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Everything posted by Landomatic

  1. No, I meant your. As in you already showed your ignorance. Figured he might not know that big word though, so I went with stupid.
  2. Too late. You already showed your stupid. Twice. Can’t walk it back now.
  3. Holy shit. You bought them, right? Although, not sure how I feel about it being frozen.
  4. Damn, that sucks. Maybe they’ll come back in a better location. I never even got a chance to check it out.
  5. You do realize a large portion of recruits are from a republican family, right? And that Texas is a predominantly republican state? No CR, but Jezus this is a dumb take, regardless of what side of the aisle you’re on.
  6. He said upthread...7 but with Covid they’re letting people extend that.
  7. Ding ding ding. This is not a good thing and I can't really believe everyone is celebrating it. If it's true the way it went down, which I seriously doubt, that's a huge red flag. Either Sark doesn't have the confidence to stand behind his own decisions or doesn't have to power to be able to...or he is already making such bad decisions that he needs fans/BMDs/etc to step in and bail him out of them. Yikes either way. Highly unlikely this happened. Those types of stories are good for clicks and message boards, but there is far too much mutual respect among coaches to have let this happen. You don't go from ready to hire your old buddy to letting letting things go down this way, unless said buddy did something to piss you off. This, plus the fact that Saban just instantly took Stoops back in his old job, plus the fact that Sark already had another guy pretty much in the bag...it all points to things not going down the way it has been reported. I'll chose to believe that it was never a done deal. Stoops was a finalist but was never really hired (granted, fans and BMDs probably helped make sure of that), but the "reporters" jumped the gun and got it wrong. Much more likely scenario.
  8. Really? I thought the Loge one seemed like a pretty good deal, depending on what all comes with that. Especially the way @closetojumping and @Sydney Cartoon did it. Split the one time "gift" so you're in for $75K...people spend more than that on a car, boat, RV (sound famiar?), etc all the time. Then $8K a year for 2 seats...that's only about $335 per seat per month. Again, probably spending that plus to use said boat or RV. And some or all of this is probably tax deductible. Seems like a fairly reasonably priced hobby to me. Hell most decent country club memberships are more than that. Yeah the big ones are a little different level, but it's all relative.
  9. When there are surprises in the top 5 or so, I imagine it moves their needles considerably. Not to mention those who fall off. Bell curve and shit.
  10. I mean, hang a couple sombreros and ponchos on the wall, bring in some used bright colored mismatched furniture, string up a piñata, and you’re good.
  11. Damn, and it doesn’t get much more outdoors than a lot of BBQ places. They should announce they are limiting their number of people served even more, go reservation only as to keep no more than a handful of people in line at a time, and raise their prices. People who are being cautious likely have no interest in going and standing in long lines (basically large gatherings) right now. But they might pay a premium if they know that won’t be a factor. Just might work.
  12. Best show ever. That is all.
  13. You may be one of the most obtuse people on this site. And that’s really saying something.
  14. For what?
  15. Thank you for your detailed, insightful contribution. Much appreciated. I'm looking at things from a whole different perspective now. Really got me thinking.
  16. I'm aware he's the Corso of the ticket. One can hope though.
  17. Anyone know when Norm’s contract is up?
  18. Holy shit! $2M renovation? That’s a beautiful space. How the hell could they possibly spend that much?
  19. What a pleasant was of saying “that fucking restaurant sucked.” You’re better with words than I am.
  20. Yeah, does not compute. "Daddy, I want macaroni on my burger"...sounds legit. or "Father, this evening I would like a hamburger, served on a buttered brioche bun"...also maybe legit. but "Dad, I want a double bacon cheese burger, topped with mac and cheese, grilled on the flat top, with a buttered brioche bun"...not so much. So you're a liar but, hey, looks fucking fantastic. Would smash and shit.
  21. Wow, I guess I don't get out much any more. Just got this email...not sure I follow any of it though. So, Macellaio and Lucia are both closed? Or Macellaio is closing? Or both are moving? And one is moving to where Salaryman used to be? Maybe @DFWTexEx or one of our other BA people can decode. No love lost from me if Macellaio permanently shutters. That place was insultingly bad the one time I ate there, pre-pandemic. https://lucia-106392.square.site/
  22. We both got two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles and onions, but their buns have sesame seeds.
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