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Everything posted by Satchel

  1. Yep. Deadly freedom is good if you live long enough to experience it.
  2. Where’s the USCCB, the UMC, AME and Episcopal churches on this? Why haven’t they spoken out?
  3. She’s loving every minute of this. So is Bill Maher.
  4. Trump has lied so much over the last 8 years, that most of us have come to expect that he will continue to do so. Even his most ardent supporters no longer listen to him. They just support him, no matter what. The downside for him is that he’s lost any chance of winning any real independents and those craving attention who call themselves undecideds. His 38% is locked in. I won’t be surprised if he gets fewer votes than last time. People are just sick of his shit.
  5. Is he still teaching at East Texas A&M in College Station (not to be confused with West Texas A&M in Canyon)?
  6. Trump’s demonic superpower is his ability to help his followers shed their inhibitions and become just as hateful and mean as he is.
  7. During Trump’s presser yesterday, he was asked if he was at all concerned about the danger his attacks on Haitians put then in, requiring the closing of schools and the like. He sneered, said the real problem was at the border. He’s a demon. Pure and simple.
  8. Why hasn’t the Magalitia suggested that the Haitians in Ohio go out and buy a bunch of ARs to protect themselves from threats real or imagined. That’s how we roll in America.
  9. I hope this story percolates and gets piping hot: Ex-FBI Official Warns Donald Trump Could Be a Russian ‘Asset,’ Raises Alarming Questions About His Ties to Moscow The concerns McCabe outlined are not new but are gaining renewed traction as Trump campaigns for another term in the 2024 presidential election. His critics, including McCabe, argue that his unorthodox approach to U.S. foreign policy and his coziness with authoritarian figures like Putin raise significant questions about his motives and potential vulnerabilities. https://www.econotimes.com/Ex-FBI-Official-Warns-Donald-Trump-Could-Be-a-Russian-Asset-Raises-Alarming-Questions-About-His-Ties-to-Moscow-1687071
  10. Snopes seemed to nuance its fact check: Editors' Note: Some readers have raised the objection that this fact check appears to assume Trump was correct in stating that there were "very fine people on both sides" of the Charlottesville incident. That is not the case. This fact check aimed to confirm what Trump actually said, not whether what he said was true or false. For the record, virtually every source that covered the Unite the Right debacle concluded that it was conceived of, led by and attended by white supremacists, and that therefore Trump's characterization was wrong.
  11. The Divine Nine have served black Greekdom well for over a century. It would be inaccurate to consider any of the nine to be failsafes.
  12. That’s was beautiful. Pee Wee German was about to stroke out.
  13. The people who made themselves believe that it would be a good idea to vote for Trump rather than Hillary - te bigger part of the problem.
  14. She left so much ass dragging on the floor here. Guess she was pacing herself.
  15. In the second pic, there’s no doubt Trump has command of the room.
  16. The for profit media complex is exhausting.
  17. The Ozempic commercial plays 832 times a day on TV. That’s a conservative estimate.
  18. It’s probably why they’re not that big non religion anymore.
  19. If only all those who were shot by the sniper lurking in the woods had been armed, this never would have happened, because of the good guy with a gun stuff.
  20. I know these are interesting times in which we find ourselves, but do you think liberal/progressives would open themselves up to the influence of somebody who doesn’t didn’t complete the 9th grade?
  21. Wait.You don’t understand Wh the FOP would endorse the guy with 34 criminal counts, with more to come? What’s wrong with you?
  22. “Childs” in Georgia can legally possess long guns: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/georgia-school-shooting-gun/ Georgia law prohibits minors from possessing handguns, but there is no minimum age to possess a rifle or shotgun in Georgia. The state also has few restrictions for adults who wish to carry firearms.
  23. He should have completed his sentence: “school shootings are a fact of life, about which I am fully committed to doing absolutely nothing.”
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