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Fuck Tim Beck

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Everything posted by Fuck Tim Beck

  1. Man, seeing a Dyer electronics invoice brings back some memories.
  2. Not targeting. Just like earlier. Which means the refs will do the opposite and fuck bama on this.
  3. Brock getting abused as usual on that play
  4. Damn we keep doing stupid shit. Holy shit that was fucking stupid
  5. Of course. Fuck us in the goat ass. We are stupid. What a choke job. Jesus
  6. We need a turnover here. Our only chance to hold on
  7. Lucky fuckers. Damnit. We are gonna need to score points or we are done
  8. They didn't miss it. They aren't gonna call it against ou. Ever
  9. Fuck is right in the goat ass. Son of a bitch
  10. Is there definitive evidence to overturn? I mean I know they will fuck us no matter what , but still
  11. Fuck you herb. He doesn't deserved to be called down.
  12. Hey Urban, shouldn't you be studying film or apologizing again or something?
  13. Interesting. But I'll need more time to mullet over.
  14. Ha! That safety will shut up the tackle box retards
  15. We are just standing around flat footed on defense. Arm tackling ain't gonna cut it
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