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  1. Do people still line up for PtY nowadays?
  2. Newspaper that started a few years ago after the Baltimore Sun was bought by a hedge fund and then gutted. Most of the Banner writers are former Sun writers. Newspaper has become increasingly popular in Baltimore especially after a former Sinclair executive bought the Sun from the hedge fund last year and pledged to make it a pro-MAGA newspaper.
  3. Important to note that "the number of heart-failure crises has been reduced by a third or more when people have enrolled in Medicare Advantage plans" statement made in the article has been disproven repeatedly. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamacardiology/fullarticle/2769882 https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2799152?guestAccessKey=22614dfb-992f-4237-aaec-4277fbf35484&utm_source=For_The_Media&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=ftm_links&utm_content=tfl&utm_term=120622
  4. They're legit. I've been there. In the Georgetown area of DC. They also run the website SharedPour. Some barrel groups like r/bourbon use them to ship. Have a lot of rare bottles but most are secondary prices or higher. ETA: I've purchased from them before and had no issues. I just picked up at the store though so don't know how reliable their shipping operation is.
  5. Uh ok. That's not very descriptive but ok.
  6. Have you thought about NoVa? Seems like it check off all the boxes. Definitely big but not NY or LA and you're close to Dulles airport. They have outdoorsy stuff like Wolf Trap, Great Falls, and Scott's Run nearby. Plenty of stuff to do like DC, Charlottesville, Shenandoah National Park, go to the coast or Virginia wine country. Taxes aren't insane and politics are moderate/left-leaning. The winters have been pretty mild the past few years.
  7. Florida had 14 1 stars in its Michelin inaugural guide a couple years ago. I think Texas gets more. I'm guessing 20-25.
  8. For San Antonio, I think Signature, Bliss, Clementine, Ladino and Cured all have a chance to get a star. No way all of them get one. Maybe they'll throw in a random Tex Mex restaurant like La Fonda which would be hilarious.
  9. https://www.dmagazine.com/food-drink/2024/07/michelin-stars-are-coming-to-five-texas-cities-this-year-including-dallas/ Dallas, Austin, Houston, SA and FW covered. Which restaurants do y'all think will get a rating? I'd be shocked if anywhere gets 3 stars.
  10. Top Chef will be in Canada next season. Glad they picked there instead of a bland US location.
  11. Cascade Brewery shuts down. https://www.oregonlive.com/beer/2024/06/portland-brewery-a-pioneer-of-sour-ales-shuts-down-possibly-for-good.html?outputType=amp
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