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Everything posted by Satchel

  1. I’m told Kaitlan caught Trump off guard when she asked him if he showed classified documents to anyone and he replied, "not really..." Donald, Jack Smith thanks you.
  2. CNN is determined to make her a star and so is she.
  3. Granny Lauren is a hoot without trying to be.
  4. Don’t despair. Marsha Blackburn has a solution that will not disappoint. She wants to put armed grandmas and grandpas in the schools to stand guard. Problem solved. Stop voting for Republicans.
  5. Isn’t that how Leonard Leo secretly funneled money to Ginni and Ruckus Thomas?
  6. The psychic weight of non stop gun violence has taken a toll on all of us. I started tripping at Market Street recently thinking how easy it would be for a shooter to walk in a pick me off at the self check out. It’s hard to feel liberated or truly free in this environment.
  7. Both of these sites reflect how hatred and ignorance can be affirmed and reinforced by creating safe places to practice your craft without progressive interference. The hilarious part is the way the pose questions to “liberals” knowing full well that all of them have been purged from those sites.
  8. I have to agree. In his sermon on Sunday that dealt with gun violence in general and Allen in particular, the pastor declared silence and inaction in the face of gun violence to be sin and tantamount to compliance.
  9. I think it is vitally important for the 70% of Americans who don’t own guns and who want them strictly regulated to find their voices and stop being intimidated into silence.
  10. As I waited at a signal light along a car in the left turn lane, a guy in a truck pulled up very close behind the car and laid on his horn until the car took off. The aggressive behavior of the guy in the truck made it quite clear that he was packing.
  11. The Allen TX church where Greg Abbott went to think and pray, hosted a viewing of Denesh DeSouza’s pro Trump work of fiction on the 2020 stolen election, 2000 Mules. This may help outsiders understand the kind of twisted Christian praxis most of us in Texas have to contend with.
  12. https://twitter.com/stevanzetti/status/1655335501589540866?s=20
  13. Graphic photos of his slaughtered victims should show up at protests all across the state of this loathsome man.
  14. Don’t forget that many of them suddenly want to make Allen a ghetto hell hole, evidence being the killer drove a Charger, and we all know who drives Chargers.
  15. Shopping centers can follow the lead of Republicans in the legislature and propose bills that would require them shoppers as young as eight to go through training that will teach them how to render aid during mass shootings. Don’t tell me we’re not exceptional.
  16. Update: 9 dead. 3 critical in Allen.
  17. I’m not a ghoul, but what you witnessed is what happens when everybody in America is allowed to buy assault type weapons. It’s especially true in Texas where permits, licenses and training are not a requirement to purchase.
  18. It’s a damn shame these predictions are so easy to make. We’re so fuckin’ broken.
  19. Allen Premier Outlets is a pretty popular place. Wonder if the Governor will let the local authorities build triage kiosks in malls. I mean really nice, upscale ones, because gun carnage creep is real.
  20. Has the governor or Cruz issued a statement confirming their thoughts, prayers and willingness to assist? I see Texas AG, Paxton has urged everybody “to pray for Allen” while he sits on his crooked ass and does nothing. Amen.
  21. These sexually repressed cranks are as predictable as the rising Sun.
  22. Per the WAPO, 8 fake electors in Georgia have accepted Fani Willis’ immunity deals in exchange for truthful testimony abut their involvement in the plot to undermine results. Now we know the real reason why Willis shared her timeline for issuing indictments.
  23. The B12 panicked and in the process made some unwise additions It will be interesting to see how it all works out.
  24. It would be a real kick to revisit the Whites only legislation that created many of the public colleges in Texas against the backdrop of outlawing DEI. History can be a real nuisance.
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