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Everything posted by Satchel

  1. I find it hilarious that some of you think Yormark was being petty Betty at one of his school’s kickoff luncheons When has the kind of equanimity you expect ever existed in the 27 year history of the B12? It certainly wasn’t around when Texas fans reveled in and even bragged about Deloss being the defacto commissioner of the Big12. Anybody reading this thread, should not be shocked by ADs and administrators whose actions are not always aligned with their high minded ideals. Big time college football is a dirty business and is getting dirtier by the day. We should stop pretending not to know that.
  2. Texas fans believe Texas deserves the same consideration as all B12 schools. In ways that matter, other observers might agree. But it’s unrealistic to expect Yormark or any other leader, who had to work like hell to bring his conference back from the brink, due in large measure to the duplicity and deceit of UT and OU to be disingenuously magnanimous. He’d have to be the dumbest man alive to raise the suspicions of Texas and OU fans and then put a plan in place to cheat them on the football field. Imaginations are running wild here.
  3. Thoughts and prayers have become cliché. We’ve now been reduced to waiting for the next one.
  4. I think we’d do well to remember that Elon has Asperger Syndrome. He should be expected to Have Inappropriate social interactions Conversations that almost always revolve around themselves or a certain topic, rather than others Have An intense obsession with one or two specific, narrow subjects Becoming upset at any small changes in routines Memorizing preferred information and facts easily Difficulty managing emotions, sometimes leading to verbal or behavioral outbursts, self-injurious behaviors or tantrums Not understanding other peoples’ feelings or emotions
  5. If Commissioner Sankey declared tomorrow his desire to have UT and OU beat every B12 team into the ground on their way out the door, I would view that as him advocating for the new members of his conference. That’s what he’s supposed to do. As to your comment about normal behavior - what that is supposed to look like anymore in college football is anybody’s guess. I hear Stanford is trying to join Louisville in the ACC.
  6. I asserted nothing of the kind. The only reason I responded initially was to make light of the umbrage taken by you at Yormark’s anodyne remarks. He spoke candidly in support of a conference member. UT and OU acted in the best interests of their schools. I guess self righteousness is in the eye of the beholder.
  7. Would you feel better had he been disingenuous and displayed more stealth like that shown by the UT and OU brain trusts when plotting to leave the Big 12? UT and OU are lame duck members. They’re happy and so are Big 12 schools. What’s the big deal?
  8. Chuckle, you believe a conference commissioner would be dumb enough to try to fix games undetected against an outgoing member, and you think my post is low IQ.
  9. C”mon. You can’t be serious. Not too long ago, we had the presidents of UT and OU attending Big 12 executive sessions while secretly colluding with the SEC commissioner against the conference in which they held membership. Besides, since when has any Texas fan given a rats ass about anything a Big 12 commissioner says?
  10. He’s wasting his time with all the Jesus talk. The Republican base doesn’t give a damn about Jesus and his liberal teachings. The Christianity begins and ends with the brand.
  11. Christie missed an opportunity to clap back at VR by pointing out Trump has promised vengeance were he to be re-elected.
  12. https://x.com/aghamilton29/status/1693959529329729881?s=61&t=DzQ3uEmiTXjQ__DbXAeoYg
  13. After seeing the carnage, Putin says this is the first he’s heard of it. He’s wondering what happened?
  14. People in enjoy watching good college football. The better thanness element is something networks hype and fans of favored programs glom onto. The differences in viewership are not that great: https://www.heartlandcollegesports.com/2022/12/06/big-12-championship-game-viewership-barely-trails-sec-big-ten-blows-out-pac-12-acc/ The Big 12 Championship game between Kansas State and TCU drew an average of 9.41 million viewers, which ranks them third out of the conference games, just behind the SEC (10.89M) and Big Ten (10.70M)… The Big 12 championship game had more viewers than the ACC and Pac-12 championship games combined. It was much closer to the SEC and B1G in viewership.
  15. Why do Republicans spend so much time trying to limit the rights of people? https://tennesseelookout.com/2023/08/22/tn-house-passes-rules-to-restrict-speech-limit-disruptions-and-public-during-special-session/ Tennessee House Republicans passed a set of rules allowing them to silence lawmakers deemed disruptive, off-topic or who “impugn the reputation” of another member during this week’s special legislative session. The new rules are an attempt by Republican lawmakers to find a way to stop Reps. Justin Jones, D-Nashville, and Justin Pearson, D-Memphis, from disrupting proceedings without expelling them or running afoul of the state constitution, which requires the two men to be able to vote in person on the House floor. “The rules that are being put forward now are to limit freedom of speech,” Pearson said during the debate over them. “It’s not just limiting the freedom of speech of representatives. You are limiting the freedom of speech of our constituents.”
  16. Is the state of Mississippi going to care of this child’s child. She’s not in Arkansas and thus is not allowed to work in a poultry factory.
  17. “Religions should be understood as the fingers that point us to the moon. Not the moon itself.” Richard Rohr
  18. “Meanwhile, the world is FUCKED! Freaking out is a completely normal and logical response to Donald Trump being President and Trump’s behavior in office. What is NOT logical is being the contrarian millionaire who steps back and folds his arms and points at the fire alarm and declares, “Now THAT might be the real problem here." Isn’t this how we collectively deal the the scourge of gun violence?
  19. Since our sanctuary is undergoing significant renovations, we have not returned to the multiple services format. The programming for the one service we have is heavily programmed to appeal to young people. It’s disorienting to the majority of boomers in attendance, but it’s where we are.
  20. David Brooks is nowhere the problem that the ghost of Orval Faubas is: https://thegrio.com/2023/08/21/arkansas-governor-defends-limits-on-ap-black-history-course/
  21. I know they’re smart and all, but I wonder if Stanford knows BC is a religious school?
  22. Much like the Sec benefitted from adding three AAU schools from the Big 12, the Big 12 has added four in their place.
  23. Here’s how you know Brando no longer works for CBS Sports or ESPN: https://x.com/365sportsyt/status/1692574576826368498?s=12
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