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Everything posted by Satchel

  1. Can’t wait until they rule that domestic abusers have a right to possess guns despite their demonstrated propensity for violence.
  2. Yeah, but what happened to promoting our general welfare? Gun violence doesn’t do that.
  3. USC abuts South Central LA to the East and yet thousand come and go without a problem. What is Houston doing wrong?
  4. The most sickening thing about the current rash of shootings is that most of us could have predicted this would happen during this celebration of freedom and liberty. Thing is, just how free are we to pursue happiness is this climate of unchecked gun violence?
  5. Tech may be spending 220 million on their project, but they’re not adding anywhere near 5000 seats: https://texastech.exposure.co/footballfacilityinvestment
  6. More insight into why Dobbs is so important to these people: https://www.dallasobserver.com/news/charlie-kirk-spews-sexism-at-turning-point-usa-event-in-north-texas-16793612 At a women’s conference in Grapevine over the weekend, prominent conservatives rallied around an astonishingly sexist message: Ditch your careers and start pumpin’ out babies, lest ye become a salty old hag someday. Yes, really. Charlie Kirk, founder of the right-wing nonprofit organization Turning Point USA, effectively set the tone for the Young Women's Leadership Summit by mansplaining to the audience how they should live their lives. The political commentator leaned into gender stereotypes the way your drunk Uncle Harry leans into the bar around closing time: hard. At one point during the dayslong event, a young woman opened up about her goal of becoming an orthopedic surgeon. She said she’ll be 30 by the time she can even think of starting a family and asked Kirk for his take.
  7. Does anybody believe that those who are maimed, injured or killed by guns care about the kind of gun that harmed them?
  8. Progressives, unlike conservatives, are late to the party when it comes to really caring about the composition of the SC. The only thing that will get the country’s attention about this rogue court is for Democrats to make publicly compelling case for expanding it.
  9. But Kavanaugh is in no way beholden to the people who made him liquid. Just ask him.
  10. I don’t understand why so many of us refuse to acknowledge that race still matters in America.
  11. I’ve never seen a more thin skinned super majority in my life Roberts scolds liberal justices for demonizing rulings they don't like: 'Disturbing feature' of dissent.
  12. So, Big Noon Saturday it is.
  13. Just so people know, it was not Asian students who filed the AA lawsuit against Harvard. It was a con front group called Students for Fair Admissions headed by something called Edward Blum. The point of these shenanigans is to foment distrust and anger between non dominant cultures.
  14. The Court is still co-signing race deference. Isn’t that what has everybody in a uproar?
  15. What is often forgotten is that 7 in 10 black citizens supported Ruckus’ elevation to the Court, and applied political pressure on Democrats to stop opposing him. How does he repay us? By shitting on us every opportunity he gets. Old scrub board faced, mildewed Imp.
  16. There’s no way today’s ruling should be viewed as an effort to remedy discrimination in higher Ed when it allowed AA to remain in academic institutions that exist to train military officers. What kind of shit is that?
  17. Correct: https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2023/06/29/affirmative-action-who-benefits-white-women/70371219007/
  18. He also checked the conservative black jurist AA box with which he didn’t seem to have a problem. He’s a noxious, self loathing grifter.
  19. I’m not a lawyer nor am I trained to think like one, but I find Robert’s logic absurd. What if a candidates individualized experience is shaped in some significant way by race? Did the majority call itself outlawing us from seeing race? Such rank silliness.
  20. I view politicians much like I view athletes. Don’t have a need to fall in love with them or know them personally. I prefer to support them from afar so long as they can come close to satisfying my expectations of them. Because they are like me, they always have the potential to disappoint. No need to get emotionally invested. Hillary was the best qualified and prepared to be POTUS. That will remain an eternal verity.
  21. I will. Close your eyes. Whatcha see?
  22. In what way was she terrible? The Hillary haters have the hardest time with this.
  23. I disagree that she was terrible, unless of course one considers being a policy wonk beyond the pale. Some people just don’t care much for women when they’re not procreating.
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