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Everything posted by Satchel

  1. Had the principled ideologues been able to hold their noses and vote for the most objectively qualified candidate in 2016, there’s a good chance we would be looking at SC Court with a 7-2 or 6-3 liberal majority. This a word for those who think political pragmatism is overrated.
  2. WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court has existed with its full complement of nine justices for close to 150 years, no matter who occupied the White House. Now some Republican lawmakers suggest they would be fine with just eight for four years more rather than have Hillary Clinton fill the vacancy. The court has operated with eight justices for the past eight months as Republicans controlling the Senate have blocked confirmation hearings for President Barack Obama’s nominee Merrick Garland. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and his GOP colleagues have insisted that American voters should have a say, choosing the next president in Tuesday’s election. The 45th president — either Democrat Hillary Clinton or Republican Donald Trump — would fill the current vacancy created when Justice Antonin Scalia died in February. But several Republicans have said if the voters elect Clinton, they’ll block her nominees, effectively abandoning their advice and consent role for her entire term. “If Hillary Clinton becomes president, I am going to do everything I can do to make sure four years from now, we still got an opening on the Supreme Court,” North Carolina Sen. Richard Burr said in an audio recording of his meeting with GOP volunteers on Saturday. CNN obtained a copy of the audio. GOP Sens. John McCain of Arizona and Ted Cruz of Texas have also suggested blocking any Clinton nominees. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., said in a debate Monday night that he “can’t imagine” voting for any Clinton nominee though he stopped short of vowing to block a pick from a Democratic president. McConnell says simply the next president will make the nomination to fill the current vacancy. The size of the court is set by federal law and has changed over the years, but has been nine justices since 1869. When vacancies arise, they usually are filled within months, if not weeks. But there have twice been stretches of more than two years where the court was one justice short. Another six vacancies lasted more than a year. The most recent was in 1969 and 1970, when Justice Abe Fortas resigned and the Senate rejected two of President Richard Nixon’s nominees before confirming Justice Harry Blackmun https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/clinton-wins-gop-say-no-9-supreme-court
  3. Should Biden be re-elected, along with House and Senate majorities, the Dems should move quickly to add SC justices that reflect the number of circuits. That would bring the number of justices to 13. It’s pretty clear Republicans will never operate in good faith:
  4. Houston, Texas State and UNT may be the only big state universities that have black student populations that hover around 10%. This is in a state which has the largest black population in the country. I guess these numbers are a bridge too far for our color blind Supreme Court.
  5. RFKJ used to attribute his voice infirmity to something he inherited from his mom. Now, he’s claiming it’s a result of being vaccinated when he was younger.
  6. Coach Ball Sack is dug in and he’s taking prisoners. Old big eared oaf…
  7. Nearly five months after Alabama Republican Sen. Tommy Tuberville announced his hold on Department of Defense nominees, the tactic has become a major flashpoint within the US Senate as institutionalists inside the body are voicing concerns the hold could have long-term repercussions and are openly warning an overhaul of the nominations process could be needed. Despite efforts from Republican colleagues, Tuberville’s been resolute, holding up the nomination of roughly 250 military nominees – many promotions that would typically be fast-tracked through the Senate. The dramatic impasse is forcing senators to openly question if it’s time for the body to consider changing the rules or at the very least limit the number of nominations that require Senate confirmation. “Maybe we need another gang to come up with a set of rules changes, but the vast majority of us who understand these tools should be used sparingly, I think we need to raise our voices,” Sen, Mark Warner, a Democrat from Virginia, said. The angst is bipartisan as senators are grow wary of a further roadblocks in a Senate that is already doing very little legislating in divided government. “Are we all gonna start taking hostages now?” Sen. Lisa Murkowski, a Republican from Alaska, said.
  8. The Biden administration announced Monday that Alabama will get $1.4 billion in broadband funding. Sen. Tommy Tuberville celebrated the news, calling the funding "crucial" for rural broadband. But he voted against the 2021 infrastructure bill that established the program he's now Cornyn did the same thing. Republicans and flies…
  9. Is it true the Tech chancellor had armed guards stationed outside of his office once his firing of Leach broke?
  10. This only thing left to bring the moral poverty of the GOP full circle is for McCarthy to appoint Santos to the ethics panel that will sit in judgement of the newly censured Adam Schiff.
