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Everything posted by Landomatic

  1. Kubiak has a Bill Callahan feel to him. Ask nebraska how that worked out for them. pass
  2. Not sure but if they expanded the playoffs like so many on this thread have been wishing for, aggy would be in the playoffs this year. Let that sink in.
  3. Seems a little overly slobby and appreciative ^ Never really understood the dog piling on @futureman...although given some of the posters who are doing the dog piling, I guess it shouldn't surprise me.
  4. This thread is like that one great shot in a round of golf that keeps me coming back to golf. Play like shit all day...fuck this stupid ass game. But hole one shot from about 50 ft off the green...damn I love this game.
  5. That's right. Kind of the Phil Jackson phenomenon. All those teams had the talent to win championships, but it took the right coach to balance all the shit that came with that. That was his forte.
  6. Oh whatever fuck off. Who the fuck do you think you are, boy? Just kidding...I think this is spot on. Just doesn't feel like a right fit at all to me, for him or UT.
  7. I don't know this for a fact, but my read on Campbell is that he's a really good guy and a player's coach. And again, I don't think that necessarily translates to UT
  8. Exactly this. That whole "did more with less" coach quite often doesn't translate to a place where they have to do "more with more" which is what a Campbell could be. It's one thing to motivate a bunch of 2 and 3 stars to punch above their weight. It's a completely different thing to motivate a bunch of cocky 4 and 5 stars to check their egos at the door and play for the name on the front of their jersey rather than the name on the back of it. Campbell just feels like rinse and repeat from what we've had to me. He's having one hot year at a school in our conference. Whoopie.
  9. Why not? He's got a much better resume than anyone else's name being thrown around right now.
  10. Fuck it, let's just go take Jimbo. I don't think he's got a buyout (at least he didn't when he originally signed), he's had a few years to get a handle on Texas recruiting, he's got the aggys looking pretty good but they still have a really hard path to ever winning the conference, or even playing for it...let alone a MNC, he's maintained two programs per CDC's supposed criteria, I think his guy at aggy was Scott Woodward who's gone now so probably not much loyalty there, and he's very likely available in a couple weeks. Plus he's got that whole national championship thing going for him. It'll never happen, but it would be glorious just to see aggy's heads explode.
  11. I don't think the "not hiring an assistant" mentality has anything to do with "we're texas and too good for that" mentality. I think it's much more along the lines of assistants often not panning out. More of an "odds of failing" thing than a "we're texas" thing. At least for me.
  12. He also lost to Oregon State. Those are two really bad losses in a year where they were supposed to be a lock to win the conference. We're talking about firing a guy who's done arguably better than that this year. Why would we replace him with at best a lateral move?
  13. claps much harder than Mack Brown.........we'll take him
  14. Fuck that. I'm the DAY and the NIGHT! mother fucker whatcha think about that? just kidding...hope you sleep better than i do
  15. Little sweet. Not terrible. Prob wouldn't buy again. Okay cool. Knowing me, I’ll get it and I won’t like it and I’ll be pissed at you for recommending it
  16. I was just eying that beer online. How is it?
  17. Not necessarily. Why would you say that?
  18. Well, now we know your boobs are real at least.
  19. This is not true. Go google either of their names right now. I can assure you none of the results under the news tab take you to this thread. And there are a lot of them
  20. One other thing of note today... At the end of the game, Gus and Klatt said something about “all the eyes of the college football world will be focused on UT” or something to that effect. So, it’s not just a bunch of UT fans living in our own little world. THEE top two commentators in college sports identify this as a big fucking situation that everyone in college football is interested in, yet the studio team barely even mentions it. Outside of maybe a couple covid things, it’s the biggest story in CBF right now. And they glaze right over it? Hmmm...
  21. Are any other rumors swirling for Urban to go anywhere else...Michigan, USC? Or is it UT or nothing for him?
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