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Everything posted by Landomatic

  1. I just got a quote for my new pool this week from one of the bigger companies around and they wanted $140 for the cleaning and $40 for the chemicals, but they said that was actually below their minimum (I have a small pool). So, sadly, $200/month is probably about right for what I'm seeing in the market now and for what I used to pay, which was $200/month. Couple of related CSB's... My last guy was $150/month, but he was a unique situation. Young kid who was working for the large company I originally hired for $200/month. He decided to quit and go out on his own and I guess he was poaching clients when he left because he offered to do mine for $150 if I'd hire him. Not sure how many other people he took when he left, but that really wasn't my problem. So, I took him up on it and it worked out fine. Ended up being a pretty cool kid and I helped him out with some business stuff along the way. I just signed up with a guy for my new pool who says he'll do it for $20/week. Pretty sure he's only able to do that because he's doing it on the side of the company he's currently working for and using their chemicals. He does other pools in the neighborhood and it seems like he's just gonna swing by mine when he's here and make a quick $20 on the side for about 15 mins of work. I didn't ask and he didn't say, but that's just my reading between the lines. Had some apprehensions, you know, due to the whole "too good to be true, if he'll steal from his employer, etc" but for $20 a month, I decided fuck it, I'll give it a try. I'm guessing there's lots of shady shit like this in the pool service industry. Probably some "get what you pay for" type deals that don't end well...i.e. these side deal type guys don't have any kind of business insurance so if they fuck something up, it's on you. I might try to do it myself if I had to pay $200/month but for $20/week, I'm willing to let someone else fuck with it. I could also mow my own lawn, but for $35/week, I'd rather have someone else fuck with that too. We'll see how it goes.
  2. I've had in-ground on my last three pools and I would never do it any other way. For me, it's just so out of sight, out of mind and I like that. Those robots are a beating and don't do as good of a job from my experience. I don't like them swimming around me while I'm swimming, and occasionally squirting the windows. The robots just seem like antiquated technology to me, compared to the in-ground system. It's literally like a corded phone versus a wireless one IMO. Also another plus of the in-ground, it heats from the bottom up so heats much more efficiently. Huh, my last 2 pool designers (2 different guys with different companies) said just the opposite. They both said if we have a lot of trees, the in-ground might not be able to handle it very well. If it will handle your trees, it's easily worth $6K in my opinion. That's only $100/month for the next 5 years and I'd pay that all day for the convenience and efficiency. Again, not what I was told by two different guys. Mine have done a fantastic job of keeping the floor clean, which it was my understanding is their main purpose. They work like little sprinkler heads and push all the dirt toward the drain by spraying water across the floor of the pool. In-floor and a robot? I didn't know that was an option. I was under the impression it was an either/or type deal. I guess that would be the ultimate in cleaning, but seems like overkill to me. Especially because the best part, in my opinion, is not having to fuck with the robot.
  3. I can tell you who NOT to use. I don't want to post it here yet, because they are STILL finishing mine. But, PM me if you still need this information.
  4. I think that's different cows. I think that's Vic's cows you're thinking of.
  5. If you're not feeding them beer and giving them massages, you're slackin
  6. I listened. I don't even think that was the real Robert Griffin III
  7. So...we getting Arron Rogers as an analyst to groom him for the QB coach or what?
  8. And he’ll likely have no other employment options, honestly. Low level assistant UT coach is about as good as it will get for that guy, post playing days.
  9. You spelled “is going to shit” wrong
  10. This may be the biggest reach surly/shaggy has ever witnessed. Drew fucking Brees? For a coaching job at UT? What the fuck
  11. This doesn't really apply here but every gif thread needs it...
  12. But when will the general manager fire the owner? Er...wait, did I get that right?
  13. Explain. You got something against vanilla ice cream?
  14. If it does, he needs to hang onto her.
  15. You must be new around here. Don't you know that everyone would rather be at Texas than anywhere else in the country because of our resources and recruiting hotbed and that every assistant would now much rather work for Sark than any other coach, especially Saban because he's a big meanie, and we will just money whip any candidate we want and make them say no?
  16. Some serious optimism right there. Or delusion
  17. Yet so many people seem to forget it and group all the outlying idiots with the rest of the group. It’s almost like we didn’t learn the concept of fucking bell curves in fucking middle school.
  18. And by “waitresses” of course they mean “escorts”
  19. Okay gotcha. I liked my sports without politics but not my circus, not my monkeys. Moving on then
  20. Yeah I’m aware. There’s also a little scroll bar on the side where people can just keep scrolling whenever there’s a political point brought up outside the CR. But, that doesn’t stop everyone from dog piling and negging the shit out of whoever posted it
  21. Last 2 times I’ve checked this football board, there’s been 2 different political banners across the top. What gives? I thought we were always supposed to keep that shit in the cloak room?
  22. User name checks out.
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