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Everything posted by Landomatic

  1. The Sea Dek brand stuff or just that fake teak foam stuff in general? Mrs Landomatic is trying to convince me that all that fake teak foam stuff looks cheap (regardless of brand, color, etc) and is thinking we need to get it all done with real teak. I haven't priced any of it yet, but assuming the real teak is going to be stupid expensive comparatively (not to mention higher maintenance and all that crap), I'm hopeful there is a faux teak product on the market (probably Sea Dek brand) that doesn't? I tried doing a walk around the docks with her, thinking some foam decking would jump out and look nice where she wouldn't be able to tell the difference between it and real teak on some of the more expensive boats. Well, that backfired. She could spot the difference a mile away and most of the nicest boats had real teak.
  2. You're talking to a guy who wears Tecovas with matching belts.
  3. Any of these will look pretty sharp... https://www.neimanmarcus.com/p/tom-ford-mens-stretch-corduroy-icon-jacket-prod227740154?ecid=NMCS__GooglePLA&utm_source=google_shopping&utm_source=google_shopping&adpos=&scid=scplpsku193030787&sc_intid=sku193030787&gclid=Cj0KCQiA7NKBBhDBARIsAHbXCB7DhSO7S8Q1oxa-J3tfocmXxYiO-MlYxkOYnG3cASOidZ-1sel-fGAaAhEtEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds https://www.neimanmarcus.com/p/tom-ford-mens-stretch-corduroy-new-iconic-jacket-prod235180477?childItemId=NMN7CJU_ https://www.neimanmarcus.com/p/tom-ford-mens-4-pocket-denim-jacket-prod229720035?ecid=NMCS__GooglePLA&utm_source=google_shopping&utm_source=google_shopping&adpos=&scid=scplpsku192760212&sc_intid=sku192760212&gclid=Cj0KCQiA7NKBBhDBARIsAHbXCB7QRvwRetWln6kpYqkxl6l0foWKActRdwR6DFAC_1Br87Ut6O35JbkaAr7mEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds This is nice too, but a little spendy if you ask me... https://www.neimanmarcus.com/p/tom-ford-mens-suede-western-blouson-jacket-prod238380284?childItemId=NMN7W02_
  4. Pics of what?
  5. Well, looks like for just $150, you can.
  6. @conVINCEd I'm a member of another boat forum and this just popped up. I copied the pertinent parts. Might be some good info for you, just FYI...
  7. Yes. It. Does. One of the first things we "need" to add to our new boat. Swim platform and cockpit. Currently fiberglass and "needs" to be some teak, sea dek, sea grass...or some combination thereof. Anyone have any experience with all that?
  8. Boy, you're not kidding. Apparently a pretty big market for the least "cowboy" cowboy boots ever made. And to top it off, introducing our Ranch collection - boots no horseman would ever put in a stirrup. Good lord...this cult following gives me the sads for all Texans.
  9. Been that kinda week...
  10. Buncha lazy bastards using mixers instead of hand kneading their pizza dough up in here. /guy who buys my dough in pre-made frozen balls so I don't have to fuck with it
  11. Took a look at their website for about 30 seconds and could have told you that.
  12. Yeah, I like my boats like I like my women. Blonde hair and big tits. Er, wait...what?
  13. No truer words ^
  14. Hahaha, no I was just busting his balls and I keep upping his budget for him every time I mention it. Because that's what always seems to happen to me and misery loves company.
  15. Actually, upon closer look, I think I'd want a little more cockpit seating to accommodate more of the hanging out with friends champagne dinner sunset cruises part. Looks like 370 it is... https://www.gradywhite.com/models/express-cabins/express-370/
  16. Dude, he's got like a $300K budget. Let him overextend himself and spend $400K. It's the 'merican way. I kid, I kid. The accountant in me wouldn't buy a 2002. I'd want to be sure I was getting a hell of a deal on it (maybe that one is). That'll be a cash boat in a year and take another depreciation hit, or at least get a lot harder to sell...once you realize after a year that you wanted something bigger/newer.
  17. I really like this boat too. Looks like it would check a lot of boxes if I was on the coast, into fishing but not super into fishing, and wanted a day boat we could also do some hanging out with friends champagne dinner sunset cruises on.
  18. Might not be all bad. Once I started really narrowing, a lot of it came down to a pretty basic allocation of space vs intended use ratio for us. And once I was honest about that, it got pretty simple. Two clear examples off the top of my head...Cruisers Yachts makes 2 great boats that were in the conversation for us. First one was a 39 Express Coupe. Deck space is spectacularly designed. Outdoor space being important, it really did check a lot of boxes. But it just didn’t have enough cabin space. Next one was a 42 Cantius. Really thought having 2 separate staterooms would be amazing, but when we really thought about it, we know that honestly the number of times we’d need that would be so rare, we couldn’t justify it. So, I think you probably need to really ask yourself what percentage of time you think you’ll ski/fish/just hang out with friends and drink and swim. Then prioritize those from there. If you really think it’ll be ⅓ each, you might be fucked. But I doubt it is when you’re really honest about it. One thing that would be a a deal killer for me on most pontoons would be the lack of an enclosed head. Most womenz don’t like that one bit.
  19. Aaaaaaaand I just realized I've spent the last two hours looking at pontoons and fishing boats. Talk about rabbit holes. What the hell is wrong with me? Screw you people. Screw all of you!
  20. Perfect example. That episode is mostly shit. However... Tony at the golf course with his neighbor, calling him "Cooz" the whole time and telling the bullshit story about knowing John Gotti. Then taking him a box of sand to hold onto, just to fuck with him. Several good to great lines in that episode. Some gold.
  21. Nope...all you homie. Report back though because I bet it’s good shit.
  22. Not sure why not sure if serious. Do they not have that where you are? They seem pretty reliable and have really quick turn times normally. A little spendy maybe, but better than freezing. And yes, they do large tanks (at least where I live). Might have to set up a commercial account or some shit and not sure how long that would all take, but worth checking into. I grew up on a ranch that mostly ran off propane, so I know a thing or two about it. Anyway, just trying to help. Besides, this is the serious thread, how could I not be serious?
  23. Have you tried Propane Taxi?
  24. No, this is where we make fun of him for returning from a Mexico vacation in the middle of a snowmageddon.
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