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Everything posted by Landomatic

  1. They’re probably right. Fuck it pains me to type that
  2. I wish UT had Jimbo and aggy had a feather up their ass. Yeah, I said it.
  3. Is that still the case. I thought it was just one booster years ago? And he gone.
  4. Holy shit I hope this is sarcasm.
  5. I was joking about the alcohol. But does look great. I’ll try it.
  6. I do sometimes if I have it on hand. I find baked ziti to often be a spur of the moment deal. And I don’t keep ricotta on hand very often. I keep everything else needed on hand and it’s easy so I make it without ricotta a quite a bit. Only real negative I’ve found is it maybe gets a little dry for leftovers. My cooking generally falls into 2 categories...1) I plan for it and get all the right ingredients, or 2) let me see if I can throw something together with what I’ve got laying around. Both can be great. Both can suck.
  7. I would eat the ever living crap outa that. Nice work. Will try sometime. Is the cooking off the alcohol part optional?
  8. aggy will somehow figure out a way to aggy this up. They'll lose to Tenn this weekend. Or get in and not be able to play their first game because of a covid outbreak. The old saying "aggy gonna aggy" exists for a reason.
  9. Well fuck, I guess we have our answer. Looks like aggy's getting in. Unless they lose to Tennessee or this ACC Championship game gets canceled, I don't see any other situation where they aren't in the CFP. Can't believe I'm even typing that. Still time for aggy to aggy it up (come on Tennessee) or ND/Clemson to get canceled (come on Rona).
  10. I thought so too, but the committee putting USC at 13 this week doesn't set up well for it. They'll have to move them 9 spots (assuming they win the Pac championship). Don't see that happening. I have a sinking feeling that aggy gonna get in the CFP this year. Maybe the only way that doesn't happen is if Clemson/ND gets canceled. Might be the first time I've pulled for a football game to be canceled in my life, and definitely the first time I've cheered for the rona. But come on rona!!!
  11. I mean, other than the fact that damn near every single other coach on earth does it that way and has done it that way forever. Lots of them with a lot more money than he has. Hell, not even every coach...damn near every single person who's employed, who wishes to remain employed, keeps the job they have until it's time to officially move on or the next gig is final. That and the fact that when Briles is involved, if something doesn't smell right (narrator: and this doesn't smell right), it's because something is rotten to the core.
  12. Something really fishy about this whole thing (shocker with Briles involved, I know). Why would he resign from his job before the announcement that he'd been hired at another one? If it's just that he's taking another gig, why not "step down to pursue another opportunity" the same way 100% of other coaches who do that same thing do it? I think there's more to it. I remember the mental gymnastics those people from Mt Vernon were doing to justify his hiring. It was truly astounding. Like, something you'd think you'd only see in a movie. I followed it all pretty closely and kept expecting the outrage to take over and them to have to walk it back. Not even close. Around that time, there was a letter that had been released by Baylor that, in a bunch of legal jargon, vaguely stated that Baylor couldn't directly tie anything that happened to Briles. The people of Mt Vernon took that letter as Briles being 100% acquitted of all wrong doing. That letter, combined with lots of religious forgiveness, not our place to judge, etc, mumbo jumbo plus Briles had some big swinging Baptist dicks from Baylor vouch for what a great man he was, made everyone in that entire town completely burry their heads to what all went on. Fast-forward to now and I think I read in the last few days that Baylor now has another round of trials coming up? Or they're set to release some other report or something? I'm guessing some shit is about to come out, either with Baylor or Mt Vernon that isn't going to look too good for ole Art, once again. Usually where there's smoke, there's fire...and with Art Briles and Baylor and people like the residents of Mt Vernon, it's usually a fucking inferno.
  13. The juxtaposition of viewpoints on this is fascinating. Feels like half the posters think this was a genius move by Auburn, mostly because it fits the narrative to fire Herman. Meanwhile, the other half think this was a stupid move by Auburn because Gus wasn’t that bad and the chances of hiring someone better are pretty low.
  14. Except Frost already proved that he’s not at UCF.
  15. Scary part for NU fans is where do you go from Frost? I mean if he couldn’t breathe new life into that thing, no one will be able to. Except an Urban Meyer, which seems highly unlikely
  16. Yeah, I'm not sure Auburn is quite religious enough to handle the coverup for some of these dudes.
  17. Are any of these names being thrown around really an upgrade from Gus? Really? Seem like a bunch of really expensive lateral moves to me.
  18. Serious questions for Nebraska fans...how much longer does he have? Losing season next year and he gone too right? Then that’s when y’all can have your delusions of hiring Urban Meyer?
  19. This. 17-39 over 5 years gets you fired most places. Remember a lot of people thinking that was a pretty good hire at the time too.
  20. Where the committee puts USC this week is going to be pretty telling. If they move them to somewhere around 6th-ish, that tells me they're positioning them to move them into the top 4 with a conference championship game win. If they keep them down closer to where they are now, like maybe around 12th-ish, they probably can't make that big of a leap with them in the final week.
  21. USC wins out and I don't see how the committee leaves them out of the F4.
  22. I guess your definition of "aggy" and mine are different. One of the many reasons aggy is so insufferable is because they've never won anything, yet want to act like they're some kind of football powerhouse at the slightest hint of any success. ND is literally the opposite. You know, with their 11 national champions, 7 heisman winners, etc. If ND wins their conference, beating Clemson twice in the process and finish the season undefeated, and they want to be proud of it, there's nothing aggy about that.
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