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Everything posted by Satchel

  1. This might be a good time to note the the decedent was originally sentenced to life without parole by a jury of his peers but the judge overruled the jury and decided he needed killing.
  2. Republicans are unserious about border solutions: https://www.yahoo.com/news/senate-deal-border-ukraine-risk-193955679.html A bipartisan Senate deal to pair border enforcement measures and Ukraine aid faced potential collapse Thursday as Senate Republicans grew increasingly wary of an election-year compromise that Donald Trump, the likely Republican presidential nominee, seems likely to oppose. Senate negotiators have been striving for weeks to finish a carefully negotiated compromise on border and immigration policy that is meant to tamp down the number of migrants who come to the U.S. border with Mexico. But now that negotiations have dragged for weeks, election-year politics and demands from Trump are weighing it down.
  3. Most GOP primary voters in NH say Trump would be fit for White House if convicted: Exit polling https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4426058-most-new-hampshire-gop-primary-voters-trump-white-house-convicted-exit-polling/
  4. We came very close in 1969: https://www.history.com/news/electoral-college-nearly-abolished-thurmond
  5. When slave patrols and slave catchers would go on the prowl, they would bring along a happy, submissive Negro along to help ensnare escaping runaways. They paid him in butter biscuits. The moral of the story for Tim and others like him is don’t be a butter biscuit.
  6. Something must be said about the embarrassing behavior of Tim Scott that has gone far beyond the usual parody normally associated with him. From quoting Fannie Lou Hamer in relation to virtues of Donald Trump to shamelessly buck dancing before him in New Hampshire last night, Tim has reached a new low.
  7. If the decline continues, he’ll be completely off the chain during his nomination acceptance speech later this summer.
  8. Until we actually see the voting patterns change, black men will continue to vote for Democrats at all levels in the 90% range. We are among the most reliable Democratic voters of any demographic.
  9. This may seem like a small thing, but for the people most affected by these exorbitant fees, this is big: https://www.cnbc.com/2024/01/19/biden-administration-plans-to-slash-overdraft-fees-at-big-banks.html The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau on Wednesday proposed a set of new rules that would slash the fees banks charge customers for withdrawing more than the available funds in their account. Americans have paid an estimated $280 billion in overdraft fees since 2000, according to data from the consumer watchdog agency. Over the same period, major banks have steadily boosted profits. “For too long, some banks have charged exorbitant overdraft fees — sometimes $30 or more — that often hit the most vulnerable Americans the hardest, all while banks pad their bottom lines,” President Joe Biden said in a statement. “Banks call it a service — I call it exploitation.” However, banking groups and some on Capitol Hill think the rules would limit a service that many financially vulnerable Americans rely on. The proposal now faces a lengthy regulatory approval process, a period during which the public can provide feedback. For now, the proposed changes are set to take effect in October 2025
  10. Are you sure about that? I think the message received is the message: https://apnews.com/article/9961ee5b3c3b42d29aebdee837c17a11 https://www.axios.com/2020/01/17/donald-trump-african-american-voters-poll-racist https://www.cnn.com/2019/07/31/politics/poll-trump-racist/index.html
  11. Will Florida rescind this law now? https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/florida-bill-allows-desantis-to-run-for-president-while-governor#:~:text=Republican Ron DeSantis would not,the GOP-dominated state Legislature.
  12. That seems wrong. To be fair, there have been hundreds of men like Shannon who have been arrested for rape who were innocent. Hundreds.
  13. Quote from Bill Maher 1999 interview with Rolling Stone: “I would be a Republican if they would.”
  14. You heathens just don’t understand. What Nikki engaged in was “holy cheating” You can read all about it in II Opinions.
  15. I really would like to read your response to my post that addressed your question about the Dems failure to pass immigration reform.
  16. Here’s why. The Dems never had voting control of the Congress: On January 20th, 2009, 57 Senate seats were held by Democrats with 2 Independents (Bernie Sanders and Joe Lieberman) caucusing with the Democrats...which gave Democrats 59 mostly-reliable Democratic votes in the Senate, one shy of filibuster-proof "total control." Republicans held 41 seats. The 59 number in January, 2009 included Ted Kennedy and Al Franken. Kennedy had a seizure during an Obama inaugural luncheon and never returned to vote in the Senate.....and Al Franken was not officially seated until July 7th, 2009 (hotly contested recount demanded by Norm Coleman.) The real Democratic Senate seat number in January, 2009 was 55 Democrats plus 2 Independents equaling 57 Senate seats. But here’s the real reason we don’t have an updated immigration law The Senate on Thursday passed the most monumental overhaul of U.S. immigration laws in a generation, which would clear the way for millions of undocumented residents to have a chance at citizenship, attract workers from all over the world and devote unprecedented resources for security along the U.S.-Mexico border. The vote was 68-32. Fourteen Republicans crossed the aisle to vote with all Democrats in favor. Thursday’s vote now puts the onus of immigration reform on the Republican-led House, where leaders have been resistant to the Senate legislation. The Republican House refused to bring the bill to the floor for fear that it would pass https://www.politico.com/story/2013/06/immigration-bill-2013-senate-passes-093530
  17. Alas…what could have been. Tang is a star in the making.
  18. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1-5MiixW7v/?igsh=MWQ4bTMxbWN6enk3Zw==
  19. Very much this. And again, why have Republicans crafted a revamped immigration policy to be voted on by Congress?
  20. I don’t think Beard will be in any one place for decades. Not that kinda guy.
  21. Today is MLK’s birthday. Check out his prescience: https://x.com/the_60s_at_60/status/1597906976742133761?s=20
  22. For those of you interested in non fiction horror, read the thousand page Project 2025 - Trump’s plan for a second term.
  23. Pretty much anything by Professor Synder.
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