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Everything posted by travelingtexan
@midtown see above comments for all three places. Dont judge the stream of consciousness writing, going off memory.
CAMBODIA I personally loved Cambodia. It was cheap, tons to see and do, lots of exploring, lots of fun, hybrid of Thai food, temples, beaches, etc. Let the record show that I can see how this would be a place that would shock some. I am an adventurous traveler, I like home stays, I like culture, I like feeling out of my element. I once hitchhiked through the Sinai Peninsula and I have slept with Bedouins in the Sahara desert so keep that in mind when I say I love Cambodia. It is raw and real, probably more so than anywhere in SE Asia. BACKGROUND: For those who are not aware, in the 70s there was the dictator Pol Pot and he was a real asshole, he killed a couple million of his own people in an attempt to eliminate anyone with any sort of education to basically prevent any sort of uprising. He left the young and impressionable. As if the country wasnt already undeveloped at that point going to Cambodia today feels in many ways like stepping way back in time. Colonial buildings and dirt streets are still the main facade of many of the cities and towns with tons of unfinished buildings and undeveloped property. I think this gives Cambodia a unique culture, a fascinating history, a story that sets it apart from many other places. Siem Reap: Must see. Main lodging city to get to Angkor Wat and the many amazing temples. Angkor Wat fun fact, largest religious building in the world and used to be the capital of an ancient city. They say in its hayday more than 1 million people lived there. Think about that for a minute. Its incredible that all of this is in Cambodia, a country that is often a forethough while people going to neighboring Thailand and Vietnam. The city is dirty with the dirt streets but it is fun and charming in its own way. The downtown has the big night market and pub street where you can eat for cheap, party if you want, have local Khmer (traditional name for Cambodian people) food. Cheap cheap cheap. Massages for $6, beer for .50 cents, street food and chaos. Sihnaoukville: Pretty dirty city that isn't really worth visiting other than as a port to get to the beautiful islands off the coast. To the east of Sihnaoukville there is Otros Beach and Otros Beach 2. Otros Beach 1 and 2: New and developing area with a various amount of lodging from hostels to Hotels. This is the nice beach in the area and is a better place to stay than Sihnaokville. It can be everything from a nice relaxing retreat to the beach, to a flat out wild party time. Lets just say there arent many rules in Cambodia and they have plenty of 24 hour parties themed in the jungle. I went to one that was called Kerfluffle and was set up as a post apocalyptic amusement park set with working rides etc. Islands: Koh Rong and Koh Rong Saleom: Possibly the most "hidden" beauties in all of SE Asia, as cambodia is just becoming a place for tourists, it has been a spot for backpackers. These islands are undeveloped but ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. Pure white amazing sand beaches with crystal clear waters. Dirt cheap. But when I say they are developing, Koh Rong is powered by two generators. I guess there are a couple different areas you can stay but 4K beach is the most beautiful, called 4k in reference to 4k definition. Stunning. Fun night life. Koh Rong Saleom is similar, except more underdeveloped and more relaxing juxtaposed to Koh Rong's nightlife and fun. Kampot: Another fun city with enough to see and explore. Phenom Penh: Capital, some museums, but typical chaotic capital, like a less developed Bangkok. Not a ton to do. Some Museums. Battembong: Another popular spot near Siem Reap but I didn not check it out.