  11. Many of us who have been generally supportive of West in the past are giving him major shade because of this stunt.
  12. He’s a Republican stooge chaos agent who was recruited to their movement by Steve Bannon. Now he has RFKJr collaborating with Moms for Liberty.
  13. Conspiracy theorists are an interesting bunch. There should be more studies done on them since they seem to be everywhere and are beginning to have a outsized impact on our body politic.
  14. I didn’t realize he was this crazy. He thinks poppers cause AIDS: https://www.yahoo.com/news/poppers-cause-aids-environment-makes-133912227.html Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the noted conspiracy theorist and anti-vaccine activist, thinks kids (particularly boys) are being made trans from exposure to chemicals in the environment, equating them to frogs in a lab, and he claims AIDS is an environmental condition for which poppers are responsible. Really. The son of former president John F. Kennedy’s brother, the late Robert F. Kennedy, who served as his attorney general, is challenging President Joe Biden as a Democrat in the 2024 election. In two recently unearthed videos, the activist made bizarre and false claims about the existence of transgender people and the origins of AIDS. I see these huge levels of depression and despair, loneliness in kids, and I don’t think that there’s a single cause to it, and I think blaming it on depression about climate is probably over-simplistic,” Kennedy told Canadian far right-wing political pundit and psychologist Jordan Peterson. “A lot of the problems we see in kids, and particularly boys, it’s probably underappreciated that how much of that is coming from chemical exposures, including a lot of the sexual dysphoria that we’re seeing.” Kennedy claimed that kids are “swimming through a soup of toxic chemicals,” including atrazine, a common herbicide.
  15. It’s more than a little ironic that a FOX reporter had to show all of the others how to interview Trump. The only mistake Baier made was not correcting Trump on his claim of creating “the best economy” That’s total bs.
  16. One would certainly hope. Texas needs more than 3 high falutin’ academic schools, especially one of those is aggy.
  17. In what way? They’re all among the 131 Carnegie Classification Institutions of Very High Research Activity.
  18. That would be true of the Oklahoma schools as well. Not enough kids to fill their schools. It’s why Houston, Texas State, UTD and Tech fund themselves competing for kids not going to UT or aggy.
  19. Mark Cuban slammed Joe Rogan Sunday for making what he viewed to be harmful statements against the medical and pharmaceutical industries while propping up anti-vaccination rhetoric from the likes of 2024 presidential hopeful Robert F. Kennedy Jr. “Way to talk in generalities, Joe,” Cuban, who owns Cost Plus Drugs, wrote in a tweet, quote-tweeting Rogan’s own post that said the medical industry is made up of “heartless monsters.” Also Read: Joe Rogan Offers $100,000 to Leading Vaccine Researcher to Debate RFK Jr. Over ‘Nonsense’ Anti-Vaxxer Claims “Not saying there aren’t a lot of f–ked up things about pharma,” Cuban continued, “but to ignore that the same industry has saved who knows how many lives is bulls–t and you know it. It’s also disrespectful to all the doctors, researchers and medical professionals that dedicate their lives to saving lives The social media beef stemmed from Rogan’s recent podcast with Kennedy, a prominent anti-vaxxer, that spotlighted misinformation about the COVID-19 vaccine. That interview led to vaccine researcher Peter Hotez calling it out as “nonsense,” which then led Rogan to challenging Hotez to debate the topic on his podcast with no time limit in exchange for $100,000 donated to a charity of his choice. In his escalating attacks, the podcast host condemned the medical industry as “heartless monsters … [who] look[ed] at human beings as an opportunity to generate insane wealth regardless of the tragic consequences.” In addition to that tweet, Cuban addressed Rogan’s incessant attacks on Hotez, which was only intensified when Twitter owner Elon Musk got involved by sayingHotez was “afraid of a public debate, because he knows he’s wrong.” https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/mark-cuban-blasts-joe-rogan-193818517.html
  20. Apologies to drag queens everywhere, but she looks like a drag queen who doesn’t know how to supply her makeup.
  21. Check out the second response in this aggy thread: https://texags.com/forums/16/topics/3383214
  22. There’s quite a bit of fallout that we’ve yet to consider. From Haaretz: Top brass in the Israeli defense establishment, particularly in the IDF Intelligence Corps and the Mossad espionage agency, are concerned that secret documents seized from former U.S. President Donald Trump include material whose exposure has damaged Israel’s security. Among hundreds of documents removed from the White House were most probably references to Iran and Israel
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