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Everything posted by Satchel

  1. In secret, over 100 Republicans voted against him continuing as Speaker nominee. He’s as popular as polio.
  2. Chesebro’s self sabotage is really sad. Consider all he gave up by turning his back on long time mentor and friend, Lawrence Tribe just to cast his lot with Trump and a bunch of crazies…
  3. It should be obvious to even the most casual observer that Republicans are beyond being embarrassed about anything.
  4. Five Republican from Biden districts could immediately enlarge their sphere of influence by switching parties right now. The downside of doing so in unclear at this point, unless of course you consider MAGA death threats against them and their families.
  5. The real tragedy of the times we live is that we believe more than we know, and what we believe is often invulnerable to disproof.
  6. Why are Gaetz, MTG, and Granny so quiet? Up until very recently, the most dangerous place in Washington was the space between them and a TV camera or microphone. Where are they?
  7. He’s in court again today: CNN — Donald Trump is scheduled to be interviewed under oath in New York on Tuesday for a lawsuit related to his time as president and the termination of a Russia investigation-era FBI official. The deposition is to be conducted by attorneys for the FBI official, Peter Strzok, and former FBI lawyer Lisa Page late in the day on Tuesday, sources familiar with Trump’s schedule say
  8. Just because he put on a jacket doesn’t mean he’s a decent human being.
  9. He’s still blaming the Dems for his being dumped. His anger is misplaced. Fwiw, Kay Granger voted against Gym in Round 1. Shocker
  10. Very good advice. Again, info hygiene is critical.
  11. Everybody knows he greasing the wheels for Hunter to make money.
  12. Given the ubiquity of guns, is this really surprising to anybody? This is Texas. We shoot up everything.
  13. Does anybody believe McCarthy would have allowed his caucus to bail out Speaker Pelosi had her party attempted to depose her?
  14. This could get interesting: https://www.al.com/news/2023/10/mike-rogers-will-not-back-jim-jordan-for-speaker-of-the-house-would-work-with-democrats.html U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers (R-AL) said, “there was nothing that Jordan could do to get his support as Speaker of the House,” as reported in the Anniston Star. Rogers left a closed-door caucus session Friday and said Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries (R-NY) should state concessions needed to help the GOP. “They put us in this ditch along with eight traitors,” Rogers told Capitol Hill reporters. “We’re still the majority party, we’re willing to work with them but they gotta tell us what they need.” Rogers has voiced his anger at the eight Republicans who helped oust former Speaker Kevin McCarthy, calling them “traitors” who “paralyzed” the House, according to a report.
  15. If our moral code is attuned to the suffering of just one side, then our moral code needs to be recalibrated.
  16. And to think these people view themselves as unlike Hamas: https://texags.com/forums/16/topics/3410067
  17. I think even they understand they suck at governing. They’re much better at tearing shit up. They’re lost when it comes to building anything of substance.
  18. Hamas has not allowed an election in Gaza in 17 years and has ruled its inhabitants with an iron hand. Palestinians live in fear. To suggest that they are reflexively tethered to violence and chaos is somewhat like assuming all Texans co-sign Republican placement of razor wire on the banks of the Rio Grande.
  19. In the test floor vote, 55 members voted against Jordan. They just can’t govern.
  20. You’re probably right, but that rotten tooth bastard is chomping at the bit to become Speaker.
  21. Gym Jordan as Speaker. The election of Trump broke the world.
  22. Why won’t Dems and rural legislators collude to torpedo Abbott’s terrible bill?
  23. Ted knows that Hakeem Jeffries is working hard behind the scene to form a bipartisan coalition to elect a Speaker. He doesn’t want there to be a chance for government to work.
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