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Everything posted by deac_tracy

  1. That's been closed for a while.
  2. Polls weight respondents by demographic factors such as age, sex, race, state they live in, etc. so that one demographic factor doesn't completely skew everything. Well, the good polls anyway. When you see that a national poll has Biden at 48%, that doesn't necessarily mean 48% of the poll respondents chose Biden. It means that the weighted sum of all the respondents who chose Biden is at 48 which represents 48% of the nation..
  3. I haven't thought about Ska Brewing in years. Used to get sixers of Modus Hoperandi all the time during the early 10's. It's funny to think about the breweries that used to sell in TX that have moved out. Ska, Southern Tier, Uinta, Elevation, Smuttynose, Nebraska, Flying Dog, La Cumbre, etc. The craft beer market got crazy in TX in like 2014 and a lot of solid breweries ended up leaving the state.
  4. Pretty sure that's Andrew Breitbart in the back left corner. lol
  5. Please don't give trash websites like The Gateway Pundit any clicks. Here's a video of the protest shooting.
  6. The Pearl, Southtown or near the Rim/La Cantera are the areas where most 20 somethings live. Honestly though, none of them are close to the liveliness of Midtown, Montrose or the Heights in Houston.
  7. Two of Paul's competitors ended up winning James Beards (Beverley and Sarah). The only chef who has won a James Beard this past season is Karen Akunowicz.
  8. Whoops. Sorry about that should've more research. I'm probably just being paranoid after the Dems lost Wisconsin in 2016 and hoping Minnesota in 2020 isn't similar. Anyways it'll still be interesting MN's numbers after the Floyd protests.
  9. MN is very white though. I could see the rural and suburban parts blaming this whole Floyd fiasco on the Democratic leadership of MN. Trump got a higher vote percentage than any GOP presidential nominee since Reagan and Biden has been far from inspiring with regards to this horrible Floyd situation. I really hope I'm wrong. Will be interesting to see the polls in the next coming weeks to see what the situation is in MN.
  10. Are there any articles or polls yet showing how these George Floyd events affect Trump's chances in MN? He only lost to Hillary there by less than 2% in 2016. In 2018, the GOP gained 2 seats in the House making it the state with the largest amount of gains for the GOP. I could be wrong but I think MN is definitely in play for Trump this election year.
  11. In San Antonio My parents live near the airport and they didn't get anything. Parent's friends in Rogers Ranch and Churchill Estates got a ton of hail tonight.
  12. In 2018, 48,344 people died from suicide in the US. We're not even in June yet and over 96,000 Americans have already died from COVID-19. The lockdown definitely negatively affects the mental health of Americans and there'll probably be a suicide bump this year but the idea that it's affecting Americans to the point that suicides will outnumber COVID deaths, which is what that article is insinuating, is completely absurd.
  13. The Houston Heath Department is trying to create a contact tracing department. Got a call from a recruiter yesterday asking about interest. I don't live in Houston anymore and am happy with my current job so I declined. Would've been a great opportunity though. According to the recruiter, there are a lot of openings and the city wants to fill them as quickly as possible. Here's a list of the openings if anyone's interested or knows anyone that would be. https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/houston?keywords=contact tracing
  14. Add The Handmaiden to this list as well. That one is on Amazon Prime right now.
  15. Wake Forest hires ETSU head coach Steve Forbes https://www.espn.com/mens-college-basketball/story/_/id/29116422/wake-forest-talks-etsu-coach-steve-forbes
  16. Having a family hold up a check intended to a family member who died of COVID-19 with Trump's name on it would be one hell of a campaign ad for Biden. Just add a couple of 'hoax' and 'we got it under control' clips.
  17. Went on a beer run today. The two crowlers are from Real Ale.
  18. No particular order: Air - Moon Safari Pixies - Doolittle Weezer - Blue Album The Avalanches - Since I Left You Ween - The Mollusk Camel - Mirage Love - Forever Changes Beatles - Revolver The Clash - London Calling Portishead - Dummy Honorable Mention: David Bowie - The Rise and Fall of Ziggie Stardust and the Spider from Mars The Mamas and the Papas - If You Can Believe Your Eyes and Ears The Cure - Disintegration Beastie Boys - Paul's Boutique
  19. The main theory is that Germany is testing people at a far higher rate than other countries and they started early. They've also seen more cases in their youth than Italy. The median age infected in Germany is 47 compared to 63 in Italy. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/why-are-so-few-germans-dying-coronavirus-experts-wonder-n1168361
  20. FYI everybody with a membership to the Austin public library has access to Kanopy which has access to many Criterion movies and many other solid films. Just recently expanded it to five films a month. https://library.austintexas.gov/database/kanopy
  21. For those who didn't watch.
  22. Had takeout at Clementine in San Antonio a couple of days ago and thought it was great. Saw Mayor Nirenberg's wife there waiting for food, so if he's not worried about it I'm not going to worry about it.
  23. Italy actually banned Chinese flights on January 31. They were the first EU country to do that and they did over a month before Trump did. https://www.thelocal.it/20200131/italy-suspends-all-china-flights-after-coronavirus-cases-confirmed-in-rome/
  24. Kansas is in play as well if Kobach is the GOP nominee.
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