Bali written as a stream of consciousness As someone already mentioned I am glad I went to Bali but for me it is an alright destination. It is the equivalent to the Mexico for Aussies. It is cheaper for them to fly to Bali that it is for them to travel within their own country. A beer is a dollar or two in Bali compared to 10 in Oz. You get a lot of the "bogan" Aussies who are there to just get completely fucked up. The main spots are similar to the Cancun area where its just a lot of riff raff and people there to get smoked for cheap. The beaches of Bali (especially the western part of the island) are very meh, especially using the earlier comparison to Mexico. The jetstream carries a lot of pollution, trash, and whatever else it can wash up from Jakarta and the western islands to Bali. The best places are either very remote resorts on isolated beaches perfect for a honeymoon or expensive getaway. The Gili Islands are where everyone heads to that is looking for the relaxation of hanging on beautiful beaches. Depensar:is the main city and has the only airport on the island is is pretty pointless staying here. Most people stay in the western suburbs along the coast which are Kuta, Seminyak, and Canggu Kuta: In your face, typical Asian suburb where everything for sale is a knockoff and people are on their game to sell you anything and everything. Worth a visit but I would not stay here unless your idea of visiting a foreign place is staying at the hard rock hotel and thinking you're experiencing local culture. Good shopping area and spot to get western food if it has been awhile. Has meh beaches, but then again a lot of the main areas of Bali have terrible beaches. Lots of clubs and partying going on. Seminyak: Similar to Kuta, a suburb to the north, this is not quite the shopping destination or party destination, but still extremely touristy. There are some nice places to stay but again, beaches are meh and its touristy. Canggu, the newest suburb to the north of Seminyak, Canggu is my personal favorite. Rather than the riff raff of touristy shops and crowded city streets, Canggu is the newest beachfront suburb that is much more relaxed. Beach is still meh, but tons of cheap amazing villas are offered, tons of artsy and cute cafes and restaurants, independent artists and retailers, and just all around get food and relaxation. A bit more indy/trendy, less riff raff hard rock cafe crowd. This is where all the babes are, tons of health food, yoga, and gyms reside in this area as well as surfshops. UBUD Ubud: is the central city, at a higher elevation it is a more relaxed environment. Lots of outdoor activities. Opposite of the relax on the beach, this is more hikes and trekking, exploring, nature, animals like monkey preserves, etc. Gili Islands Gili T: This island is oriented towards the backpackers, nightlife, fun crowd. Tons of great hostels, pubcrawls, bars and beachfront bars, dont get me wrong it is great and there are tons of isolated options on the north side of the island. To walk around the island takes maybe an out, and to cross it 15 minutes, so while you may be on the north side at a cool hotel, you can be in the bar scene along the main strip within 10-15 minutes walking. There are no motor vehicles on the island. Horse drawn buggies which are not encouraged because of the way they treat the animals, I preferred bikes or walking. BEAUTIFUL beaches. You can plop down on a bean bag chair or sit down and get a seafood buffet on the beach. Gili M: Smaller than Gili T, it is more of the couples, resort, quiet relaxation. No real town or main strip, 5 minute ferry ride from Gili T. Gili Air: Even Smaller than M and more isolated than both, same thing, just quiet relaxation at private hotels. OVERALL Like I mentioned, I am happy I explored Bali and Gili T, but I also have the goal to go to every country in the world. 73 countries in, I have seen better islands and better beaches. The biggest pro is that it is cheap and you can party. I don't think I would recommend flying half way across the world just to see Bali, but if you are retired, have time, or are in the area, it is a good place to visit. Compared to many places in the area the culture in Indonesia is meh and the food is meh to alright. Beaches are meh, Gili has good ones, but it is inferior to lets say the Philippines.
Alright then: The two ways it works is you either land in Ho Chi (South) or Hanoi (North). I landed South from Sri Lanka and spent time in Hanoi (famous for its sky terraces, pub street, Vietnam Museum which is quite intense, and not much more than that. It is a busy city that lacks a distinct feel but that is strictly as a tourist. I went and drank snake wine and all that jazz but I used Hanoi as a jumping off point. In the South you have: Mekong Delta and river markets - pretty amazing I have an unbelievable picture on my instagram (preston__travels) that I can try to figure out how to upload but probably wont ever Mu Ne - Beach town Phu Quoc - Amazing island off the southern coast you can get too with a ferry, great beaches and tons of resorts hotels etc (VIETNAM IS NOT KNOWN FOR ITS BEACHES) Central Vietnam: Da Lat - heading north from Ho Chi you can drive, ride or take overnight bus (which come with sleeping beds and are a total experience in themselves, I have been shoved