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Everything posted by Satchel

  1. From the Dallas Observer: https://www.dallasobserver.com/news/dallas-mayor-eric-johnson-announces-he-is-switching-parties-from-democrat-to-republican-17534050 For those who have been paying even somewhat close attention, this news, although still surprising, isn’t exactly the most shocking thing to ever come out of City Hall. For months, since Johnson won reelection after running unopposed in May, he has openly and rather boldly carried himself in ways that lean more red than blue. The former Democrat state representative for District 100 has made multiple appearances on Fox News, and in June, he invited Republican U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz and John Cornyn to the city’s 2023 inaugural ceremony. In the WSJ article, Johnson says he was never a fan of the Democratic caucus during his House run, nor, according to him, were they a fan of his. SMU political science professor Cal Jillson isn't as puzzled by the timing of the mayor's switch as some others. Understanding it is as simple as understanding the political party landscape Johnson is navigating. "You can only be elected mayor of Dallas as a Democrat," he said. "And you can only be elected statewide in Texas as a Republican. I think that helps to explain the timing. After his election, he's now giving Republicans time to get their mind around what has happened and to get comfortable with him as he prepared to think about what office he wants to run for."
  2. Johnson figures that since Harlan Crow likes buying black men in positions of power, he may as well, put himself on the market. He’d like to take trips on the Gulfstream too.
  3. In his mind, he’s the classic bootstraps success story. Raised in meager circumstances, sustained in part by public assistance and made it to the top. Now, rather than affirm the possibilities for young black people who find themselves similarly situated, he’s decided to align himself with a party that would make his ascension unlikely. This will not affect his relationship with the black community here. He doesn’t have one. This is him positioning himself to get paid.
  4. How did this man ever get elected? What happened to us? A report from The Atlantic revealed Thursday that Milley had chosen Army captain Luis Avila, who is severely wounded after serving in five combat tours, to sing "God Bless America" at the 2019 Armed Forces Welcome Ceremony at Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall because, to him and several other Army generals, Avila represented the dignity, strength and sacrifice of wounded soldiers. Avila had lost a leg in an IED attack while serving in Afghanistan in 2011 and suffered two strokes, two heart attacks and brain damage as a result of his injuries. After Trump went over to congratulate the captain for his performance, the then-president asked Milley, who as JCS chairman served as Trump's principal military adviser, within earshot of others, "Why do you bring people like that here? No one wants to see that, the wounded." He also told Milley to never let Avila make a public appearance again. "These sorts of moments, which would grow in intensity and velocity, were disturbing to Milley. As a veteran of multiple combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, he had buried 242 soldiers who'd served under his command," The Atlantic's Jeffery Goldberg writes. "Milley's family venerated the military, and Trump's attitude toward the uniformed services seemed superficial, callous, and, at the deepest human level, repugnant.
  5. Going forward, he should only be referred to as the failed former coach of Texas Tech and Cincinnati.
  6. Granny Lauren would quote the only Psalm she knows, and then ask what you’re doing later. The idea of a site for horny conservative “Christian” women has potential. They should bring on Katara Rivache, aka George Santos, as the Madame. Lord today. Republicans and flies.
  7. She, MTG, and Kristi Noem should start a dating site for conservative “Christian” women on the prowl.
  8. Oh no! A conservative Texas youth conference dropped Rep. Lauren Boebert from its list of speakers following her controversial actions while attending a musical performance of "Beetlejuice." Boebert, who represents Colorado's third congressional district, was originally a part of the speaker lineup for the Texas Youth Summit in Houston, where people between the ages of 16 and 26 lean into Republican principles. https://www.kristv.com/texas-youth-event-drops-boebert-as-speaker-after-incident-at-theater The Texas Youth Summit initially promoted the congresswoman as a "devout Christian who seeks to honor God in all that she does." Previously, she was set to share the stage with other prominent GOP figures like Donald Trump Jr. and Texas congressman Wesley Hunt.
  9. If you win or live close to those who do, interest will remain high. Ask Alabama and the others.
  10. CU-CSU was the 5th most watched game in ESPN history. The interest in CU will remain high because people are enjoying something other than the same old story about how invincible the Sec is. Maybe now it will be possible not to see simultaneous Sec programming on all four of the ESPN platforms in my sports package.
  11. I’m as chill as they come when it comes to dress/hair codes, but this strikes me as an oddly elitist move by Fetterman. Millions of Americans are required to adhere to dress guidelines of some sort. That a rich guy can’t be bothered enough to put on a pair of pants and a shirt doesn’t make sense to me.
  12. Nobody should be surprised by the kind of haul CU is poised to make in recruiting. It’s about to be on and poppin’.
  13. Notre Dame once hired a high school. Does that count?
  14. I don’t think I’ll ever understand why people compare AOC to MTG and Granny Lauren. They’re nothing alike. AOC can discuss policy.
  15. 60 Minutes will update its interview with Deion tonight. It’s worth watching.
  16. Very interesting discussion on unions with NYU business professor:
  17. When asked, Trump said he has no business attending this weekend’s evangelical faith conference in Des Moines, and neither does Jesus.
  18. Most likely true until the boomers age out of the database.
  19. Well, now things will go back to normal. Paxton will resume suing the Biden administration on a daily basis. Paxton will continue to run interference for criminals who can help him financially Paxton will continue to bully and run roughshod over the judicial process Paxton will continue to follow Baylor football and bang side pieces. Paxton will continue to attend church with Angela Paxton is the Attorney General of Texas.
  20. Would you just hate to be her school age children? I can’t imagine the grief they take. Eh, the more I think about it, they may not go to school.
  21. Well, the Constitution, like the Bible is what it says and what it means. It’s why there’s a Supreme Court and a Magisterium.
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