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Everything posted by travelingtexan

  1. goal brazil
  2. I banged your mom in a hunting cabin so this hits close to home
  3. so is this happening or not... I dont understand the political talk so in lamen terms what is going on
  4. Im not a scout, but mookie gets the ball at the line of scrimmage or behind in nearly every play, and while he has great speed, I think that good college talent players wouldnt miss 70 or 80 percent of the tackles that he just seems to walk by. He doesnt show extreme wiggle to get by guys, just appears to be able to speed by slow poor competition that cant tackle a fast guy
  5. those edits blow please stop
  6. I am reading a lot of this, and to be honest, there is some jargon that doesnt quite help me understand the points that are being made. I am not looking to go on a witchhunt. If the kid was drunk or on drugs, then yes, go after him and his family. however, I have sped, I have texted, I have been on spotfiy looking for the right song, all while driving. if those were the case, I cant hold that against the kid and imo that is just a freak accident. I just want to know about the process to understand what is going on.
  7. thanks for the information
  8. appreciate it, I am more so just curious as to the process. Found it strange they would indict him without there being clear evidence as to foul play, or maybe we just havent been made aware of said foulplay.
  9. do you have any idea what the process is like for examining evidence? I dont really even know the right words to use. Do they drug test, confiscate phone, etc?
  10. i giggled...
  11. would they only indict someone immediately if there was in fact a foul play factor, or is it standard to put someone in the slammer until they have time to review everything?
  12. I have a question because I am trying to understand a process I am not familiar with. My step dad was hit by a kid Scottsdale where they live. They did a sobriety test and determined alcohol was not involved. He is still being indicted on manslaughter charges. Is this the normal process? Do they always take the perp to jail? Is it because they have a review process to determine if there were other foul play factors involved? I am just trying to understand the process a bit more since neither my mother nor I are familiar with the criminal law process, especially not for a situation like this. Thanks in advance.
  13. I banged a large titted argentine a couple times so this hits close to home
  14. youre not sure why people were high on germany? youre fucking high..
  15. I am done with him. He doesnt need to be coach after this WC.
  16. did lowe really not make any fucking changes
  17. They both matter, there are scenarios where mexico could be eliminated, germany or sweden can finish first
  18. werner fucking sucks in germanys possession game as a striker. gomez on, werner to wing, and TITTY FUCKING CHRIST GET OZIL AND KHEDIRA OFF THE FIELD.
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