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Everything posted by Satchel

  1. Texans elected and re-elected a law and order AG who respects the rule of law- not a preacher.
  2. Trump and Ramaswamy Show Us How the Worst Get to the Top https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-and-ramaswamy-show-us-how-the-worst-get-to-the-top The fact that people like yours truly found Ramaswamy repellent during Wednesday night’s debate only proves that we are out-of-touch with the base of today’s GOP. But at least we’re not alone. There are numerous reasons to dislike Ramaswamy. He’s cocky. He is often wrong, but never uncertain. And he’s a suck-up; he panders to Trump (calling him “the best president of the 21st century” during the debate). In fairness, some of these criticisms say as much about us as they do about him. Politicians who have paid their dues are understandably resentful of a rich, young tech-bro line-skipper, besting them. And to more jaded journalist types covering the primary, Ramaswamy is the quintessential eager beaver who wants to be the teacher's pet. He’s Uriah Heep. He’s Eddie Haskell saying, “Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Cleaver.” Sycophantic villains long ago became tropes precisely because audiences spotted and inherently disdained them. Once you understand (and accept) this reality, it’s easier to make political predictions regarding the GOP. Who wins? It’s almost always the “craziest son of a bitch.” Who wins? The people who have no sense of shame. The people who are willing to kiss your butt—or slit your throat—depending on the circumstances. In this type of culture, attributes like decency, merit, and consistency become liabilities. Asa Hutchinson is too decent (read boring) to win. But the slick and fast-talking Ramaswamy is perfectly suited to thrive in this “Give us Barabbas!” era.
  3. I agree that the LHN is/was a convenient whipping boy. It’s not like Texas gave itself a network. ESPN is the author and finisher of all of the chaos in college football.
  4. If more Americans were brave and honest enough to disclose how much they don’t like guns, it would shock the world.
  5. Absolutely true.
  6. Sane people must start challenging the prevailing notion that the 2nd amendment sacrosanct and more important than all of the other amendments. It is not, and it’s time we start ensuring domestic tranquility and allowing everybody a reasonable opportunity to pursue happiness.
  7. This is the thought that pains and keeps it real for me. The 52 year old lady, along with the two men, aged 19 and 29, left home to go the Dollar General. As we do everyday, they had a reasonable expectation they would return home, as had been the case countless times before. You just don’t want to believe that you’ll be shot to death because of a fateful decision to go the the store around the corner.
  8. I know this is Texas, but damn! https://www.yahoo.com/news/conservative-texas-supreme-court-rules-040843808.html Republicans in Texas are laying the groundwork to legally suppress the vote in Harris County— a democratic stronghold and the state’s largest county. On Tuesday, the Republican-controlled Texas Supreme Court ruled Harris County has to disband its elections office by September 1st and give the state's Republican secretary of state oversight power of the county's elections
  9. He should familiarize himself with the modified version of the “cracker slapper” popularized in the aftermath of the Riverboat Rebellion in Montgomery. The folding mechanism on them fits perfectly across the brows of ignorant, dumb biscuit bakers on the take.
  10. If one googles stories about Deloss, one will find any number of glowing articles about his long tenure at Texas. One will also find some not so flattering takes as well. In one such article, a Tulsa Herald writer called him a dictator and said; “Dodds has been the Big 12's de facto commissioner from the day the league was officially formed on Feb. 25, 1994. Schools have either played by his rules or else.” Following Deloss’ retirement, that kind of talk has clearly become clearly water under the bridge since OU was invited to tag along with Texas to their new home. Money really does make strange bedfellows.
  11. Here’s the rest of the story. Trump was allowed to self record his measurements in advance and provide them to Fulton County. He shaved off 30-40 pounds because he can’t be honest about anything.
  12. I agree with your view of the predicate established by UT and OU to be “discreet.” Nice job.
  13. I have no earthly idea what the solution might be. Money is the driver here and will continue to be until there’s no more of it.
  14. I find it hilarious that some of you think Yormark was being petty Betty at one of his school’s kickoff luncheons When has the kind of equanimity you expect ever existed in the 27 year history of the B12? It certainly wasn’t around when Texas fans reveled in and even bragged about Deloss being the defacto commissioner of the Big12. Anybody reading this thread, should not be shocked by ADs and administrators whose actions are not always aligned with their high minded ideals. Big time college football is a dirty business and is getting dirtier by the day. We should stop pretending not to know that.
  15. Texas fans believe Texas deserves the same consideration as all B12 schools. In ways that matter, other observers might agree. But it’s unrealistic to expect Yormark or any other leader, who had to work like hell to bring his conference back from the brink, due in large measure to the duplicity and deceit of UT and OU to be disingenuously magnanimous. He’d have to be the dumbest man alive to raise the suspicions of Texas and OU fans and then put a plan in place to cheat them on the football field. Imaginations are running wild here.
  16. Thoughts and prayers have become cliché. We’ve now been reduced to waiting for the next one.
  17. I think we’d do well to remember that Elon has Asperger Syndrome. He should be expected to Have Inappropriate social interactions Conversations that almost always revolve around themselves or a certain topic, rather than others Have An intense obsession with one or two specific, narrow subjects Becoming upset at any small changes in routines Memorizing preferred information and facts easily Difficulty managing emotions, sometimes leading to verbal or behavioral outbursts, self-injurious behaviors or tantrums Not understanding other peoples’ feelings or emotions
  18. If Commissioner Sankey declared tomorrow his desire to have UT and OU beat every B12 team into the ground on their way out the door, I would view that as him advocating for the new members of his conference. That’s what he’s supposed to do. As to your comment about normal behavior - what that is supposed to look like anymore in college football is anybody’s guess. I hear Stanford is trying to join Louisville in the ACC.
  19. I asserted nothing of the kind. The only reason I responded initially was to make light of the umbrage taken by you at Yormark’s anodyne remarks. He spoke candidly in support of a conference member. UT and OU acted in the best interests of their schools. I guess self righteousness is in the eye of the beholder.
  20. Would you feel better had he been disingenuous and displayed more stealth like that shown by the UT and OU brain trusts when plotting to leave the Big 12? UT and OU are lame duck members. They’re happy and so are Big 12 schools. What’s the big deal?
  21. Chuckle, you believe a conference commissioner would be dumb enough to try to fix games undetected against an outgoing member, and you think my post is low IQ.
  22. C”mon. You can’t be serious. Not too long ago, we had the presidents of UT and OU attending Big 12 executive sessions while secretly colluding with the SEC commissioner against the conference in which they held membership. Besides, since when has any Texas fan given a rats ass about anything a Big 12 commissioner says?
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