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Everything posted by Satchel

  1. The Texas DEI ban has a rather interesting exemption for “recruitment.” I’ve been told the demons who crafted the law tried to address the concerns of athletic boosters who were worried about how a ban they supported would negatively impact recruiting. We’ll see.
  2. Thoughts and prayers, blah, blah, blah…brace for the next one:
  3. From Merriam Webster: Dumb: lacking intelligence : STUPID Intelligence: the skilled use of reason The people you describe manifest a deficit in the skilled use of reason and could reasonably be described as dumb.
  4. 17% of all registered voters think Biden is responsible for ending Row v Wade. Dumbest voters in the world: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/15/upshot/abortion-biden-trump-blame.html#:~:text=The mistaken belief%2C in a,issue is also a challenge.
  5. Comey has a lotta nerve seeing as how he is essentially single-handedly responsible for Trump’s improbable win.
  6. President Carter will be 100 in October. He just might make it, given the number of times he’s confounded those making his premature death announcements.
  7. The problem can be traced back to the moment the culture decided that it needed influencers to help people make sense out of life. Stupidest shit ever.
  8. What’s going on here? https://x.com/BidensWins/status/1792000790938198296
  9. We have the worst governor in the country, and that includes Kay Ivey, Sarah Huckabee and Tate Reeves.
  10. If cons believe that LeBron James should shut up and dribble, why shouldn’t this guy shut up and kick?
  11. Just remember, it was the California transplants that made the difference in the Beto-Raphael senatorial contest.
  12. Again, this is why the Magalitia don’t want you to understand what CRT really is.
  13. That these guys would dress in uniform to show fidelity to Trump is really something. I don’t think we’ve ever been here before.
  14. I dunno. Tech opened a gleaming, new, stand alone, one of a kind Black Cultural Center until Abbott made them close it
  15. He’s pissed because he’s lost much of his longtime base audience and revels in giving us the finger every chance he gets.
  16. It’s fascinating to watch wannabe cabinet members and VP hopefuls on their pilgrim journey to a Manhattan courtroom to give the evil eye to the judge on Trump’s behalf. It’s like farting Fatima.
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