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Everything posted by Landomatic

  1. Based on my findings so far, y'all are seriously overrating that Secret Aardvark stuff. It's okay, but it's nowhere near the Marie Sharp's or Melinda's.
  2. I figured that might be the case. We rarely go out downtown, but will gladly make an exception for any place you're backing/endorsing. Looking forward to both.
  3. Nah...the Sopranos is like sex and pizza, even the worst are still pretty good. Even the shittiest episodes still have a little bit of gold in them.
  4. Holy crap. Just when I thought bands of your life couldn't get any worse... Blake with technical issues: "hold my beer"
  5. @ChiTownDoc you got anything to do with this?
  6. Looks like Jimmy's has closed for about a month or more due to covid, according to their website. I'm guessing they must be pretty resilient when it comes to all this shit, in terms of not being in real trouble of closing permanently, but damn they have to be taking it in the shorts this last year. Of course, I don't really think they've always done themselves any favors with their operating model during covid either. I mean, I guess they kind of started offering a very cumbersome curbside model with their groceries, but they also did away with their lunches altogether from what I could tell. Seems they could have come up with a curbside model for that if they really needed the revenue. To me, that was a much bigger reason for going to Jimmys. Honestly, I can order just about anything they sell from Amazon these days. Or Eataly is on Instacart and has everything Jimmy's has times 10. But, what the hell do I know? Love that place...hope they make it.
  7. I don't have an Ooni so other people's MMV. But I just use the same metal peel for everything. I may not know what I'm missing, but haven't ever felt the need for a specific turning one or a wooden one. I don't get all that into making dough so I just get that pre-made from Central Market or Whole Foods (both are pretty good). Grease never worth the squeak for me, personally. But, I also don't like to bake. On the pepperoni, I've tried a lot of different ones and Molinari & Sons and Fiorucci are my two favorites (again I think both available from CM or WF) but people also love DeLallo which would be a close second for me. Take the time to read this whole thread. There's a ton of knowledge in here.
  8. No truer words. You were right. Shoulda been more confident in it. Also, no truer words. Gotta trust your gut and do what works for you on some of this shit. Not saying you should spend half a mil on a Riva, but you seem like the kinda guy who might appreciate at least a Chris-Craft. If I was buying a day boat, the list would begin and end with a Chris-Craft Corsair.
  9. Just watch below deck on bravo. Should tell you everything you need to know. Lol full disclosure...that’s what hooked mrs lando enough to get our current boat even fuller disclosure...I hate to admit it but I effin love that show. but hey, what’s not to love?
  10. Yeah I’m putting that shit on the list. Goals man
  11. Bolded seems like a good boat name 😉
  12. No doubt! Still wondering what’s so cool about them? They make my panties wet and I don’t even wear panties! Hahaha
  13. Hold on...pouring martinis and lighting a cigarette. I fucking LOVE this shit.
  14. These boats??? Spectacular!!!
  15. I think you’re talking about a Riva? I have a picture of that on my wall in my living room. Hang on...
  16. tl;dr You wanna talk about cult following, let’s talk Chi’s-Craft. Ohhhh my god....that shit is beyond a panty dropper.
  17. Sexy! What is that?
  18. Kind of the Mercedes Benz of boats? Or am I off on that? Because I've had a lot of cars, and that is MB to a fucking teeeee
  19. I guess both of our avatars check out...ha
  20. For me, it's more about the stying (fit & finish). I see one and I just know it's gonna be sexy as hell. And...upon closer inspection, it always is.
  21. Damn that's cool as hell man. Nice work!! Now, you need to get her some Mario Luca Giusti dishes. From everything I know, it's THEE best there is when it comes to yacht ware. The Tessa Blue collection would look amazing with that tile work. Here's some that I got, although we (and by "we" I mean Mrs Landomatic) decided "we" are probably not going to use it (doesn't really go with the new boat, but will be replacing it with more Mario Luca stuff). This shit is legit...all plastic.
  22. Nice humble brag 😘 Seriously though, every time we see a Cobalt, our pants get a little chubby/wet. Something verrrrrrry sexy about a Cobalt. Just talked to my mechanic about them a couple days ago (he owns one) and he said the newest ones are not that great. Damn...took the wind straight out of my sails (pun intended). csb time: One of the boats I didn't buy in this whole process was a Cobalt 46 Express. Big boat for Cobalt. Had never seen one then and haven't seen one since - super rare - maybe only made them for one year? Two staterooms, two heads, etc. Kind of like a newer Chris-Craft Commander (my favorite boat ever and I think there are maybe like 10 of them in the world or some shit) but I digress. Holy crap, this Cobalt was fucking fabulous and I was ready to go all in, all cash, no survey, like...stupid shit. I didn't give a fuuuuuuhhhhhck... And she had Zeus pods. Ugh. So, yeah...run, don't walk. But, I think the boat we got is better, so everything happens for a reason I guess.
  23. Explained...glad you got it. Also explained, but maybe you missed it. Get a good broker to help you. Dealers are most likely not your friend. From my understanding, Chaparrels are crap. I think, much like your thoughts on buying new, you could not be more wrong here. I think you need to do A LOT more homework. Not trying to be an asshole, just trying to help you out.
  24. No, this was beyond egregious. Sure, shady shit happens with all fill in the blank dealers for whatever, but normally on the scale of somewhere between a 0 and 5 maybe. This shit was at 11.
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