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Everything posted by DeweyCox

  1. Buddy, I hope you do. I happen to think cognitive dissonance (largely associated with the other issues you mention) is a huge contributor to the modern mental health crisis. The surge in technology seems to have really mind-fucked the planet. I’ll buy that book.
  2. Yeah, who was it that said social media would be the downfall of society? Someone called it fairly early on... I hired a twenty year old young lady recently...repeatedly had to ask her to turn her phone off as it constantly dinged, and she constantly snuck off to respond. She could get about an hours worth of work done in a day. Had to get rid of her. She’s already lost another job since. I miss football. Football season used to be my favorite time of year...but now there’s always some fucker that has to politicize something and it just fucking ruins it. I ain’t come here to play politics.
  3. I’m headed to the shag to neg your ass for this comment.
  4. Excuse my ignorance but what is the other one?
  5. Not much. There is no passing in Australian football, so...pretty much just lb’s, rb’s and k’s is all they’re good for. Well, that and AC/DC.
  6. Count me out. Looks like it leads to flaming gayness.
  7. That’s just the way it is.
  8. It’s not a very flashy highlight reel, but a few positives stuck out to me. Very good play recognition. Good balance and leverage in traffic, shedding blocks. Good pursuit angle. He wraps up well, but often too high. Not sexy but smart play. Maybe he becomes more explosive this season with experience and confidence.
  9. Uh, yeah. I musta missed that. Thanks.
  10. Even the Project Veritas guys are on this Urban Meyer story. Just saw a video on YouTube of secretly recorded interviews with some of his players from Florida. It seems that they were working on a story of a much broader problem of abusive demands in college and pro ball, but narrowed focus onto this current Urban Meyer scandal for this video. More to come...
  11. Might try magnate or maggot
  12. Sweatergawd, I’ll pistol whip the next guy that says “shenanigans”!
  13. ...the first word in entertainment.
  14. Too long for a band name. Maybe shorten to SPT.
  15. Yeah, I was out of line in saying that. I’m sure he did not use the same tone I heard in my head. That tone pissed me off. What do I do when people piss me off? I call them a pussy. I apologize.
  16. Sounds like a pussy.
  17. I’m very curious of their religious views.
  18. I bet Chuck Norris could pull it off.
  19. Nah, that type of stuff is just too much drama. The thing about a shit flinging contest is that everyone comes out smelling like shit. I like a clean fight.
  20. Well, now, that changes things...
  21. He makes a lot more sense when you’re high. If not, meh.
  22. Yeah, if you think Kate Upton looks like a cereal box with big titties, and the thought of dibeetus doesn’t cross your mind...gay
  23. Shit yeah
  24. Pretty keen.
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