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Fuck Tim Beck

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Everything posted by Fuck Tim Beck

  1. With Cosby back in news maybe SouthPark will have a new "hot Cosby" episode
  2. The Bob Dole and Clinton bits with still images on the screen and only the mouth moving were epic
  3. Perhaps the deer are just the test phase. Next stop, tent cities!
  4. Wait. The building was 13 stories? Well there's the problem!
  5. Yep. Killeen police rolled out their MRAP and all the other toys. Hopefully no dogs got shot
  6. They are. And they will be powered by STD's.
  7. So Cannizaro is the baseball version of Major. Interesting.
  8. Coming to a Killeen ISD school in the near future: Pepsi Free Jones
  9. Fuck ercot and fuck hot wheels. Welcome to California except with a shittier power grid.
  10. Not sure if it's store by store or company wide, but this was posted at the Academy in Killeen on Friday
  11. It's not a toomah! (It might be a tumor since he's choosing to move to collie station)
  12. That Maverick reminds me of the Explorer Sport Trac. Ugh.
  13. Your newsletter. I wish to subscribe to it. Fuck these tax collectors with guns.
  14. Odds are he's thinking it's worth a shot.
  15. Jordan just can't get out of his own head. Geez
  16. Can we still sing The Eyes in here? Or no?
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