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Pam Cummings

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Pam Cummings

  1. Dude. When are you going to learn that it doesn't matter who the candidate is? The Republicans will just smear them. They will create 1000 lies, none of which will be properly debunked, and a good portion of america will blindly regugitate them. If you think there is some magical unicorn candidate out there that will unite everybody in 4 months, and is immune to republican smear campaigns, I have a bridge to sell you. Biden to me is the only one who has been able to succeed despite the lies. He is who he is. This last ditch effort to smear him and throw him out is very clearly a coordinated effort by the right and their media. And again, I'm not voting "for Biden". I am voting "for policies that aren't facism".
  2. If we had respectable media in this country these wouldn't be the candidates in the first place.
  3. If you were really that concerned about it you would be upset at our media. You watched a debate where the candidates argued about fucking golf handicaps and talked about nothing important and your takeaway is "we gotta get Biden out of there" while the media did nothing to critique, criticize, or hold Trump to any sort of respectable standard. He does nothing but lie. But instead of digging in on that, we focus on Biden. In what other aspect of this world do we do that?
  4. Yes it is. That's exactly what this is. This is "let's spend all our time talking about Biden being old(something we've all known for his entire presidency, he didn't wake up and suddenly turn 83), and never talk about the fact that Trump is a felon, liar, more senile, and oh yeah, a fascist". Nobody is talking about any of those things because the rich elite control the media and are currently using it to divide and conquer. That is the main takeaway I get from reading this thread.
  5. Again I repeat: this isn't the fault of you or I. And I certainly respect that his presidency isn't perfect and there are things he could have or should have done better. Did all of those things you listed happen because he is old and senile? Or is it more nuanced? All I'm saying. The blame for all of this lies with the media. They are more concerned with money than being informative. They don't push back on bullshit. They allow a landscape to exist where people call Biden old and senile but Trump is perfectly fine. This is really their fault. I think that a lot needs to change in our media landscape for shit to go back to normal.
  6. He's been the president for 4 years now. Don't you think if he was really dumb and senile shit would be a lot worse? I don't see anyone connecting any dots of his old senility to bad policies or bad decisions being made? Did your eyes and ears clearly see him being fine at speeches after the debate?
  7. I don't think that not supporting Biden = supporting Trump. But I think the only way Trump wins is if there is a very public discussion about Biden being old and senile. Which is fucking stupid. That's what they want. Don't fall for that shit. Every news network on earth jumping on a guy because he stumbled in a "debate" where the 2 candidates argued about their golf scores for fucks sake. And not one outlet questions the sanity of Trump? It's all about Biden? GTFO.
  8. More ESPN updates than baskets made.
  9. I refuse to be a part of any political discourse that holds one candidate to a different standard than the other. I refuse to sit by and watch people talk about Biden being unfit while the alternative candidate is a raving lunatic. I refuse to watch or consume any of this concern trolling that is happening in the media, who is only concerned with dividing so that they can make more money for their shareholders. Biden is the same person he was before the debate. If you lot wanted another candidate you had your chance to make it happen.
  10. I don't give a fuck if Biden is dead I'm voting for him. Stop being dumbasses.
  11. They were 11 points down at one point in the 4th quarter. Yes, that is actually how it works.
  12. I like Kelsey Mitchell. She's got guts.
  13. I got no idea what those French announcer dudes are saying in that video, but I'm pretty sure I can guess.
  14. Went full Spieth on 13. Couldn't help himself.
  15. Jordan is going low early. -5 thru 7. Had a talk with Sark, AGNB
  16. Welp, got hooked on Supacell.
  17. She looks even more like Ron Perlman than Ron Perlman.
  18. Coulda had Bronny and someone actually worth drafting, but instead being able to say "Bronny was drafted" took precedence. That's just.....so god damn hilarious to me.
  19. We gotta unfuck the media landscape somehow. You can't have 95% of news controlled by like 3 people. You just can't. This, to me, is the biggest area of danger when it comes to our society being radicalized. It really is classic divide and conquer shit.
  20. But her and Diana spooned after the result the other night, the tide has turned.
  21. It was so fucking funny how the media turned on Tiger after the accident. They knew all along and just played along because it was convenient. Then the second there was a chance, they fucking dragged him. Made the guy out to be a murderer and made him apologize to us like he owed us that shit or something. That was really weird. Probably would be like a couple of days of news and we move on if it happened now.
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