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Everything posted by Satchel

  1. Anybody who thinks state schools in Texas are sufficiently diverse, equitable and inclusive is just not paying attention. Since the first Black student was admitted to UT in 1956, no public university playing D1 sports at the highest level has even 5,000 black students enrolled - and that’s in the state that is home to the largest number of black citizens in the country. Black people feel under assault in Texas and it’s not because we’re paranoid.
  2. SMU, TCU, Baylor and a number of out of state schools will gladly affirm their support of DEI in order to sign prized athletes who will be re-directed from public universities in Texas. It is my guess that those on the approved list of schools will be prepared to meet whatever financial obligation successfully competing in the NIL environment requires.
  3. I don’t think Beard is as bad or any worse than other very talented, complicated, difficult nomad coaches. See Larry Brown.
  4. I think conservatives in Texas have pushed and pushed to eradicate any semblance of racial progress in this state, so much so, that a groundswell of anger is building in non dominant communities that will be made manifest on our college campuses.
  5. Why do the craziest of crazies from other states “migrate” to Texas?
  6. From the NYT: https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/04/04/world/israel-hamas-war-gaza-news Here’s what we know: President Biden appeared to condition future support on how Israel changes course. Hours later, the White House said the Israeli leader had agreed to open a crossing in northern Gaza to allow in more aid. Biden tells Netanyahu that U.S. support hinges on treatment of Gaza civilians. The White House says Netanyahu agreed to open another crossing for aid after pressure from Biden. A call for early elections by a member of Netanyahu’s war cabinet highlights the domestic pressure he is under. Israel’s military cancels leave for combat units and jams GPS signals. World Central Kitchen demands an independent investigation into Israel’s deadly strike. More than 600 lawyers and retired judges call on the U.K. government to end arms sales to Israel.
  7. People just haven’t paid attention. Beard is a restless soul. He’s not likely to stay anywhere longer than 5 years
  8. Yeah, we’ve talked about stupid Texas voters before.
  9. Rafael ain’t walking over nobody: If I respond that I’m on the floor, that means both I’m working and that I’m in a very safe location. It’s not a place that I would think would be, that there could be, a problem,” Rep. Colin Allred (D-Texas) said. Allred said the locking of the doors and the barricade brought home that lawmakers might have to make their last stand in the chamber. “I texted my wife, ‘Whatever happens, I love you,’ because I thought that might be the last thing I say to her,” Allred said. He took off his suit coat, ordinarily a breach of floor protocol, and talked with Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) and Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) about what they might have to do to defend themselves. Two female lawmakers, then-Rep. Cheri Bustos (D-Ill.) and Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) said they’d stick behind Allred, who had been listed at 6’1” and 242 lbs. during his days as an NFL linebacker
  10. Ted was hiding in a closet while Colin was about to whoop some ass on J6. Don’t make a brother mad.
  11. Since harvesting food and building houses will be more difficult without migrants, what’s Abbott’s plan B?
  12. Not only is Maher a whiny little bitch, he also has the emotional maturity of a child: Who’s the real jackass? On a recent episode of Steve-O’s “Wild Ride!” podcast, the “Jackass” alum said Bill Maher reached out to him for an interview, but it never happened because Maher refused not to smoke weed during it. Maher has a podcast called “Club Random,” in which he regularly smokes marijuana while chatting with guests. Steve-O has been sober for almost 16 years. “I’m a clean and sober guy. It’s very important that I maintain my sobriety, Steve-O said on an episode of “Wild Ride!” released last month.
  13. The premier’s policy of treating the terror group as a partner, at the expense of Abbas and Palestinian statehood, has resulted in wounds that will take Israel years to heal from https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/
  14. We’d never own up to it, much like we’re pretending Havana syndrome is not a thing., but I’d be very surprised if we’re not space lasering the hell out of Russia.
  15. The fallout continues from the Israeli attack on the World Central Kitchen martyrs in Gaza. Cyprus ships carrying 250 tons on relief rations to Gaza have retreated mid trip because the safety of their workers cannot be guaranteed. Given how Bibi has propped up Hamas for years in order to give himself a convenient foil, it’s not surprising that he’s engaging in ethnic cleansing in Gaza.
  16. Where is DEI when you really need it?
  17. On any given day during the week, one can visit Dealey Plaza and witness John Jr. talking with Q’anon right near the Texas Schoolbook Depository.
  18. The only positive that is likely to result from the carnage is Bibi will lose his job.
  19. The Russian spy caught trying to space laser the woman in Florida was kinda chilling. My only thought is we must be doing some really scary shit in Russia.
  20. Our government is taking it seriously. It just doesn’t want Americans to know just how vulnerable we are.
  21. Where the sistahs?
  22. Now, CBS is out with some pretty compelling evidence linking Russia to the Havana Syndrome that’s gone way beyond Havana. Tell me again why Republicans are all up in Putin’s grill?
  23. Very good point. While the connectional system can fail spectacularly from time to time (see Marcial Maciel and the RCC) it makes it less likely that a chaos agent like Cardinal Raymond Burke could ever successfully destroy the Church because of multiplicity of safeguards built into the RCC’s infrastructure.
  24. Now he’s looking for a link between Boeing’s quality problems and diversity. As he becomes more popular by the day in Texas, he is without a doubt the most loathsome AG in America: DALLAS (AP) — The Texas attorney general has opened an investigation into a key Boeing supplier that is already facing scrutiny from federal regulators over quality of parts that it provides to the aircraft maker. The office of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said it began looking into Spirit AeroSystems because of “apparent manufacturing defects” in parts that “have led to numerous concerning or dangerous incidents.” In a statement Friday, a Spirit spokesman said, “While we do not comment on investigations, Spirit is wholly focused on providing the highest quality products to all our customers, to include the Boeing Company.” https://www.yahoo.com/news/texas-attorney-general-investigating-key-174323480.html Paxton asked the Wichita, Kansas-based supplier to turn over documents produced since the start of 2022 about communication with investors and Boeing about flaws in parts and corrective steps the company took. The request goes into detail in seeking internal discussions around Spirit’s efforts to create a diverse workforce “and whether those commitments are unlawful or are compromising the company’s manufacturing processes.” Paxton asked for a breakdown of Spirit's workforce by race, sexual orientation and other factors, and whether the makeup has changed over time
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