Alright just got back from Belize late last night. Enjoyed it quite a bit, not my favorite place but had an above average time. I thought the Caye's were way too touristy with tourist pricing. I did some backpacking and met some aussies and dutch who were pretty great.
Pro's: Really friendly people, even in Belize City, I took the local chicken buses everywhere which were a trip. Everyone was always willing to help and answer questions, even point things out to me without me asking. People on the bus asking me what my stop was and helping notify me when it was my turn. Not many tourists on the local buses which made it a blast. Clear water was another pro, really beautiful. Food is fun but doesnt blow your socks off, however the nationwide habanero pepper sauce served everywhere is the bomb. Mayan ruins inland around San Ignacio were amazing and the ATM cave was brilliant and adventurous, swimming and climbing through a sacrificial cave filled with artifacts and skeletons.
Con's: Way more expensive than it should be. Snorkeling and diving I found to be mediocre or at least over hyped. Too many "disneyworld" style tourists running around.
Places I went: Belize City, San Ignacio, Belmopan, Caye Caulker, Caye Ambergeis.
Activities: Cehal Pach, Xuantunich, ATM Cave, Crystal Cave, Snorkeling, various beaches