off at 3am because the maniac got us there 3 hours early and left us in a dark bus station in the mountains in the winter) AMAZING town that isnt too touristy at the central highlands so it has beautiful mountains and there are all sorts of outdoor activities to do. Another great thing about Da Lat are the homestays where you can pay to stay with a local family and its well worth it. Da Lat Adventure tours was great and I have pictures on my instagram as well. Ha Noi: Has been discussed, everything from the central food market to cheap goods and tailoring to decent beaches, rent a scooter and enjoy this quaint town HOWEVER IT IS EVERY TOURISTY Da Nang: Just up the road 20-30 minutes from Ha Noi, the russian capital of Vietnam and landing place of american troops in Vietnam, has some of the best beaches in Vietnam and is more of a resort destination, tons of exclusive all inclisuive type deals, high rises, very modern. Cool bridges that go across the major rivers. (High van Pass is inbetween these two locations and is a cool mountain pass you can google) Hue: Imperial capital city and still has a giant fortress surrounding it. Not the best place but worth a stop or two. National parks etc: As you head north you will come to some national parks that are worth the visit, cant remember the name NORTH VIETNAMMMMMM HANOI: preferable to Ho Chi imo, city is more fun and has that quintessential chaotic SE Asian vibe. People everyhwere as scooters and cars whiz by, some with an entire family of 5 and some with two ladders that appear as if the scooter is more of a jouster than a citizen going to work. The city feels older too as it has the old french quarter which is essentially the tourist area and has all the bars. Egg coffee is a must as is beer hoi, but dont waste too much time drinking it as it is about 2% beer but roughly .25-50 cents. I prefer more bang for buck. Tons of day tours to do but I found Hanoi to be more of a party city and boy did I have fun. Ha Long Bay: The tourist necessity, Ha Long Bay is beautiful and if you have seen the most recent King Kong flick it was all filmed in Ha Long Bay. I prefer to do things the least touristy was as possible and instead of doing a tour, I chose to go down to Cat Ba Island (the main island in Ha Long Bay where you can actually stay), drove down, take a ferry, boom, on a very remote and undeveloped island (that is changing because of the tourists). It has one bar that faces a shitty port and plays karokee and its great. This was romantically my favorite place as I met a beautiful Dutch girl and she and I stayed together on some remote beach in the most basic hut ever, but man it was great but thats a different topic. You can go down to tthe port or arrange a tour with just about anyone, and its worth it. I did one that had kayaking and swimming which I believe is pretty common. SAPA: PERHAPS MY FAVORITE PLACE IN VIETNAM. Ok so Sapa itself sucks, its a town that has turned into Disney world, I and many others use sapa as the capital of a region that is along the Chinese border comprised of mountains, valleys and most famously the rice paddies. I took a 45 minute drive from Sapa to stay with a family that lived in a community u in the mountains with no motor vehicles. They walked 25-30 Km a day to get work done and these are real old school people. I slept in the same room as their children and they cooked me food everyday. They would take me trekking up into the mountains everyday and was really a unique experience. direct link to my instagram page
Mate, just did 6 weeks on a motorcycle through Vietnam, spent about two weeks in Cambodia, and was in Bali (Gili T islands) for about three weeks as well. Would love to give you all my info just shoot me a private message.
hey, I didnt say the guy isnt a total dweeb... you fucking sluts negged me for that hahahah
To be fair to the guy, he is out there trying to make something happen. Whether he is successful or not, I appreciate him not giving up and his life is better than a many that sit in a cubicle all day. HOT TAKE
- 9615 replies
- 10
hahaha thats hilarious...what waas that tweet, like a 4th division team giving kane credit for their goal...hahaha
same, dont get it and dont know what it means
calm down, probably dont go WR in first, Sutton may be had in the second and that would be amazing.
The realist in me doesnt think we could even beat Liverpool let alone Madrid. We have had an easy road to the final, our back line gets exposed even against Bundesliga comp., were injured, and were old.
mia san mia
yea call was legit, red sucks
why would benatia fucking do that
wow penalty and a red
si senor, pretty boring game tbh should be an interesting 20 mins though, sevilla HAVE to push
the bayern game?
no wucking furries mate
I just saw that, congrats to the fam
thats amazing, congrats to him
Unless you are cheering a specific team, I think most people pull for the underdog. Great seeing Roma and Lpool win. I will not be rooting for Sevilla however and hopefully those games yesterday keep die roten awake.
pppppHA!!!!!! They are a complete mess and their management has run them into the ground. A real Jon Daniels if you will. They were a good choice. Now they have sold all their players and are about to fire their coach.
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