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Everything posted by Landomatic

  1. Yeah, I mean if you can't trust the commercials to be authentic for your cajun themed fast food, who can you trust?
  2. Aren't the real pans actually some sort of automotive part? Seems like at one time I saw something about the history of Detroit style pizza and it was all about the pan, which was some automotive industry thing they have up there. Might have been like DDD or some shit, but I'm pretty sure the overall message was that it's all in the pan and you won't get the desired results without using a real auto parts pan.
  3. Meant to ask, before we got sidetracked with $50 cheese walls and deli chick blow jobs (it happens)...explain to me more about this broiler functionality. When I do pizza, I just set my oven to 500 because that's the highest temperature setting it has. The broil setting is above that on the dial, but I always just assumed that didn't really bake with heat everywhere, but that it was just some direct heat from above to crisp things up or whatever. Is the broil setting just an even hotter setting than 500? And what is the whole cracking the door thing? I've always cracked the door whenever I broil things, but I always thought that was just a technique to let things breath. Are you saying the broiler doesn't even work if the door is shut? I haven't had much trouble getting my toppings done before the dough when I make pizza (if anything it's the other way around), so I don't think it's something I'll want to experiment with, but I am curious.
  4. That's great hot sauce ^ Does everyone know about that hot sauce or is it kind of unique? First time I've ever seen it outside of my own kitchen before. I learned of it when my grocery delivery got screwed up about 6 months ago and they brought me one bag from someone else's order. That was in there, along with a milder Melinda's and I'll be damned if it's not my go-to just about every time now. the carnitas look good too
  5. Had to be someone around you could ask.
  6. So what about the deli girl? With the blowjob?
  7. Unpopular food opinions thread is that way
  8. I hope the chick behind the deli counter was hot, because apparently that cheese comes with a blow job.
  9. Ha fuckin auto-correct
  10. and sausage and shrimp and crab and corn
  11. You need a better pallet. And sex partner apparently.
  12. Yep. Hell I think maybe for just the pure quality of food, Banditos gets my vote these days.
  13. I'll take the 52 while we're dreaming. That master suite with the separate entrance is spectacular. One of the cooler boats I saw in all of my research.
  14. Yeah, I hate having to come to terms with that fact of life, but I agree it's definitely a thing. Getting older sucks.
  15. I hope you're right. That was definitely one hesitancy I had about it...that it is such a unique setup that there won't be any demand for it once I go to resell it. Will other people want a boat that size with that type of layout? I mean, we think it's cool, but hopefully others will too. It's too new (came out in 2018) to really have a feel in the market. And as mentioned, it is the only one like it (at least to my knowledge) so it's technically in a class of its own, which can be good or bad. I guess we'll find out at some point.
  16. Matt's and Mia's have both slipped considerably over the past few years. Their food is equal to or maybe slightly better than Mi Cocina, but the overall experience is nowhere near the Mi Cocina in Highland Park Village. I think people like to dogpile on MiCo's because it has become a chain, and I agree that there are some that suck. But the one in HPV is solid top to bottom. Have not tried Ojeda’s or Mariano’s so I can't speak to them.
  17. Thanks all. Yeah, that's why we ultimately landed on it. There's not another boat on the market in that size range that's laid out that way to give you that big boat, yacht feel. As I mentioned, we were somewhat limited with wanting to keep our existing slip, and the other obvious options (SeaRay 350, Cruisers 35 Express, etc) were just nowhere near the boat this one is, so we kept coming back to it. It just felt like the perfect allocation of space for the way we boat (full master suite below deck, enclosed salon and galley up, sunpads on the cockpit and bow). I kept seeing it referred to as "the ultimate couple's boat" which I think it definitely is. I wouldn't get it if we had a bunch of kids, but for just the two of us, or with 1-2 other couples (or a handful of strippers), it should be perfect. The layout, paired with the fit and finish and styling of the newer Carvers was just impossible to beat. It really does feel like a small yacht.
  18. Thanks troph. And sorry not sorry about the rabbit hole I sent you down Lol. I'd feel bad for you, but I can't count the number of hours I've spent in the last few months doing the same. So I can only empathize.
  19. So, what's the best Tex Mex in Dallas then? I don't think Mi Cocina in Highland Park Village is the best Tex Mex food by any stretch, but top to bottom experience, it's tough to beat. I've lived here for 20 years and I've still yet to find Tex Mex food anywhere else that's so superior that it makes going there worth it. So, yeah...I think @billfromlaketravis is probably right.
  20. Thanks. Yeah supposedly Carver got a pretty major corporate overhaul a few years back...new CEO and all that. Their new stuff is pretty badass. https://www.carveryachts.com/the-yacht-collection/models/
  21. Nope. Can peel with the best of them. It’s more like thinking just one stab with just the tip is good sex, so you pay for dinner and drinks and listen to her blab all night, just to get her home for one stab with just the tip. Woulda been better off staying home and rubbing one out. I like all seafood. I like all Cajun flavor. I don’t mind peeling any other shellfish as the payoff is well worth it. It’s just not there for crawfish
  22. Crawfish are overrated. Squeak isn’t worth the grease.
  23. Yes, after damn near every single person I talked to telling me that I do NOT want the smaller ones.
  24. It’s 34 feet...Carver C34. It was pretty much the most boat I could find that would still fit in our existing slip, which I wanted to keep because we like our location and layout.
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