
  13. Yeah @C-Man needs to get his eyes checked.
  14. Yeah, I don't know. I've never had to use one. My understanding from some others, with Weber anyway, is that you just call them and they'll send you the parts you need. Probably have to register the product with them, like anything else that has a warranty? Again, that's not a huge selling point for me, but I do think it just kind of speaks to a company's quality. If they're willing to warranty something for life, they must feel its a very good product. Versus something like a 1 year warranty, which tells me they must know it's crap and don't have any intention of it lasting very long.
  15. The one I'm leaning toward is the Prestige 665 RSIB for $2,000... https://www.napoleon.com/en/us/grills/products/gas-grills/prestige-series/prestige-665-rsib-p665rsibpss The Weber options in that general size range are either the Genesis II 435 for $1,250 or the Summit 670 for $2,750. So that Napoleon is right in the middle of the 2 price-points. Again, maybe it's just that Napoleon is hitting a gap in the market, but I feel like they are a much better value and offer more features that are important to me. The Napoleon has stainless grates, enclosed propane, rotisserie, more burners, knob lights, and a larger cooking area than the Genesis. It has pretty much the same features as the Summit, plus a slightly bigger cooking area and one difference that I actually prefer, which is the side sear station rather than side burner. I think I'll use that a lot more. Also, the Napoleon has a lifetime warranty and the Webers have 10 years. Doubtful I'll keep it more than 10 years so probably not that big of a deal, but I think it speaks to their quality overall. And everything I've heard is that Napoleon has incredible customer service, which was always a huge plus with Weber. If the build quality is similar, it's seeming like a no-brainer to me. Never ever thought I'd stray from Weber, but I'm having a really hard time sticking with them right now. Never mind that I'm hearing more and more that Weber's quality is slipping, and the fact that their last 3 product rollouts have been shit shows.
  16. The parts thing could certainly be a concern. As for dimensions, Weber has 14, 18, and 22 and Napoleon has 16 and 19.
  17. Had this with my eggs yesterday. That is a damn tasty sauce. It’s not very hot, but it has great flavor. It’s almost more like an additional ingredient to cook with than an actual hot sauce in the traditional way I normally use hot sauce. Will definitely keep it in the rotation.
  18. Looks like a Canadian company, but they do have some manufacturing in the US. As far as distribution, if I get one, I'm probably getting it online either way and all of their products look to be readily available from what I can tell. The one I'm leaning toward is on Amazon with free shipping. Plus Lowes, BBQGuys, and several others. Not sure how much more distribution I'd need than that.
  19. That does look better than a WSM in pretty much every possible way. And that's what I'm finding across the board with all of their products. Just a little more innovative, more thoughtful, more features that I want, etc. Either that, or they are just really hitting gaps in the market that Weber isn't hitting. And I don't really see that there's much of a premium on the price. That Napoleon Apollo smoker vs the WSM... Napoleon 16" - $230 Napoleon 19" - $350 WSM 14" - $220 WSM 18" - $330 WSM 22" - $440 Seems comparable to me...if anything, the Napoleon might even actually be a little cheaper (if you look at it on an average price per inch basis). Or again, they're just hitting a gap that Weber isn't hitting. Aside from the transportability, do you like it? Build quality, reliability, etc? And of course, are you able to get quality end results?
  20. Threw my “secret armadillo” or “secret aardvark” or whatever the hell it’s called, into the trash tonight. It was beyond meh. Like really really meh. Honestly, at the end of the day, that’s some of the yankiest shit I’ve ever had. And anyone who recommended it in this thread, you should have your man card and your Texas card revoked. Smfh
  21. She’s right ya know @Anastasis
  22. Don’t stress. Sadly, most people suck. And don’t impulse buy that boat just to spite him. Or do...whatever 🤷‍♂️
  23. Anyone have one? I'm in the market for a new grill. I've been a huge Weber fanboi all my life, but in a lot of my recent grill research, I keep seeing all these references to Napoleon. When I dig a little deeper, not only do they look to be Weber's closest competitor, most people prefer them in just about every review I've seen that talks about it. And when I look at side-by-side comparisons, they look to have Weber beat in just about every category. Do I need to reconsider my Weber brand loyalty?
  24. Huh, I've never heard that one time in my life. In fact, if anything, I feel like it's the older genuine cowboys who have been the staunchest advocates of NEVER wearing a felt in the summer...the older they are, the less flexible they are on that. So much so that I was taught early on that, "you can always tell a real cowboy from a fake one...if they're wearing a felt in the summer or a straw in the winter."
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