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Everything posted by Satchel

  1. I’ve watched too many be murdered while murderers cite gun laws as a defense for their being being able to do so with impunity
  2. It’ll be fun watching the media research the last time Hunter’s gun crimes were actually charged.
  3. Gotcha. That makes sense. I still believe there must be bunches of lawyers who are as good or better than those we’ve been exposed to in this case.
  4. It seems most fans of Sec member schools attach their self worth to the football fortunes of their teams and the conference. The degree to which this is true is unique to the Sec.
  5. Admittedly, I don’t know enough about lawyering to distinguish the really good ones from the bad ones. But, if these guys represent the very best in Texas, I’m underwhelmed. That some can’t craft questions well enough to survive constant objections is surprising.
  6. Why can’t the Senate just suspend the courtesy, since it’s nothing more than a custom?
  7. I’ll have you know that was the Christian bird she was flipping. Granny Lauren is a good Christian woman.
  8. Malcom Nance responds to Elon Musk. He puts it where the goats can get it:
  9. And he didn’t even have the decency to coach competently. Mercy Jesus.
  10. Angela Paxton is sitting trough this, listening to various people testify about what a horrible cheat and criminal her husband is. Meanwhile, he’s nowhere to be found. He has to know how this could backfire on him with the senators sitting in judgement of him. What a profile in courage.
  11. Strikes me as very unsurly like to tell others how to feel about one of the most tragic days in American history. What does letting it go look like?
  12. Rich boosters at Colorado have had nothing to spend their money on. Now they do and the flood gates have opened. Prime will be there as long he wins, his health permits, and he wants to be there. We’re gonna see more of these stories. This QB is the #1 recruit in the 2025 class: It was very exciting to have my first conversation [with Deion Sanders],” Underwood told 247Sports. “It was good to have my first conversation with him. Just him letting me know he wanted me there and to lead them to a national championship was exciting to hear.” Just like that, Colorado entered the chat. And this was not just a chat either, a courtesy to, or curiosity in, talking to a Pro Football Hall of Famer. The Underwoods are serious enough about CU that they tried to arrange a flight to see Colorado’s home opener against Nebraska this weekend. The schedule didn’t work, so they are going to Boulder for the USC game on Sept. 30. “Prime is a legend,” said Bryce’s father, Jaquan Underwood. “When I was a kid I wanted to be like Prime. I played corner. Having that guy on the other end talking to my son, it was surreal. “We really like Colorado.”
  13. The Sec had its chance. He’ll never coach there. Colorado is the perfect fit for him. Beautiful setting. Liberal college community. Supportive administrative infrastructure. What’s not like? If he keeps winning, he’s the likely successor to Saban as cfb’s college iconic football coach. With the potential to become the biggest brand in cbf, the Big12 should feel fortunate he fell into its lap.
  14. To keep things simple, aggy should be referred to as East Texas A&M, in order to distinguish it from West Texas A&M.
  15. Is that same filthy mouth he prays with? And where is the gold Cross he normally wears to show everybody how holy he is?
  16. Can the razor wire remain too?
  17. Looks like the Courts may finally get a chance to settle this issue: https://www.coloradopolitics.com/elections/colorado-voters-file-suit-to-block-trump-from-2024-ballot/article_7b0a4a92-4cd9-11ee-82e9-03f86c550ab9.html Four Republican and two unaffiliated voters filed suit in state court in Denver on Wednesday seeking to block the secretary of state from placing Donald Trump on any future primary or general election ballot in Colorado. A Trump spokesman did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the suit. The lawsuit contains prominent political names on the plaintiffs' side, including former Republican Senate Majority Leader Norma Anderson and Denver Post columnist Krista Kafer among those challenging Trump's eligibility for the ballot. Former Republican legislative candidate Mario Nicolais, former solicitor general Eric Olson and the watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington are part of the legal team that brought the suit. "Four years after taking an oath to 'preserve, protect and defend' the Constitution," the 115-page lawsuit alleges, "Trump tried to overthrow the results of the 2020 election, leading to a violent insurrection at the United States Capitol to stop the lawful transfer of power to his successor. By instigating this unprecedented assault on the American constitutional order, Trump violated his oath."
  18. Lawyer language for, boy bye.
  19. I wonder if Ears thinks Prime was an unneeded add on to the Colorado coaching staff and that the team would’ve beaten TCU without him?
  20. Good grief, this guy: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12489287/larry-sinclair-barack-obama-cocaine-sex-tucker-carlson.html
  21. This is why Senate rules/traditions are all wrong for the 2010s: https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/06/politics/tuberville-holds-what-matters/index.html There’s nothing in the Constitution, US law or the Senate rulebook that spells out affirmatively why and how individual senator should have the power to gum things up. The holds courtesy evolved in the 1950s, according to this informative 11-page reportfrom the Congressional Research Service, an offshoot of Senate rules, which allow individuals to insist on relatively large amounts of floor time to be used for anything, including relatively routine nominations. Normally, these noncontroversial nominations are dispensed with “unanimous consent,” meaning without the use of floor time.
  22. Wait. Hold it. The big reveal for me in this is that he has a girlfriend…unless of course his boyfriend’s name is Girlfriend.
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