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Everything posted by DeweyCox

  1. Reading is hard
  2. Why don’t you want to prosecute?
  3. My bad. I’d have to assume that they would continue to have whatever protection deemed necessary in that environment. I’d also imagine that environment being more extravagant than most citizens enjoy at home.
  4. Do you really expect me, or anyone, to believe that OP didn’t have any one particular in mind?
  5. Oh, I don’t think there’s any chance Obama will be prosecuted. My point was meant to be just as dumb as the OP.
  6. What is pathetic is the circle-jerking group think that goes on in these threads.
  7. Are you thinking Obama is going down for all the corruption and collusion leading to the 2016 election?
  8. I thought Trump could drain the swamp in one term. Wrong. Looks like it’s gonna take at least two.
  9. I predict another 5 years of these circle-jerk topics on this board.
  10. My student loans are paid off, but no way would I have accepted “forgiveness”. Forgiveness for what?
  11. Are you trying to tell me Jesus Christ can’t hit a curveball?
  12. I think it’s normal for shit to be dark. I know mine is.
  13. Seriously, guys, can we cut the jokes? So cheesy.
  14. Judging by your continued hitting streak, I’d dis a brie.
  15. Shitchea
  16. Whichever of you turds is Greg Biggins...you’re confusing then for than.
  17. Major letdown boner kill. Needs new title or material.
  18. About all I got out of it was an OSU 9.95’er giving the thumbs up for Yurcich’s coaching ability. Not much that hasn’t been covered here.
  19. Then go figure it out, lazy ass.
  20. First one yet I could firmly stand behind
  21. What’s the difference between a girl from oklahoma and a catfish? One has whiskers and stinks, the other is a fish.
  22. I’m told that McConaughey called an early meet with the team and is about halfway thru the reading of this list. They’re pissed! Cosmi ripped a locker off the wall and flushed it down the toilet. Needless to say, but, looks like ol Lincoln is about to have a case of the Monday’s.
  23. Because we don’t have a hockey team, dumbass.
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