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  1. No wonder anyone with sense avoids this subforum. This is Texags level of hivemind groupthink right here. Yall make Texans ashamed everywhere. Enjoy 4 more years of Trump you strap on loving biden sign having chastity cage wearing simps! #TRUMP2020!
  2. I'll joke about her right now. That woman is responsible for more abortions than south chicago!
  3. Class of '11. Just not hive minded shaggy liberal. Some of us like morales and money.
  4. Just think, if RBG doesnt enter feminist ways into goverment, we dont have insta thots and tik tok sluts. I regret both of them exist.
  5. Man, sounds like hope is lost. Maybe a really nice country like Saudi Arabia or Bulgaria has your name all over it. It must be tough to be you. Do you lose sleep at night?
  6. Again, how is a site full of fucking Texans, this fucking liberal, soft, and scared. No wonder we have been an embarrassment for a decade.
  7. Jesus christ, just like white conservatives thought the world was ending when obama was elected....there really are a bunch of soft fear mongoring pussies in here. Everything is extreme, the world is ending, nazi this.....yall are soft
  8. And just like that, we are friends again.
  9. is it, much like the last election, conservatives just stay quiet.....or is this site really, in Texas, primarily a bunch of liberals?
  10. actually, judging by how creepy your profile picture is...I can see what kind of kink goes on in your world
  11. you either need more personality or more kink in your life.
  12. Bro.... it was a fucking joke....lawd
  13. We talking throating, whips, degradation? Go on.... Mainly ask what she does to you to make you lash out on a message board
  14. Sounds like Scholz, in all due respect for his hatred of Aggy, could learn a thing or two.
  15. Fuck Aggy, regardless of anything
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