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Fuck Tim Beck

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Everything posted by Fuck Tim Beck

  1. Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?
  2. Chaz Bono and the great great great granddaughter of Jimmy Durante?
  3. Well that will certainly be a revolting development. But it's hard to know watt to expect.
  4. Oh shit. Now you've done it!
  5. Excuse me sir, but I am sure this nut is way too smart for a normal degree. She will be along any minute to tell us it was an advanced degree. Underwater Basket Weaving.
  6. But where does the watery tart fit in to all this?
  7. Dogs and minorities are a little safer from Art and his Gestapo.
  8. Cooch Rats has a nice ring to it
  9. Pretty sure Oliver is playing a tambourine in the Denver Airport right now
  10. Things escalate quickly in episode 3 when members of Jan's cult start praying to Marsha Marsha Marsha.
  11. Sounds like the shit hit the fan.
  12. Yeah fortunately my mom was meticulous about storing it correctly. She even loaned it to Ft. Hood for a display a number of years ago.
  13. This is really cool. My grandfather's uniform is still stored away at my parent's house. My grandfather was the medical officer for the 893rd Tank Destroyer Battalion. They came to Camp Hood in late 42 or early 43 from Ft. Meade since Hood was the new tank destroyer training center. Got to Europe D+28 if I remember correctly. I never got to meet him. He died in 1965 from his fourth heart attack. Mom said he never talked about the war to anyone. Fortunately my mom and grandmother kept everything from his service. We even have all the letters he wrote home to my grandmother which is really cool. My grandmother always had this bumper sticker on her car. As a kid i had no idea what it was, just that it was cool looking.
  14. No worries. After Strong and Herman, we are used to shit.
  15. I was not aware Chad Briscoe has a tree cutting cousin.
  16. Don't forget to mention the imitation crab meat and your model trains
  17. I see fat chicks. They should have been overturned too
  18. As far as spectators go for womens basketball, you'd still be the least offensive thing there. Hell, just borrow plonskey's cod piece
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