I've been playing around with it a little this morning and Hulu, so far, seems pretty easy. Haven't really found many drawbacks yet. Looks like there may even be at least one improvement in that you can select "new episodes" or "all episodes" when recording. That wasn't an option with YTTV (or at least I was never able to figure it out) and it used to drive me crazy because some shows would just pile up with years worth of reruns and it got a pretty challenging to determine if stuff was new or old.
That said, the DVR doesn't look to be nearly as good. Looks like Hulu only comes with 50 hours (or you can pay extra for 200 hours, which I did), where YTTV was unlimited. Also looks like live TV only records 15 minutes of history where YTTV recorded it all starting when you click on it. TBD if either of these will be a problem for me. I have no clue how many hours I will need, as I didn't ever have to pay attention to it with YTTV. Maybe 200, especially without piling up old reruns, will be more than sufficient? Also, I can't really think of a time when I'd need more than 15 minutes of history. I guess to pause to take a massive dump that lasts more than 15 minutes, or if I get a phone call or something?
Like everything else, I'm sure there are pros and cons to both. But most of what seems "worse" to me is probably actually just "different" and will just take some getting used to.
Full disclosure...I've only messed with it on my desktop to this point, so maybe the TV version will be completely different, but so far, so good.