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Everything posted by deac_tracy

  1. This is probably the best restaurant in EP. Every time I see family there that’s where we go. Either that or one of the restaurants at the Lucky Eagle.
  2. This move really hurts UCLA baseball. USC was on it's deathbed already but UCLA was the #1 overall seed in 2019 and has finished ranked the last 5 years.
  3. nvm
  4. Just went to the Arlington Central Library. Surprisingly, the floors weren't littered with needles and OD'ed addicts yet.
  5. Bullshit? All they do is puff a spray in a nostril then call 911. How is this any different than a defibrillator? Heck this is easier than a defibrillator.
  6. Always been a fan of HEB's Coarse Grain Mustard. Perfect blend of zest and spice
  7. I did go there! Twice actually. Great tap list.
  8. Some beer pics from my Europe trip in Brussels and Amsterdam. Cantillon was probably my favorite brewery experience I’ve ever had. Did the quick tour then after the samples got a random bottle and talked to some of the people who were sitting next to me. Ended up trying essentially everything on the menu with other Americans who were there. Stupidly didn’t take pics of all the bottles I tried but have a pic of the menu.
  9. You’re correct, sir.
  10. Important point to remember in regards to the monuments. They're open 24 hours. Jefferson, Lincoln, MLK, Vietnam, all of them except inside the Washington obviously. You don't have to go during the day when it's packed with tourists. In regards to the food, I'd skip Ebbits. Food is very meh. Maybe go for a drink due to the history. Near the JW, Zaytinya, Rasika, and Centrolina are good restaurants that are walking distance. Something unique culinary wise to DC that isn't in a lot of US cities is Ethiopian food. My favorite is Zenebech but there are a lot of good ones.
  11. We shit on Collins a lot on this site but we should be giving just as amount of shit to the stupid Mainers who keep buying her schtick and voting her in. The fact she easily bamboozles Dem voters every 6 years into voting for her is mind boggling to me especially in 2020. Sara Gideon was a good candidate. Every Maine Biden/Collins voter should go play in traffic.
  12. Was just in Paris three days ago and nowhere I went required masks.
  13. Enjoying my time in Brussels Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Shiro is a step up cost-wise and quality-wise from Piranha, Sushi Zushi, Kura etc. It's the closest thing to Uchi in SA, IMO. Definitely need a reservation. Also there's a decent amount of parking in that area with SAMA, that parking lot across from Augie's and that parking lot next to Pete's Taco House.
  15. AIito bringing up the "if you support abortion you're RACIOST" defense in his draft opinion. What a joke. I understand the "this isn't the court's role" defense when it comes to Roe vs. Wade but when you bring shit up like mentioning "black fetuses" it makes it seem like you're just a political hack trying to appease the Fox News viewing public. I'm sure in this case that's what's going on.
  16. Anybody have breweries/beer hall recs for Brussels? I know Cantillon and 3 Fonteinen obviously. Bruges or Antwerp as well would be nice.
  17. At Monkish brewery event at Churchkey.
  18. "Margaret-Qualley-Pussycat-feet" The topics discussed on this board, man.
  19. Other Half DC today
  20. People who go into threads about things they didn't watch and then brag about not watching it are super weird.
  21. If Jerry Springer hosts next year, I'd watch.
  22. Chris Rock actually handled that really well
  23. Forgot to highlight and award points to Tech.
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