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Everything posted by deac_tracy

  1. I'll save everybody a few clicks. Here's some pics of Holly Williams aka the girl Charles Maund paid $750k to have murdered.
  2. Unbelievable
  3. This thread needs more Christmas spirit!
  4. Grew up in San Antonio. Grandparents lived in Eagle Pass. Whenever my parents took me to stay with my grandparents or when my grandparents would take me back, we'd always meet halfway at the Golden Corral in Uvalde and eat dinner there. Would get the same thing every time. Pile a plate high with mac and cheese and fried chicken on one plate with a salad that had the ratio of 1:1 ranch dressing/lettuce on another plate. Wash it all down with Sprite then finish with a dessert of a big bowl of Jello and a soft serve cone. Later on, when I was like in middle school I'd class it up by eating the same thing minus the dessert as a first course then a T-bone steak (that you had to order) as a second course then finish it up with the usual Jello + soft serve cone. Remember one time, they had all you can eat steak so I nixed my usual and had like 5 T-bones. It was awesome. As someone mentioned early thank God for that childhood metabolism. Have no idea how I wasn't morbidly obese as a kid. You couldn't pay me to go into a Golden Corral nowadays but I still remember those times fondly. Especially given the health of my grandfather who probably won't make it till the end of the year.
  5. You're making my point for me. The fact that he felt he couldn't criticize Trump at all during his campaign further ingrains Trumpism aka embracing conspiracies into the ideology of the GOP. Lol at the idea "he was a CEO of a private equity company so he's totally not gonna be Trump"
  6. Youngkin never said anything negative about Trump during his entire campaign and he was perfectly fine having others like Amanda Chase spew Trumpian conspiracy theories during his campaign stops. Stop with this bullshit. Youngkin's win today has only strengthened Trump's influence with the GOP. He ain't Larry Hogan.
  7. Most of those songs were never in Billboard's top 40 aka they were never a hit.
  8. Technically Jimi Hendrix, Rush, Grateful Dead and Public Enemy are all one hit wonders.
  9. The Charlottesville incident happened like 3 months before the election in 2017 so the landscape was different than it is now. Still think McAuliffe wins but by not nearly as much as Northam did in 2017.
  10. Wake possessed the ball for only 17:17 and they scored 70 points. That's a touchdown every minute and 43.7 seconds. That's pretty incredible.
  11. Didn't Bruce Lee's son die under similar circumstances?
  12. Isn't this what the teamsters are for?
  13. Hilarious how UNC-Charlotte has the media refer to them as Charlotte. Imagine if UTSA had the media refer to them as San Antonio or UAB as Birmingham.
  14. Posts like @Pimphand's are what make Surly great.
  15. Seeing a game at Wazzou is awesome. You can go to Saguaro National Park during the day and it's so close to Silicon Valley. Maybe check out a concert at the Hollywood Bowl the next day.
  16. The National Cannabis Festival was three weeks ago. That's not a normal weekend in DC.
  17. Everything's pretty much open now in DC. More and more places are requiring proof of vaccine so bring your card just in case. Keep in mind some Smithsonians still require you to reserve tickets. Some relatively new restaurants I've enjoyed are Albi, Reveler's Hour, Seven Reasons and Maydan. Cranes, Jont and Imperfecto for more high end dining.
  18. "Half naked and humping each other"
  19. Tulane more than likely has emergency back up generators and they probably have a decent supply of food. Sewage wise they are fucked. They can't do anything about that.
  20. Y'all are missing the REAL reason why Biden left Afghanistan. Biden can't pull a fast one on Charlie Kirk
  21. Perfect encapsulation of the depravity of today's GOP. Notice the parts that are highlighted.
  22. Injecting dewormers into the blood stream to own the libz
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