Never heard of them but it really all just depends on what look you're going for.
I know there's been a lot of ball busting on here about your Tecovas and skinny jeans, and if that's the look you're really going for, then don't waste much money on a hat (as someone mentioned earlier). You're going to look how you look...regardless of the hat.
If you want to really look good and somewhat legit western, then YES, a good hat will help you immensely.
Based on the picture you posted and the fact that you're asking about all these different elements of your wardrobe, I'm somewhat inclined to believe you really are trying to pull off much more of a somewhat legit, respectable, good looking western thing...and not a stupid fucking hipster wannabe tecova skinny jean wearing thing?
If I'm right, and you're going for the former, honestly, you're not that far off and you can definitely get there with a little bit of help. Particularly with your hat. If not, and you prefer the latter, then carry on.
General word of caution on hats right now: Fashion hats have never been more popular. I'm talking about the felt or straw hats that may kinda sorta seem like a cowboy hat, but they're not at all. Nothing wrong with them and a lot of legit hat makers are capitalizing on their current popularity, but they will land you into the latter category above very quickly.