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Pam Cummings

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Pam Cummings

  1. He took a giant sack and then got stripped for a turnover where they got a FG lol like what are we even talking about.
  2. He loves bragging about how much money he's made for everyone though. Like how tone deaf do you have to be.
  3. I mean if I'm being honest if some other fan base did it I'd probably think they were trashy. But in this specific instance I can forgive it because the call on the field was that egregious in how bad it was. That game is basically over if they call that a penalty and give Georgia the ball back.
  4. What is this dipshitted gibberish? Learn to fucking read and write you morons. God damn.
  5. Uhhh no. LG keeps himself between his man and Quinn. That's a terrible sack.
  6. Arch came in and had the exact same issues as Quinn. He took a terrible sack and then turned the ball over leading directly to points for them. I'm not sure how it can be argued that he was the "for sure" better option.
  7. I'm up early for golf. Smells like bitch in here. Kirby Smart is a fat titted bitch who will lose to Florida next week.
  8. This game reminds me a lot of that okie state game from a couple of years ago
  9. He's fuckin short you fucks. Stuff them again
  10. One of the trashiest fuckin calls I've ever seen.
  11. Never celebrate a big play it's always a flag
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