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Everything posted by Satchel

  1. The saddest thing about being subsumed into the gun culture is, how after a horrific mass shooting, we sit around and wait for the next one to happen as if there is nothing else we can do.
  2. TheShared Psychosis’ of Donald Trump and His Loyalists https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-shared-psychosis-of-donald-trump-and-his-loyalists/
  3. Yeah, I’m sure Big Mike, Susan Sarandon and Eddie Glaude Jr who just couldn’t bring themselves to vote for Hillary because of principles, are loving the hell out the 6-3 right wing SC (which would have been the exact opposite under Hillary).
  4. This prayer of confession use to be in the UMC hymnal. I always felt convicted when reciting it. We no longer use the hymnal or recite the prayer: Sometimes, Lord, we have been overzealous in our pursuit of purity and truth. We have placed law over love. We've considered harshness to be a virtue and patience to be a fault.We have been quick to condemn and slow to forgive. We have been eager to find fault and have been slow to express sympathy. When the mighty have fallen, we are delighted instead of grieved. Remove from us, Lord, any taint of self-righteousness and give is the loving concern which seeks the healing of your church and the unity of your people.
  5. When you say the “the B1G/SEC will use that threat” don’t you mean the networks will?
  6. Yeah, well, 65k won’t happen at UVA, Georgia Tech, NC State, UNC, Syracuse, BC, Duke or Wake either. And B12 football is perceptibly better.
  7. Justice in Mississippi. I know this shit still happens, but for the life of me I will never understand this kind of bone marrow hatred. https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/13/us/mississippi-white-officers-torture-black-men-federal-charge/index.html The officers then hauled the two men into the living room where all six men spewed racial slurs at them and accused them of taking advantage of the White woman who owned the house. They warned them to stay out of Rankin County and go back to “their side” of the Pearl River, referring to neighborhoods with a higher population of Black residents. Dedmon repeatedly drive-stunned Jenkins – placing the Taser in direct contact with his body – while the two Black men were being taunted. Meanwhile, Opdyke searched the house and kicked open a bedroom door where he found a dildo and a BB gun. Opdyke mounted the dildo on the end of the gun and brought it into the living room. Dedmon took the dildo and slapped Jenkins and Parker in the face with it. He threatened to rape the men with the device, but stopped when he realized Jenkins had defecated on himself. Elward then held Jenkins and Parker down on the floor of the living room while Dedmon poured milk, alcohol and chocolate syrup into their mouths. Dedmon poured cooking grease on Parker’s head. Elward threw eggs at both men.
  8. To me, this is the dilemma billionaires find themselves in. They don’t pursue more money because they need it, They pursue more money because it’s more money. That’s exactly what all of these greedy college programs are doing. At some point piling millions upon top of millions will have diminishing returns I can see schools (much like the NFL had to do) having to impose spending limits on themselves in order to save themselves from themselves.
  9. I’m curious. What will they spend their more money on that other well resourced schools can’t?
  10. Remember when prior to the game, a Michigan player smugly asked what conference TCU played in?
  11. In the wake of Dobbs, this raped kid was forced to give birth. She starts 7th grade in a couple of days: https://nypost.com/2023/08/15/mississippi-rape-victim-13-gives-birth-after-abortion-ban/ A 13-year-old schoolgirl raped by a stranger was forced to give birth because of Mississippi’s abortion ban, according to a heart-wrenching new report. The Clarksdale teen — identified by the pseudonym Ashley — gave birth earlier this summer to a baby boy she’s nicknamed Peanut, her family told Time. Ashley was only 12 last fall when she says a stranger snatched her from her yard and raped her around the side of the house, her mother, Regina, told the magazine. The then-sixth-grader did not tell anyone about the attack and did not learn she was pregnant until January, when she was taken to an emergency room for profuse vomiting. She was so innocent, she did not even know how babies were made, according to her mom. The family found it impossible to get her a termination because of the bans enforced in Mississippi and most surrounding states following the Supreme Court’s ruling last year overturning the constitutional right to abortion.
  12. Yeah, well… https://www.newyorker.com/news/benjamin-wallace-wells/donald-trump-and-the-idea-of-the-rust-belt But even now, as the polls give Trump a higher chance at the Presidency than ever, the possibility of a revolution in the Midwest still looks like conjecture. Last week, Bloomberg Politics published the results of a poll of middle-class voters (those with family incomes between thirty thousand and seventy thousand dollars) in Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. They found that Trump does not even have the support among these voters that Mitt Romney had. The poll had him trailing Hillary Clinton by nine per cent. Writing up the results, John McCormick, of Bloomberg, noted that Trump is “failing—at least so far—to dominate among the sort of voters thought to be more sympathetic to him.” The word that middle-class Midwesterners volunteered most often when they were asked to describe how they felt about the election was “afraid,” which is the word people tend to use when they are alarmed by Donald Trump:
  13. There’s more: https://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/2023/08/16/ken-paxton-used-burner-phones-fake-uber-name-in-cover-up-impeachment-lawyers-allege/?sailthru_id=626815e1c37a8b7a117f51dd&utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Breaking_08162023&utm_term=Breaking News AUSTIN — Ken Paxton gave Nate Paul “unfettered access” to the Texas Attorney General’s office that the developer “harnessed to harass his enemies,” according to new details in a series of documents filed by House impeachment managers on Tuesday. Paxton repeatedly abused his power to help Paul fight a federal investigation into his businesses and then masked his behavior by using burner phones and a secret personal email address, according to the managers, who will argue in a trial next month that Paxton should be removed from office
  14. Side note. The question asked on this morning’s Washington Journal on C-SPAN was should we look to the POTUS for moral leadership. The answers by and large were disappointing, if not surprising. The MAGAs didn’t think much of the idea.
  15. The quality of her candidacy is in the eye of the beholder. I liked a candidate who was conversant on issues both foreign and domestic and was able to articulate a clear vision for the country. That the package came in the form of Hillary Clinton didn’t matter to me.
  16. He’s getting pretty close. It won’t be long now: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-georgia-indictment-riggers-b2393425.html There will be a complete EXONERATION!" Mr Trump wrote of his upcoming presser. "They never went after those that Rigged the Election. They only went after those that found to find the RIGGERS!." Whether or not Mr Trump intended to describe his political enemies using a word that is one letter away from being an exceptionally offensive slur is unclear. What is clear is that plenty of observers noted his use of the word. Arieh Kovler, a current affairs and politics writer, collected a sampling of responses from a group of Trump supporters who post anonymously at a Reddit-like forum. "I don't know if Trump deliberately uses 'RIGGERS!' as a dog-whistle, but his supporters hear it either way," he wrote. “Worth noting here that the ‘riggers’ as a racist codeword has been used for a while in MAGA circles.” Mr Kovler included a screenshot from the site showing one user who said "I love [Trump] so much" because "he just used the word RIGGERS!"
  17. There aren’t many future presidents who will be as prepared to assume the presidency as she was. Trump may have won the election, but as been made abundantly clear, we were the real losers.
  18. Millions more voted for her than for Trump in 2016. It wasn’t her failure. It was ours.
  19. We shouldn’t forget to include Trump saying that people would understand if Raffensperger claimed he made an earlier miscalculation in the vote talley. Ultimately, he threatened to sic Barr on him if he didn’t play ball.
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