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Everything posted by Landomatic

  1. You've never let that stop you before
  2. So, just out of curiosity, assuming you were one of the guys who got fucked (or are very close to some, since you seem to know more details than most), why did you (or they) think it was investable to begin with? I saw major flaws in that guy as a business manager from 100 miles away. I mean, apparently he was a pretty good cook, but restaurant investment 1-0-1 is it takes a hell of a lot more than that to run a successful restaurant. Honestly, when I read on here that he shuttered, my very first thought was, "there's a shocker" followed by, "damn, he must have been even worse than I thought...I thought he'd at least make it a year." I understand if you don't want to talk about it publicly, and I'm really not trying to dog pile. I'm just genuinely curious from an investment/business standpoint. I figure enough time has gone by?
  3. To pile onto @wild_turkey drive through seems very unnecessarily risky to me. That window is like a revolving fucking door of random strangers all within arms length of the person working at the window. You don't know who/if/how masks are being worn. Parties and groups of up to 8? Again, far from essential. Bullshit. Having brisket is not essential. Take a year off. Again, why do you think your ideals on this are right and others' are wrong? The whole point here is you judging others, not about what you are and aren't doing to mitigate the spread. And by the way, for context, this is coming from someone who hasn't stepped foot inside a single store, retail or grocery, since March 12. I've got you beat on a whole bunch of other shit too, but again, not here to judge.
  4. And here's another one that seems like it would work. @dcbc you got any updates on this thing?
  5. FYI...this is the one from the Homemade Pizza thread. Not sure how well it's been working for him since. @Mac8111 any updates on this?
  6. This crust says 24g carbs per ¼ pizza. So, 96g per pie. Doesn't seem all that low. Hell, what's a regular one, like 120g? What am I missing here? Or is this one of those "net carb" things?
  7. Not sure how they could really police that. But, yeah the exact specifics of the situation as my friends described it on St Barth is that some of the staff from Nikki Beach went to an after hours party on a yacht with the crew on New Years Eve. And a few days later, some of the staff tested positive so they had to shut the whole thing down. Not sure what the "rules" are there, but it did sound like there may have been some sneaking around/rule breaking going on.
  8. All spot on stuff, as usual from you man. One issue with doing the spacer thing, which you sort of alluded to above, is that you still have to open the lid to check it. So every time, you're losing heat, which is not good for cooking or for efficiency. The way I've seen to adjust the height on the conversion kits like a DoJoe is to raise it by hand with the peel for a couple mins at the end to cook the toppings better, which does sound like a beating. But I've also seen people having to do that with stand-alone ovens like the Ooni. Don't quote me on this, but I think @Anastasis has had to do some of this (maybe he'll weigh in and set me straight). So, I'm not really seeing that much of a difference between an egg conversion kit like the DoJoe) and a stand alone oven like the Ooni). I'm sure you're right on the efficiency thing, but there's also the factor of having yet another stand-alone contraption in my yard to have to fuck with (DoeJoe being an accessory and Ooni being a stand-alone contraption). By the time I get done listening to all the surly experts, my back yard is going to look like a damn Home Depot parking lot...grill, smoker, griddle, pizza oven.
  9. Except by boat. Friends of mine just got back from St Barths and some of the crew from one of the mega yachts had it and brought it onto the island and gave it to some staff at Nikki Beach. They had to shut it down for 10 days.
  10. He’s no tall dark and handsome British guy from Bridgerton. So I’m told
  11. If it’s something you’re really wanting to get into, you’ll want to get a conversion kit that will turn your egg into a pizza oven. I think some guys might have posted about it in the homemade pizza thread. Ceramic cookers are actually not good for cooking pizza with just a stone. Not nearly enough heat from the top, so you’re much better off using your oven. That said, if you just wanna putz around a couple times knowing the family may not even be all that into it, just get any cheap pizza stone and it’ll be fine.
  12. Dude you just keep stating your opinion as fact over and over. I guess you’re hoping it makes you sound intelligent and informed? It does exactly the opposite. Keep fuckin those chickens though
  13. Again, all just conjecture on all of our parts with a slant toward whatever argument it is you're trying to make. Planes have better air filtration. You also have 150+ people confined in a small space. Home depot is a lot larger space with far fewer people. Two sides of the same coin...or some such shit.
  14. Well, that’s just like...your opinion, man. There’s not proof of that whatsoever.
  15. I didn't ask you to list some of the things you were doing to help mitigate the risk. That's all great stuff, but my question was, have you not done one non-essential thing since March? I'm betting you have. So what makes your non-essential thing(s) acceptable and others' not acceptable? So, you post your opinion on a discussion board, but expect anyone who disagrees with you not to want to discuss it and should just ignore it? Got it.
  16. You've never met an aggy in real life? Lucky
  17. I want to be @PenelopeWitherspoon when I grow up!
  18. To be fair, there may be some red flags that make that a bit of a sliding scale. Maybe when the face of the restaurant prides himself on being a dick to customers...or when his entire family has cut ties with him over previous business dealings...or when he boasts of his marketing & advertising plan consisting wholly of posting in his own special thread on surly...or when he's done no research on necessary permits for a smoker when opening a BBQ joint - those might be a couple to steer clear of.
  19. So, to be clear...you have not done one single non-essential thing since mid March? Although I agree with you that non-essential travel is obviously going to be on the higher side of the risk scale, who put you in charge of where the threshold is for where we all need to draw the line? You have your opinion of where that line should be and others have theirs.
  20. Can't happen fast enough. He's become unlistenable. Surrounding him with younger, more in touch people hasn't done anything to balance things. All it has done is magnify how truly out of touch he is. Instant tune out from 10 to noon for me, which is too bad because I mostly really like the rest of that crew.
  21. One of my first lessons in shaggy group-think and the fact that many of the opinions posted here are FAR from how the real world actually is. Used to scratch my head as to how everyone here could possibly be so obsessed with that guy. Turns out I was beyond right (as I have been several times with several other topics since). Now I just laugh when surly group-think rears its head and people hang on every word like it’s the gospel.
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